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  • Letters / Correspondence 25


  • 1862 25
Search : of captain, my captain!
Sub Section : Letters / Correspondence
Year : 1862

25 results

Ellen Eyre to Walt Whitman, 25 March 1862

  • Date: March 25, 1862
  • Creator(s): Ellen Eyre

Tuesday Mar 25 1862 Walt Whitman My dear Mr.

My social position enjoins precaution & mystery, and perhaps the enjoyment of my friend's society is

heightened which in yielding to its fascination I preserve my incognito; yet mystery lends an ineffable

—You have already my whereabouts & my hours—It shall only depend upon you to make them yours and me the

George Washington Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 1 June 1862

  • Date: June 1, 1862
  • Creator(s): George Washington Whitman

I was in my tent, washing and geting ready to go on parade, when our Orderly Sergeant came to my tent

I was quite taken aback I tell you as it was done so quietly that I was taken by surprise and my being

George Washington Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 10 November 1862

  • Date: November 10, 1862
  • Creator(s): George Washington Whitman

the army is doing, or how the New York election went, so you see we are a long way behind the age  Captain

Mother, I must stop writing as my candle is going out, and I hope in a few days we will get where we

Annotations Text:

Francis, also of Buffalo, New York, was promoted to the rank of captain to replace Hazard when the latter

George Washington Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 11 July 1862

  • Date: July 11, 1862
  • Creator(s): George Washington Whitman

been bothered considerably with some sort of a rash which broke out in blotches nearly as large as my

hand all over my arms and body  it burns very bad, the Doctor said it was the effects of the heat, and

My Love to all.

George Washington Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 12 April 1862

  • Date: April 12, 1862
  • Creator(s): George Washington Whitman

We have moved our camp since my last letter and are now on the Newbern side of the Trent river,  we have

My apointment dates from the 14th of March, the day of the battle of Newberne.

Our Captain is a young man from Buffalo N.Y. named Hazard whose father is very rich and we live in fine

up to the first of March,  I received $42  I had to buy lots of new things and have spent nearly all my

Annotations Text:

Morris Hazard, Jr., captain of Company D until his discharge from the army on May 7, 1862.

Francis of Buffalo, New York, was promoted to the rank of captain to replace Hazard when the latter left

George Washington Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 12 May 1862

  • Date: May 12, 1862
  • Creator(s): George Washington Whitman

We have not been paid off yet Mother but we expect to be in a very few days,  just as soon as I get my

Annotations Text:

Francis of Buffalo, New York, was promoted to the rank of captain to replace Hazard when the latter left

George Washington Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 16 December 1862

  • Date: December 16, 1862
  • Creator(s): George Washington Whitman

We have had another battle and I have come out safe and sound, although I had the side of my jaw slightly

scraped with a peice of shell which burst at my feet.

George Washington Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 16 March 1862

  • Date: March 16, 1862
  • Creator(s): George Washington Whitman

scratch although the balls fairly rained around me, and several of our boys were struck down close by my

better acount of the fight, than I can give you (from the papers) but I know you will want to hear my

the back of the neck passing out of his cheek,   I took off the rubber blanket that I had straped on my

a tent where he now lies in a very critacle condition,   The Chaplain of our regt was killed. one Captain

Annotations Text:

corner the following verses are printed: Bright Banner of Freedom with pride I unfurl thee;Fair Flag of my

be-holdbehold thee,Gleaming above us in freshness and youth,Emblem of Liberty, Symbol of truth;For the Flag of my

Sprague held the rank of captain in Company B of the Thirteenth New York State Militia from April 23,

George Washington Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 17 August 1862

  • Date: August 17, 1862
  • Creator(s): George Washington Whitman

to send letters which may be oftener than I supose as I know nothing about where we shall go Direct my

George Washington Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 19? December 1862

  • Date: December 19?, 1862
  • Creator(s): George Washington Whitman
Annotations Text:

George received his promotion to captain on December 12, 1862—with the date of rank retroactive to November

George Washington Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 20 October 1862

  • Date: October 20, 1862
  • Creator(s): George Washington Whitman

no bed, but I have, and a bedstead too, made with four croched sticks drove in the ground, thus and my

Annotations Text:

Francis of Buffalo, New York, was promoted to the rank of captain to replace Hazard when the latter left

George Washington Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 21 July 1862

  • Date: July 21, 1862
  • Creator(s): George Washington Whitman

I am perfectly well now although I was a little under the weather the first week I came here  my eyes

My Pious regards to all the family and good night to all. G.W.

George Washington Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 21 September 1862

  • Date: September 21, 1862
  • Creator(s): George Washington Whitman

I had command of our Company (as the Captain was not well although he was on the field) and I had mighty

dead lay in heaps and in a road for nearly a quarter of a mile they lay so thick that I had to pick my

You speak in your letter of Walts seeing the Captain of our Co at Major LeGendre's office,  it was the

George Washington Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 27 April 1862

  • Date: April 27, 1862
  • Creator(s): George Washington Whitman

New York  I wrote you a letter a couple of weeks since (which I suppose you received) telling you of my

position first rate and am getting along very well indeed, and as the pay is good , I am glad both on my

Well Mother it is getting late and rather chilly writing here in my tent so I must stop and go to bed

George Washington Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 29 June 1862

  • Date: June 29, 1862
  • Creator(s): George Washington Whitman

Give my love to all, and write soon. G. W.

