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  • Letters / Correspondence 175


  • 1887 175
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Sub Section : Letters / Correspondence
Year : 1887

175 results

Anna M. Kerr to Walt Whitman, 30 December 1887

  • Date: December 30, 1887
  • Creator(s): Anna M. Kerr

Ah dear old friend as I hear from her young lips those soul stirring words of yours my heart strings

My children join me in love and good wishes. Sincerely yours Mrs Anna M Kerr P.S.

Walt Whitman to Susan Stafford, [(30?) (December?) 1887]

  • Date: December 30, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
Annotations Text:

Whitman is thinking here of the hymn sometimes called "Calvary," beginning "Come, O my heart," with the

Whitman occasionally referred to Stafford as "My (adopted) son" (as in a December 13, 1876, letter to

Walt Whitman to Edward T. Potter, 28 December 1887

  • Date: December 28, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

328 Mickle Street Camden New Jersey Dec. 28 '87 Thanks, my dear friend, for your kind letter & (Christmas

Sidney Morse to Walt Whitman, 25 December 1887

  • Date: December 25, 1887
  • Creator(s): Sidney Morse | Sidney H. Morse

You should see my old mother— spry today, gets about without a stick, not bowed, nor over much wrinkled

They all came down, my brothers, sister, & the three children, & didn't get back to bed again till past

I find my brother a very democratic individual—rather opinionated & too "damn sure" to get on easy with

The first my brother said when I showed him the Hicks picture was—"He's the man who said the blood of

Annotations Text:

Traubel he later said: "I can see defects; this forehead, for instance, is not quite as it should be; but my

Walt Whitman to L. Logan Smith, [22 December 1887]

  • Date: [December 22, 1887]
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

328 Mickle Street Camden New Jersey For the present send Ernest Rhys's letters addressed here to my care

Walt Whitman to [the Editor of the New York Herald], 16 December 1887

  • Date: December 16, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
Annotations Text:

volumes of Horace Traubel's With Walt Whitman in Camden (various publishers: 1906–1996) and Whitman's "My

Thomas Jefferson Whitman to Walt Whitman, 11 December 1887

  • Date: December 11, 1887
  • Creator(s): Thomas Jefferson Whitman

Milwaukee, Dec 11th 1887 My dear Walt I received your letter the other day—also the papers with the enclosures—and

you again  Probably as Jess has told you I am poking around from place to place spending about 1/3 of my

best of it" I hope, dear Walt, that you will keep in good spirits during the bad weather—I find in my

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 5 December 1887

  • Date: December 5, 1887
  • Creator(s): William Sloane Kennedy

I gave it draining regards that fixed it in my mind.

I regard it as a noble work, & am very glad of this rich honor done to my poet, & I want to congratulate

It is a fine, nay a great, work, in my opinion.

Fairchild & her husband are going to drive out & see my Cox photo, some time.

Walt Whitman to Richard Maurice Bucke, 5 December 1887

  • Date: December 5, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

spell—Ab't as usual with me—No sight of Rhys yet—the artist Eakin of Phila: comes off & on painting my

M. H. Spielmann to Walt Whitman, 30 November 1887

  • Date: November 30, 1887
  • Creator(s): M. H. Spielmann

Sir, Having added the Editorship of this Magazine to my duties on the Pall Mall Gazette my thoughts at

Walt Whitman to William Sloane Kennedy, 29 November [1887]

  • Date: November 29, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Camden Nov. 29 [1887] latter p m As I write I am sitting in my big chair— cold to-day here—sunny however—Morse

Walt Whitman to Robert Underwood Johnson, 19 November 1887

  • Date: November 19, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Camden Nov. 19 '87 My dear Sir I tho't I w'd send you word that Mr Eakins the portrait painter of Phila

suppose will continue off & on all the current month (or more)—so you might tell Miss Wheeler —Also give my

Walt Whitman to Leonard M. Brown, 19 November 1887

  • Date: November 19, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Camden Nov. 19 '87 Thank you & double-thank you, my dear young man, for your affectionate letter & money

My little canary is singing blithely.

I enclose you my last pieces—Yes, indeed we shall be glad to see you—Mrs D will & I will—Meanwhile love

Annotations Text:

Eakins is here painting my portrait—it seems strong (I don't know but powerful) & realistic—very different

Walt Whitman to William Sloane Kennedy, 17 November 1887

  • Date: November 17, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

—not intended to be polished off—left purposely a little in the rough— I suppose you rec'd my cards—You

Annotations Text:

Johnston on September 1, 1887, "He sell my photo, with autograph.

Walt Whitman to William Sloane Kennedy, 16 November 1887

  • Date: November 16, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
Annotations Text:

Johnston on September 1, 1887, "He advertises . . . to sell my photo, with autograph.

Herbert Gilchrist to Walt Whitman, 16 November 1887

  • Date: November 16, 1887
  • Creator(s): Herbert Gilchrist

I received your welcome letter of October the 22 nd —I rejoice that you and my friends at Glendale continue

I enclose my portrait and one for Morse.

