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  • Disciples / Traubel 594
Search : William White
Sub Section : Disciples / Traubel

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Saturday, May 26, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

You will see that the spot at the left side of the hair, near the temple, is a white blur, and does not

Frank Williams did not get in The American this week after all.

Friday, August 14, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Added, "When Anne came in Frank Williams was here.

Spielmann's Black and White of March 16th addressed curiously to W. as "poet" at "Boston USA."

Friday, June 20, 1890

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

I was in to see Talcott Williams today at the Press.

W.Talcott Williams had a report of W. W.'s talk about immortality at the dinner.

Williams in favor of printing the matter together—very generously urging upon me, also, to let no cost

Also a birthday book for one of the Johnston girls and a paper for Bucke.Talcott Williams discovered

W.Talcott Williams's regret that Eakins had not attended the dinner W. said—"I am more sorry about Dave—we

Monday, April 9, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Tucker," said W., "has been giving me the very devil in Liberty for calling the Emperor William a 'faithful

Take William O'Connor—take Tucker himself—they deserve to be listened to."

Just as I was about to leave W. reverted to the Emperor William affair: "Do you think I had better write

it clear that my reference was to the Emperor as a person—that my democracy included him: not the William

the tyrant, the aristocrat, but the William the man who lived according to his light: I do not see why

Monday, April 13, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

I was in to see Talcott Williams. He will send us the colloquy.

Talcott Williams likewise told me he cared nothing for anything Ingersoll said—did not care to preserve

Williams had intended printing and circulating among W.'s friends.

Williams' "popularity" among "the boys" in town, and seemed surprised when I said he said he seemed disliked

Williams, W. said, "I hardly remember what it all amounts to.

Monday, February 11, 1889

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

[W. broke in: "Oh, William, William! it wasn't, it wasn't! God help us!"]

William? that's a fighting word!" laughing.]

This morning Doctor Bucke sends me William's letter.

Poor William! poor all of us!" I said again: "Rich all of us, too! Rich William! rich Walt!"]

Talked of young Emperor William.

Sunday, September 7, 1890

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

WhitmanGeorge Horton in the Chicago HeraldAn old man I once saw,Bowed low was he with time,Heart-frosted, white

Wednesday, May 8, 1889

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

O'Connor said if William ever recovered consciousness he would no doubt enjoy W.'

I had a postal from Washington this morning of rather dark import—telling me my dear friend William O'Connor

W. bantered with him: "You will get a good apron—a nice clean white apron—and be given a harp or what-not—and

Sunday, March 10, 1889

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

B. then said gravely: "We must not forget, Walt, that William is living right on the edge of the grave—that

W. again: "Surely, surely: William started out auspiciously, dynamically: never dissipated in any way

I interrupted—"You said that of the white man the other day."

Monday, December 21, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

which I now took.At the Bank a whole string of visitors and inquirers, among them Brinton, Frank Williams

The ground is white but not enough snow to make decent sleighing which is aggravating.

leaving him and taking a very brief run in on Billstein, I hurried towards Camden, meeting Frank Williams

Tuesday, May 27, 1890

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Every day or two the picturesque figure of the great, shaggy beard, blowing in the breeze, the huge white

Talcott Williams hails from Springfield."—And then by some reference to T.

W.Talcott Williams's connection with the Press: "Of the man Calvin Wells, and that other, Charles Emery

Monday, April 28, 1890

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Frank Williams had sent him a copy. Said he had enjoyed it.

Even William O'Connor, who, of all men, you would think protected, exempt, bore traces of it, from head

I should thank Frank Williams for his American note—"Tell him it is just what I could have hoped for—to

Williams in to see me about newspaper friends of W. W.

One of the "points of value" in Williams' paragraph was "the quite evident kindliness—the willingness

Wednesday, May 6, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Gave me a copy of Black and White (England)—"They can't touch our illustrators—can't reach the edge of

Friday, January 2, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Said he had no word from Talcott Williams yet anent Reisser colloquy—"my type-written copy" he called

W. laughing, "I think William O'Connor had a good deal to do with that, a good deal, though Stedman is

William had the same determination plus a certain native genius—just as determined guns, though with

William had an immense virile conviction which it was hard to oppose."

