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  • Published Writings / Periodicals 28


  • 1846 28
Search : of captain, my captain!
Sub Section : Published Writings / Periodicals
Year : 1846

28 results

Little Jane

  • Date: December 7, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

"My child!" she cried, in uncontrollable agony, "O! my child!"

This sentence and the preceding one, beginning "My child," first appeared, with minor differences, in

first sentence was revised further for publication as "Little Jane:" in "The Reformed," it reads "'My

she cried, in uncontrollable agony, 'my child! you die!'" Then there was silence awhile.

Annotations Text:

.; This sentence and the preceding one, beginning "My child," first appeared, with minor differences,

first sentence was revised further for publication as "Little Jane:" in "The Reformed," it reads "'My

she cried, in uncontrollable agony, 'my child! you die!'"

Fortunes of a Country-Boy; Incidents in Town—and His Adventure at the South

  • Date: November 30, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

"My own fancy, Evans," he answered, "my own whim, perhaps. But we are not strangers.

I shall give his story in my own words.

My constitution, notwithstanding the heavy draughts made upon its powers by my youthful dissipations,

I allude to my old friend, Colby.

My country relations were not forgotten by me in my good fortune.

Fortunes of a Country-Boy; Incidents in Town—and His Adventure at the South

  • Date: November 28, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Upon the distraction which filled my breast, when it was found in the morning that the widow had died—and

If you leave me, my heart will crack!" Then in a whisper: "O, never tell me of her kindness.

Never in all my life did I receive such a shock, as when authentic information was first brought me of

I shut myself up in my room for several days, waiting the conclusion of all these horrible circumstances

I have already dwelt long enough, and too long, on this part of my history.

Fortunes of a Country-Boy; Incidents in Town—and His Adventure at the South

  • Date: November 27, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

As she mentioned the course of her walk, I started, for a dim fear took possession of my mind, to which

"Did you," gasped I faintly, as the name struck my ear, and a feeling of deadly sickness crept over my

I was almost out of my senses with agony and alarm.

But time pressed, and lifting that form so dear to me, in my arms, I bore her into the planter's residence

I shall not think it worth while for my story, to give a minute account of the lady's illness.

Fortunes of a Country-Boy; Incidents in Town—and His Adventure at the South

  • Date: November 25, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Conway returned my admiration, and whether she would have accepted the offer of my hand, had I been in

And I spoke with an energy that showed my mind.

it, than upon any other portion of my conduct.

I already began to blame myself for my deceit.

knowledge and my memory.

Fortunes of a Country-Boy; Incidents in Town—and His Adventure at the South

  • Date: November 24, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Upon my arrival at my destination, (at which it was probable I should have to stay the better part of

I don't know whether I have intimated, in the preceeding course of my narrative, that my nature was not

My safety, hitherto, had been from the swiftness with which my passion passed over.

delusion to smile at my own folly.

I shortly made no secret of my attachment to Mrs. Conway.

Fortunes of a Country-Boy; Incidents in Town—and His Adventure at the South

  • Date: November 23, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

There is no need that I should pause here to dwell on my meeting with my benefactor Lee, and the shame

with which I acknowledged my guilt, and gave him back his letter.

But great as was my fault, I was hardly prepared for his storm of anger.

: and at the end of a fortnight I left my place.

My little guide crouched down close by my feet—it may be that the knowledge of the presence of death

Fortunes of a Country-Boy; Incidents in Town—and His Adventure at the South

  • Date: November 21, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

After I had been a while in my situation at Mr.

I made improvements both in my style of living, and in my dress—The new boarding-house in which I took

As it was now quite in the evening, I had hardly finished my meal before my companions came, according

Forgetful of my duty—of my employer's honor, and the crisis which would turn against him, if I continued

What fire burnt in my brain!

Fortunes of a Country-Boy; Incidents in Town—and His Adventure at the South

  • Date: November 20, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My employer, Mr.

Andrews, had become so well satisfied with my performance of my duties, that he advanced me somewhat

above my original situation.

my duties during the day.

of my employer's honesty.

"Matters Which Were Seen and Done in an Afternoon Ramble"

  • Date: 19 November 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

little son, Prince Arthur, who was taken prisoner by his usurping uncle: "Grief fills the room up of my

had you such a loss as I, I could give better comfort than you do.— I will not keep this form upon my

head, When there is such disorder in my wit.

My boy, my Arthur, my fair son!

My life, my joy, my food, my all in the world, My widow–comfort, and my sorrow's cure!"

Fortunes of a Country-Boy; Incidents in Town—and His Adventure at the South

  • Date: November 19, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

, and he walked with me toward my residence.

My slumbers were deep and unbroken.

As I took my departure from the place, who should I see in front, with a quill behind his ear, but my

My mistake in regard to the fashionable gentleman , had taught me a lesson, and my country life had taught

I pass over my stares of wonder, and my running aslant dungeon walls, castles, and canvas palaces.

