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  • Literary Manuscripts / Notebooks 3


  • 1855 3
Search : of captain, my captain!
Sub Section : Literary Manuscripts / Notebooks
Work title : The Sleepers
Year : 1855

3 results

Poem incarnating the mind

  • Date: Before 1855
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

/ My children and grand-children, my white hair and beard, / My largeness, calmness, majesty, out of

the long stretch of my life" (145).

received pay.— from the lips and fingers hands of the vict captors victors.— How fared The young captain

the greatness and beau large hearts of heroes, All the courage of olden time and How spied the the captain

Grier notes that a portion of this notebook (beginning "How spied the captain and sailors") describes

Annotations Text:

Grier notes that a portion of this notebook (beginning "How spied the captain and sailors") describes

No doubt the efflux

  • Date: Before 1855
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

/ Why are there men and women that while they are nigh me the sun-light expands my blood?

/ Why when they leave me do my pennants of joy sink flat and lank?

blood—that if I walk with an arm of theirs around my neck, my soul leaps and laughs like a new-waked

—(Am I loved by them boundlessly because my love for them is more boundless?

truth, my sympathy, and my dignity.

In his presence

  • Date: Between 1850 and 1855
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

though I lie so sleepy and sluggish, my tap is death" (1855, p. 74).

man who claims or takes the power to own another man as his property, stabs me in that the heart of my

own The one scratches me a little on the cheek forehead , the other draws his murderous razor through my

t T hat black and huge lethargic mass, my sportsmen, dull and sleepy as it seems, has holds the lightning

eventually titled "Song of Myself": "Buying drafts of Osiris and Isis and Belus and Brahma and Adonai, / In my

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