But William had no such intellectual power as we see in Bob—though he was not a fool, either: had it

Wednesday, January 20, 1892

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Later in afternoon I saw Williams again and he gave me some account of the visit.

Stedman was for going right up but Williams instructed Mrs.

I shook my head—Williams exposing me—I arguing, "I don't see the bitterness of it."

"I consider him a dying man," and Williams himself said he was "shocked" to see him so changed.

But Williams agreed with me rather than with Stedman.

Monday, August 19, 1889

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

That was the one William Swinton most affected—most read. You know about William Swinton?

Leaves of Grass: and his wife too: a fine, large, splendid, handsome woman—mother of children—for William

William went west—to Oakland—taught there in the college—was Professor of something or other.

Asked me for close particulars as to the Boston trouble—then— "Aside from that, William has been very

Wednesday, November 13, 1889

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

"William O'Connor and Nellie O'Connor occupy a large place in my memory—not in my memory alone, but in

And now that William is no more—now that William is gone—gone forever, from physical sight—the great,

surpassing William!

She told me many things about the funeral—about William's death—the last days—which it was only possible

Thursday, November 22, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

"I have been wondering if there may not be a better paper than white for our books," adding: "Has the

havealready been experimenting for centuries—three or four of them—and that this is the result: for white

apper, indisputably for white."

Thursday, July 9, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Had patched to the Reeder picture this, written on a slip of white paper: "Beth: Walt Whitman's and parents

was never consulted, and of which he had no more knowledge than any other routine clerk about the White

now repeat that, in obedience to a telegraphic request from President Lincoln, I visited him at the White

Saturday, March 15, 1890

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

W. thinking: "How different William was!—the prince of company!

There was no company like William—I never met another, man or woman.

When we were all in Washington together, it was always 'Walt' and 'John' and 'William'—the choice of

Friday, October 9, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

W. saying, "I tell you what, Horace, you ought to make out at some length a magazine piece about William

To tell the story of William's life—what he seemed here for—what he stood for—the aim, accomplishment

Paul, but W. shook his head, "Anyway, we will insist that William must be recognized by force of his

The noble William!"

Indeed, I think my own Lincolnism was a good deal the result of William's pressure—Gurowski's.

Saturday, July 25, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

See, Anne—see the boats—the white sails. And you think, Horace, we can't get along the shore here?

"Any manuscript of William's has an interest for me." He did not seem exhausted on return.

Thursday, January 28, 1892

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

was mistaken—Harry had nothing to do with Illustrated American piece, but says there's little doubt William

William there, however, on the ground. Paper just commencing to pay.

Harry further said, "William has written a paper for Lippincott's on Whitman.

Told him of William Walsh's Lippincott's piece—not speaking of it as an obituary notice.

"I think William should have something to say," W. remarked slowly. "You say this is a study?"

Tuesday, July 21, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

And, "How William would storm and cry out if I made a change in 'Leaves of Grass'—a comma, even.

Even the day of the discharge "he came around—cool, undisturbed—William too stunned himself to vent the

W. declared, "William was what I said in my little piece, a shield for the oppressed—a knight of chivalric

William was different—his poise admirable. Such knowingness, such fidelity!

Noble William—child of best generations—picked from all—the flower of the modern!"

Sunday, July 1, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

As I told you, I was profoundly impressed by a couple of articles in the Fortnightly Review by Sir William

In the best health, we grow lean, Sir William Thompson says, like a man training for the ring.

How can white think well of black? And then, the anti-copperhead talk is still rampant here.

Monday, November 2, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Brinton thinks inter-marriage would deteriorate the white race.

expresses affection for the fellows—with a particular word for Brinton and Morris—and concern for Frank Williams

Talcott Williams present at Penn Club. The main thing—the cordiality mixed with entire freedom.