Fortunes of a Country-Boy; Incidents in Town—and His Adventure at the South

  • Date: November 18, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

—She was as solemn and sour as the spinster, and upon my mentioning my business, gave me to understand

, but my friend of the day before, the antiquary.

What that may be, will depend a good deal upon my luck.

"I am determined to do my best.

I carefully deposited it in my breast pocket, and with a lighter step wended on to my new boarding-house

Fortunes of a Country-Boy; Incidents in Town—and His Adventure at the South

  • Date: November 17, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

As I approached my nineteenth year, my uncle, who was an honest and worthy man, evidently felt that he

money, which I felt sure he must have cramped himself to bestow on me, I made my adieus to my aunt and

sorrowful cousins, and went my way.

city where I was to take up my abode.

Yes, here I had come to seek my fortune!

"Notices of New Books"

  • Date: 16 November 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My heart to night Runs over with the fullness of content;" —which we have marked for publication.

Fortunes of a Country-Boy; Incidents in Town—and His Adventure at the South

  • Date: November 16, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I threw my valise upon a bench, and my over-coat upon it.

The good landlady's further inquisitiveness was cut short, by my taking the driver out to his wagon,

for the purpose of making arrangements and settling the price of my passage.

My neighbor by the side of the country woman, was the only exception to this.

Turning around a moment to look at Colby, who called my attention in the room, the next minute my hearing

One Wicked Impulse! A Tale of a Murderer Escaped

  • Date: September 9, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

"Why are you crying, my little son?" said he.

"My brother is sick," answered the child. "I have no father. He is dead."

"What is your name, my poor boy?" he asked. "Adam Covert," said the child.

One Wicked Impulse! A Tale of a Murderer Escaped

  • Date: September 7, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

You traitor to my dead father—robber of his children! I fear to think on what I think now!"

"Literary Notices"

  • Date: 15 August 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

journal of James Brooke, Esq., of Sarawack, (now agent for the British government in Borneo.) by Captain

"Literary Notices"

  • Date: 10 August 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Burke, Chatham, Adam Clarke, Lord Clive, Captain Cook, Fox, Franklin, Warren Hastings, Bishop Heber,

The Half-Breed; A Tale of the Western Frontier

  • Date: June 9, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

They will ask me of news about my brother: Let me not say, I left him weeping like a girl!"

"Tell them," rejoined the chief, "that I met my punishment as a hunter grasps the hand of one he loves

When I came hither, not many days since, I was near to death, even then—and my fate would have happened

monk when he could safely walk the distance of the village: "Though judging by the cool kindness of my

"Patience, my son!" said the holy father; "tomorrow I will myself accompany you thither.

The Half-Breed; A Tale of the Western Frontier

  • Date: June 8, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

"My companions and myself have been sent hither," answered the other, "to learn from you what you can

The Half-Breed; A Tale of the Western Frontier

  • Date: June 6, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

And I would not have my wife come hither, at least at present—for I think of no good she can do.

Tell me, Father Luke, how long do you think will be the duration of my illness?"

But judging from the best of my knowledge, I may be able to recover you in three days, so that you can

At this very moment you are falling into a fever which will require all my watchfulness.

Now, my son, compose yourself to sleep."

The Half-Breed; A Tale of the Western Frontier

  • Date: June 5, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Thorne, "it will be the best for Quincy to come with my party.

"Know you aught of this terrible business, my son?"

Boddo went on, "though to tell the fact, he did not know it himself for quite a long while—I, with my

The Half-Breed; A Tale of the Western Frontier

  • Date: June 4, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

"They met—this man and my sister.

My sister fell!

"One day my sister was missing.

He accepted my challenge.

I was blinded by my hate for my sister's betrayer.

The Half-Breed; A Tale of the Western Frontier

  • Date: June 3, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

For two or three mornings past, on going as I usually do at daylight to take care of my cattle, and feed

them, I have missed something from the storehouse where I keep my grain and farming utensils.

"And lest I should oversleep myself," said the boy, "come to my window, which opens on the river, and

The Half-Breed; A Tale of the Western Frontier

  • Date: June 2, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My people knew not of my coming—none but my brother's wife, to whom I confided my purpose, lest they

The love of life was strong in my soul.

I felt my arm, and said to myself, perhaps in the village of the pale-faces, there may be something that

In the night, when all were sleeping, I came out from our lodge, and bent my steps toward your town.

"Shame were it to me and my wife," said Thorne, "did we let one who has saved a life very dear to us,

The Half-Breed; A Tale of the Western Frontier

  • Date: June 1, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Now I, who so love to see my neighbors happy," the hunchback grinned, "could not bear that the pretty

I approached, and told him my errand.

He took my letter—and then asked me into his hut; for it was near at hand.

He put before me some drink and meat, and then, though he spoke not, I saw he wished my departure.

"And now you have all of my story—and I must go, for it is time Peter Brown received his answer."

"Literary Notices"

  • Date: 19 May 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

The Captain's Daughter.

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