I like it because I look in it as if I meant to paint or do my best in that direction!

Give my regards to all enquiring friends especially Tom Harnard and also to M Davies.

Ada H. Spaulding to Walt Whitman, 3 November 1887

  • Date: November 3, 1887
  • Creator(s): Ada H. Spaulding

Of course it has all been better said, but I must have my chance just the same.

Walt Whitman to William D. O'Connor, 30 October 1887

  • Date: October 30, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

feeling comfortable & hearty—took quite a drive yesterday afternoon & out to supper in the evening to my

Walt Whitman to William D. O'Connor, 28 October 1887

  • Date: October 28, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My canary is singing loud & fast, as I write—Cloudy half-dripping weather, promising cold—clear skies

Walt Whitman to John Burroughs, 26 October 1887

  • Date: October 26, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Camden Oct 26, '87 early P M —have just had my dinner, (plain boil'd beef, potatoes & a roast apple—all

relish'd well) & am now sitting here in my big chair in the little front room —Cold & cloudy out—looks

fuller details)—The Pall Mall Gaz. letter you speak of appears to have erased a sentence or two (showing my

of home helpers) —but even as it is I hope it doesn't bear the construction you speak of—I enclose my

Walt Whitman to Herbert Gilchrist, 22 Oct 1887

  • Date: October 22, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

it is growing too dark to write— Sunday forenoon early—Oct 23 —The sun is shining bright—I have had my

breakfast (pann'd oysters toast & coffee) & in half an hour I shall start in my light wagon & Nettie

Give my best regards to Ernest Rhys —a synopsis of his "New Poetry" lecture has been published here in

Walt Whitman to William Sloane Kennedy, 20 October 1887

  • Date: October 20, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

have written an acc't to Dr B[ucke] wh' he will send you—I sh'd not wish any such item as that ab't my

alleged opinion of Stedman to be printed — I have no such opinion—My feeling toward S is one of good

Herbert Gilchrist to Walt Whitman, 10 October 1887

  • Date: October 10, 1887
  • Creator(s): Herbert Gilchrist

I look back upon my visit to the States with great pleasure—it is a lovely country—and I remember the

Please give my very kind regards to Mrs. Davis & With love to Walt. Herbert H.

Sylvester Baxter to Walt Whitman, 8 October 1887

  • Date: October 8, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman | Sylvester Baxter

The Herald, Boston, Oct. 8, 188 7 My dear Friend: I have yours of yesterday and enclose a list of the

Walt Whitman to Sylvester Baxter, 7 October 1887

  • Date: October 7, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

M Oct: 7 '87 Dear friend Yours with the $12 has reach'd me safely—making $800 altogether sent me by my

late—was out driving yesterday, & shall probably go out for an hour this afternoon—Thanks to you & my

Walt Whitman to John H. Johnston, 29 September 1887

  • Date: September 29, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

—McKay, my Phila: publisher, has just been over—paid me $77 for royalties for the last eight months—I

paid the Camden taxes on my shanty to-day $26 —The photos come from Cox all right, & I sign & return

—When you come again, don't forget to bring my Stedman book American Poets —Love to Alma and Al and all

Annotations Text:

Johnston on September 1, 1887, "He advertises . . . to sell my photo, with autograph.

Walt Whitman to William Carey, 28 September 1887

  • Date: September 28, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
Annotations Text:

Johnston on September 1, 1887, "He advertises . . . to sell my photo, with autograph.

Walt Whitman to William Carey, 15 September 1887

  • Date: September 15, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
Annotations Text:

Johnston on September 1, 1887, "He advertises . . . to sell my photo, with autograph.

Walt Whitman to George C. Cox, 15 September 1887

  • Date: September 15, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
Annotations Text:

Johnston on September 1, 1887, "He advertises . . . to sell my photo, with autograph.

Walt Whitman to William Sloane Kennedy, 14 September 1887

  • Date: September 14, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

328 Mickle Street Camden New Jersey Sept: 14 '87 I am ab't as usual—have just had my dinner, a slice

Annotations Text:

Whitman, late in life, said to Horace Traubel: "[I] take my Ruskin with some qualifications."

Walt Whitman to Mary Whitall Smith Costelloe, 14 September 1887

  • Date: September 14, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

sill—every thing all right—had toast & a great mug of Whitman's chocolate & hot milk (excellent) for my

Walt Whitman to Robert Pearsall Smith, 12 September [1887]

  • Date: September 12, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Emersons are your own—except that I should like one of the medallions to go to Mary & her husband with my

Walt Whitman Ernesy Rhys, 11 September 1887

  • Date: September 11, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

328 Mickle Street Camden New Jersey U S America Sept: 11 '87 My dear Rhys I suppose you got the copy

Finally I give you the same privilege over the putting together of this, as my other volumes.

I shall expect £10:10s (same as my other vols) and also 10 copies of the "Vistas" bound in roan .