Tuesday, April 22, 1890

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

He thought copies should go to Clifford, Brinton, Frank Williams and Morris—and I engaged to take them

Subsequently he followed with words of sweet cheer: "You will see Frank Williams tonight?

Left with him a copy of the American containing Frank Williams' comment on the Contemporary Club meeting

Monday, April 30, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Monday, April 30, 1888.W. said: "I want you to have this letter of William's for your archives.

It would be valuable enough if it was only William's—but it happens to be more than that.

He encloses a letter from George William Curtis—it makes good history.

William elicited a noble reply.

Part of it is very fine.I wonder if young William Allingham wrote it?

Friday, January 18, 1889.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

But read, Horace: read: I want to hear William: read! read!" Providence, R.I. Mar. 27, 1883.

["That 'sThat's right, William!"

["Don't be so sure of that, William!

["It did, William!" said W., "and the noise of it has not yet all died out!"]

["O William! William!

Saturday, October 24, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Frank Williams there—later Jastrow—later still Morris.

Williams told me this. Lincoln Eyre's mother, Mrs.

Williams astonished and pleased.

I promise, knowing W. has copies and would do it, and that Frank Williams could nowhere else get them

Liked Williams immensely. On way to Philadelphia we made notes on boat.

Sunday, August 30, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

(W. says, "Yes, I guess I saw that letter—William had several from Newman about that time—all noble,

hand; innumerable Whitman newspaper excerpts which she designs for Bucke's collection; scrapbook of William's

W. says, "I am sure William was more right than John in all that.

How magnificent William had to be when he crossed swords with anyone!

O'Connor alive with anecdote and story—brings new pictures of William and W.

Monday, November 19, 1888

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

"Williams sends us good news from Russia, that most inaccessible of all countries.

that is: William can do that sort of thing better than any man writing to-daytoday."

"Yes," said W., "I noticed what William has to say about him.

W. shook his head over William's anti-Garfield argument. "Suppress the piece? Why suppress it?

: who 'dwho'd have thought of diving for it but William?

Friday, October 23, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

W.W. at 4:15 and with him first to see Talcott Williams, at Press, who was fortunately in and with whom

Afterward came in Frank Williams, and still later Harned—and these made the party.

Wallace next me, opposite us Morris and Clifford, to the right Frank Williams and Buckwalter, to the

The Emerson letters were brought out (I had them in my pocket) and read aloud—Frank Williams the 1855

Williams recalls "the night Ingersoll sat here with us, spouting Shakespeare."

Saturday, September 1, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Affectionately,William D.

O'Connor.Here is what W. said of O'Connor: "William is the last of his race—no one is left but William

Burroughs thinks William too strenuous—keyed up monotonously too high—but I do not.

To me William is self-justified in the truest sense of the word.

William's onslaught is terrifying—it always means business."

Saturday, May 19, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

"It does a fellow good to receive such notes: William is always so breezy, so cute.

By the way, Horace, here is an old letter of William's I have saved for you."

What I mean is this—that William is a great scholar—has the whole business in his fingers—can reel off

William is a constant marvel to me—like the sun each morning, like the stars every night: he never grows

the days pass, the years pass, by and bye William will pass, I am afraid, with the work undone.

Monday, July 20, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

As I understood it, he went to Boston to urge on Houghton the publication of William's book.

Indeed, yes—I often stopped in on William there: they were great days."

After all, William was the top bough—the nearest heaven!

I asked William, 'Is that authentic?'

William was an ardent lover of Ingersoll's, always—thought everything of him."

Tuesday, January 8, 1889.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

A good looking man, long white beard, aquiline features, keen eyes—spare, sinewy frame, full of restrained

Rolleston was a knight-errant: the real Irish stuff: like William: radiant, forible, illuminative: I

Frances Emily White to open with The Evolution of Ethics. W. exclaimed: "Oh! that is a subject!

Monday, April 29, 1889

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

White did not know. "He was a Washington fellow, too. But now he is dead!

