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  • Literary Manuscripts 6

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  • Literary Manuscripts / Loose Manuscripts 6
Search : of captain, my captain!
Sub Section : Literary Manuscripts / Loose Manuscripts
Section : Literary Manuscripts
Work title : The Sleepers

6 results

Topple down upon him

  • Date: Between 1850 and 1855
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

for I am you seem to me all one lurid Curse oath curse; I look down off the river with my bloodshot eyes

, after 10 I see the steamboat that carries away my woman.— Damn him!

how he does defile me This day, or some other, I will have him and the like of him to curse the do my

I will stop the drag them out—the sweet marches of heaven shall be stopped my maledictions.— Whitman

Annotations Text:

how he does defile me, / How he informs against my brother and sister and takes pay for their blood,

/ How he laughs when I look down the bend after the steamboat that carries away my woman" (1855, p. 74

Black Lucifer was not dead

  • Date: Between 1850 and 1855
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

and the breast that ha fed his young , and so buys a nomination to great office; i I nforme d against my

brother and sister and got t ook aking pay for their blood, hearts; l L aughed when I looked from my

iron necklace, after the steamboat that carried away my woman.— Whitman probably drafted this manuscript

Annotations Text:

how he does defile me, / How he informs against my brother and sister and takes pay for their blood,

/ How he laughs when I look down the bend after the steamboat that carries away my woman" (1855, p. 74

The sores on my shoulders

  • Date: Between 1850 and 1855
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

11 He The sores on my neck shoulders are from his iron necklace I look on the off on the river with my

bloodshot eyes He stops the steamboat and till she will paddle off with away take my woman, and paddle

The sores on my shoulders

Annotations Text:

titled "The Sleepers": "How he laughs when I look down the bend after the steamboat that carries away my

I am a curse

  • Date: Between 1850 and 1855
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

—I lend you my own mouth tongue A black I dart ed like a snake from his mouth.— I My eyes are bloodshot

, they look down the river, A steamboat carries off paddles away my woman and children.— Around my neck

am T The His i ron necklace and the red sores of my shoulders I do not feel mind , h H opples and ball

ankles and tight cuffs at the wrists does must not detain me will go down the river, with the sight of my

bloodshot eyes, go in to the steamboat that paddles off wife woman and child A I do not stop with my

Annotations Text:

. / How he laughs when I look down the bend after the steamboat that carries away my woman"(1855, p.

I am become a shroud

  • Date: Between 1850 and 1855
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

The retrospective extasy ecstasy is upon me— I am now my soul —spirit burns volcanic The earth recedes

ashamed before my prophetical crisis.— Whitman probably drafted this manuscript in the early 1850s as

Annotations Text:

similar to the following line in the poem eventually titled "Song of Myself": "The dirt receding before my

myself to celebrate

  • Date: Between 1850 and 1855
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

.— I celebrate myself to celebrate you; every man and woman alive; I transpose my my spirit I pass as

that hear me; I am loosen the voice tongue that was tied in you them In me It begins to talk out of my

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