John H. Johnston to Walt Whitman, 10 September 1887

  • Date: September 10, 1887
  • Creator(s): John H. Johnston

50 yrs years old— Viz: I have rec'd received a draft, endorsed it, deposited it, and forgot to give my

Walter Lewin to Walt Whitman, 2 September 1887

  • Date: September 2, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walter Lewin

may say that at this meeting I had the pleasure of hearing several warm admirers of yourself discuss my

Perhaps in its printed form my article may stimulate others to enquire.

Walt Whitman to John H. Johnston, 1 September 1887

  • Date: September 1, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Camden New Jersey 328 Mickle Street Sept: 1 '87 My dear friend I wish you could take half an hour if

He advertises (Century, Sept. number ) to sell my photo, with autograph.

Go round & see if C will immediately send me copies of the pictures & follow my requests ab't them—Or

Walt Whitman to William Sloane Kennedy, John Burroughs, and Richard Maurice Bucke, 30 August 1887

  • Date: August 30, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Aug 30 '87 I remain anchor'd here in my big chair—Have you read the Bacon-Shakspere résumé in the last

Walt Whitman to Ernest Rhys, 20 August 1887

  • Date: August 20, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

for nearly a fortnight—John Burroughs has been here for a couple of days —he is well—nothing new in my

Walt Whitman to William T. Stead, 17 August 1887

  • Date: August 17, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My best help however has come in my old age & paralysis from the Br: Islands.

into fiction of a very little amt of fact—in spirit it is altogether, & in letter mainly untrue (abt my

My income from my books, (royalties &c.) does not reach $100 a year.

I am now in my 69th year—living plainly but very comfortably in a little wooden cottage of my own, good

Best thanks and love to all my British helpers, readers & defenders. Walt Whitman to William T.

Walt Whitman to Logan Pearsall Smith, 16 August [1887]

  • Date: August 16, [1887]
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

is welcomed—Nothing specially new with me—I have stood the hot weather pretty well & have just eaten my

Walt Whitman to Talcott Williams, 11 August 1887

  • Date: August 11, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Camden Aug. 11, 1887 Davis's report of me and my talk, in re the Swinburne article, is very cute and

Walt Whitman to S. S. McClure, 6 August 1887

  • Date: August 6, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

you—but I am disabled & unwell more than half the time & cannot be relied on—Do not for the present put my

Percy Ives to Walt Whitman, 5 August 1887

  • Date: August 5, 1887
  • Creator(s): Percy Ives

London Aug 5. 87 My dear Friend Walt Whitman I write you from the Reading Room of the British Museum.

I have just laid it down and taken up my pen to tell you of the fresh and vigorous fruit your rattling

My address is No 48 Rue d'Orsel Paris. Very affectionately yours Percy Ives.

Louisa Snowdon to Walt Whitman, 2 August 1887

  • Date: August 2, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman | Louisa Snowdon | Horace Traubel

All my sceptical rejection of creeds and dogmas is giving place to a sense of the eternal fitness of

In my blind unreasoning egotism I mistook the shadow for the substance, and thought that "religion" was

Forgive my illogical desultory manner of writing. I think you will understand all I would convey.

Sylvester Baxter to Walt Whitman, 2 August 1887

  • Date: August 2, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman | Sylvester Baxter

The Herald, Boston, Aug. 2, 188 7 My dear Friend: I enclose for the cottage $285 in two checks of $50

If the idea pleases you, my friend, Jack Law, the Chelsea tile-maker, would like to send you a handsome

Ellen M. O'Connor to Walt Whitman, 2 August 1887

  • Date: August 2, 1887
  • Creator(s): Ellen M. O'Connor

deal of energy in starting off as he does, & as to his courage it is simply sublime , & he puts all my

I send all but had to separate the bundle, as it was too thick for my envelope.

Annotations Text:

Whitman referred to Rossetti's edition as a "horrible dismemberment of my book" in his August 12, 1871

William Morton Fullerton to Walt Whitman, 1 August 1887

  • Date: August 1, 1887
  • Creator(s): William Morton Fullerton

Advertiser Office Boston Aug. 1 1887 My dear Sir: I have lately been spending happy days with my dear

Returning home I found on my table the papers and pamphlet, and photogravure photograph of yourself,

The portrait hangs now on my wall in my little book-lined den at Waltham, where I may see it whenever

I raise my eyes from my work.

With profound gratitude for your especial notice of my faulty work, and a deep sense of obligation for

Walt Whitman to Susan Stafford, 1 August [1887]

  • Date: August 1, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
Annotations Text:

Whitman occasionally referred to Stafford as "My (adopted) son" (as in a December 13, 1876, letter to

Walt Whitman to Ellen M. O'Connor, 26 July 1887

  • Date: July 26, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

while away the time—but fear being intrusive with them— I am living here in a little wooden house of my

Walt Whitman to Robert Pearsall Smith, 23 July 1887

  • Date: July 23, 1887
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

hot spell here —It is clouded over a little to day—, —some relief—I have no news to write you ab't my

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