I asked Morris today who it was among Frank Williams' folks was dead, describing Curtis' few words last

Williams' mother had been subjected to some surgical operation which proved fatal—this in the presence

Thursday, January 3, 1889.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

After the white woman the negro. "But not universally the negro.

William was always a world of help in these treaties with editors: he was an intercessory force: knew

Some invited, most did n'tdidn't: but whether the one thing or the other, William mediated with his customary

Tuesday, October 27, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

27, 1891Wallace met me, 4:55, as by appointment at Drexel Building, and here we looked up Frank Williams

Williams and I pointed out to Wallace the main places, buildings, landmarks—and we wandered across the

Williams said, "I am glad you fellows came in to see me.

Wallace had joked with Williams, "I find I have got to Timber Creek before some of your people here."

Then, "I saw by the papers that William's 'Three Tales' are to be out today.

Saturday, October 19, 1889

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

that: a clientage of the orthodox fellows—the regulation literary men—the men of the Richard Grant White

Wednesday, November 26, 1890

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

O'Connor's letter, too, and "sorry," he said, "that all the publishing of William's book seems yet in

Poor William! Great William!"

Sunday, January 13, 1889.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Cooper has been coaxing, persuading, begging, entreating, commanding even William to go on with them

and I assented most heartily.Dear Walt, we long for you, William sighs for you, and I feel as if a large

The O'Connor home was my home: they were beyond all others—William, Nelly—my understanders, my lovers

My relations with Nelly and William were quite exceptional: extended to both phases—the personal, the

general: they were my unvarying partisans, my unshakable lovers—my espousers: William, Nelly: William

Wednesday, February 11, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

You have touched upon the subject nearest & dearest to my heart.This idea of having William's descriptions

will sell too, tremendously, if the right house does the publishing & manages it properly.I told William

put you in possession of the things you will need to know, & a few choice people who worked with William

the best New Year's present that I could have had, as this business of getting these matters of William's

the descriptions, surpass any thing that he ever did, & as someone said, no one but Victor Hugo, or William

Friday, March 1, 1889

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

exclaimed W.: "Who can say such things like William?

and poor William today knows better than ever how plausible his singular phantasm was!"]

yes: William must have his fling!"]

["Like the Irishman," said W.: "I'm wid you, William!

I remember what poor William says: he says I always like my idiot pictures best!"

Friday, December 21, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

When I was through he said: "William says there: 'It will go hard if I cannot make such a cloud belch

He made it belch many thunders: William had unlimited capacity for raising hell: I don't mean that he

John Hay was a great admirer of William—way back there: he said about the same thing Stedman did—said

I think Stedman was a bit afraid of William—was timid—just a bit, befor his vehemence: just as Gilder

always has been: William gets on Watson's nerves—William is so virile, Watson so feminine (I don't mean

Monday, July 30, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

"They are a part of me—I am a part of them—William, Nellie.

He smiled quietly: "When William gets going he is more exciting than an alarm of fire. Read it."

Did you notice William's fling at Comstock? What a foolish question—of course you noticed it.

W. thought the "Good Morrow" incident in the letter, "most characteristic of William—most beautiful:

just like him in every way," adding: "You know William never stopped to invent, to manufacture, such

Monday, August 20, 1888.

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

William would call me by a few strong names and then go to work again with his heresy.

John and William are very different men.

John is a placid landscape—William is a landscape in a storm.

William is quite different: he whips me with cords—he makes all my flesh tingle—he is like a soldier

home with either—equally at home—but on the whole William mixes best with my blood."

Wednesday, May 13, 1891

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

Asked me if I had given my father Black and White? "I thought it a strong array of pictures.

Tuesday, March 19, 1889

  • Creator(s): Horace Traubel | Traubel, Horace

I read him this passage from a letter written by Morris to me yesterday: "Williams and I took a trip

W. had made up considerable mail—mostly papers: said: "I always write William's postal in the evening

said: "Show Dave the Saturday Review, then mail it right off to O'Connor tomorrow: I shall write William

He added: "Some day I want you to enlarge on that: I want you to put it down, in black and white, so

can be understood for and against: you should say something in that line in one of your letters to William

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