George Washington Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 30 September 1862

  • Date: September 30, 1862
  • Creator(s): George Washington Whitman

Sept 30th 1862 Dear Mother We are still laying quietly at the place from which I dated my last letter

The captain of our company has gone home on a twenty days furlough.

to buisness since I have been sogering, and the regt never went on a march or into a fight without my

Direct my letters Sturgis Division, Ferreros Brigade 9th Army Corps  I often think that I can imagine

Annotations Text:

Morris Hazard, Jr. was captain of Company D until his discharge from the army on May 7, 1862.

George Washington Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 5 September 1862

  • Date: September 5, 1862
  • Creator(s): George Washington Whitman

the night a volley of about 20 shots were fired into us and some of the balls passed mighty close to my

men who had been shot and I took 8 or 10 cartridges from some of the wounded and had a few shots on my

George Washington Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 5? September 1862

  • Date: September 5, 1862?
  • Creator(s): George Washington Whitman

The 14th of Brooklyn have lost very heavy  among the killed are Captains Davey and Mallery.  

Mother do not feel the least uneaisiness about me as I never was heartier or ruggeder in my life.

Annotations Text:

Davey, Captain of Company H, and George Mallory, Captain of Company B, both of the Eighty-Fourth Regiment

George Washington Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 8 December 1862

  • Date: December 8, 1862
  • Creator(s): George Washington Whitman

I have been out with my Co on Picket but we are now back to Camp,  I had charge of the line, for more

than a mile, so that I had to keep my Eyes open,  we were posted along the bank of the river which is

Mother you ask if my throat troubles me any now.

Not a bit,  I never felt better in my life,  one thing I have learned in this war, and that is, that

George Washington Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 9 February 1862

  • Date: February 9, 1862
  • Creator(s): George Washington Whitman

Clock it comenced to rain not very hard but enough to make it very unpleasant  I stuck it out until my

Brigade driving the enemy untill we got into a thick swamp where the mud and water was over the top of my

order to charge and away we went  the water flying over our heads as we splashed through it  I was in my

pickets all day so that we must have some 2500 to night  I have seen 1 or 2 Colonels and lots of captain

work yesterday is a little stiffness in my legs from walking George Washington Whitman to Louisa Van

Annotations Text:

Captain O. Jennings Wise died as a result of wounds on February 9, 1862.

George Washington Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 9 June 1862

  • Date: June 9, 1862
  • Creator(s): George Washington Whitman

The Captain of our company has a Wife, staying at his Brothers in Burlington Vermont,  he has writen

, and if Mac, does the clean thing at Richmond I dont see what hope will be left them I told you in my

Annotations Text:

Morris Hazard, Jr. was captain of Company D until his discharge from the army on May 7, 1862.

George Washington Whitman to Mary Elizabeth Whitman, 19 March 1862

  • Date: March 19, 1862
  • Creator(s): George Washington Whitman

although the balls rained around me for over two hours, and several of our boys were struck down close to my

651 men when we went into the fight, and lost about 100 in killed and wounded, among whom was some of my

I took off the blanket that I had strapped to my back, laid him on it, got some help and carried him

We had one captain, one lieutenant, 3 orderly sergeants, our Chaplain, and 16 or 18 privates killed.

He was by my side when he was struck and was an intimate friend of mine.

Walt Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 29 December 1862

  • Date: December 29, 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

As to me, I know I put in about three days of the greatest suffering I ever experienced in my life.

I wrote to Jeff how I had my pocket picked in a jam and hurry, changing cars, at Philadelphia, so that

I told you that George had been promoted to Captain —his commission arrived while I was there.

Dear mother, my love, Walt.

I send my love to dear sister Mat, and little sis—and to Andrew and all my brothers.

Annotations Text:

Moses Lane (see Whitman's letter from January 16, 1863) on the same day asked Captain James J.

Virginia.: "We have had another battle and I have come out safe and sound, although I had the side of my

jaw slightly scraped with a peice of shell which burst at my feet" (Trent Collection of Whitmaniana,

During the battle at Antietam, George commanded his company, "as the Captain was not well although he

near Antietam, that Francis had left on a twenty-day furlough, and on November 10, 1862, he wrote: "Captain

Walt Whitman to Ralph Waldo Emerson, 29 December 1862

  • Date: December 29, 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Dear friend, Breaking up a few weeks since, and for good, my New York stagnation—wandering since through

camp and battle scenes—I fetch up here in harsh and superb plight—wretchedly poor, excellent well, (my

matters,)—realizing at last that it is necessary for me to fall for the time in the wise old way, to push my

wish you would write for me something like the enclosed form of letter, that I can present, opening my

It is pretty certain that, armed in that way, I shall conquer my object.

William Wilde Thayer to Walt Whitman, 31 August 1862

  • Date: August 31, 1862
  • Creator(s): W. W. Thayer | William Wilde Thayer

Sunday Night Aug 31/62 My Dear Walt, I feel just like writing to you.

I together with my dear wife have had lots of hard experiences—ill health, sickness of children and my

is my last night at home.

My friends told me my chance for a berth in the P.O. was one in a thousand.

My heart is in the war & I ache to do something. But I can't.

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