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  • Published Writings / Periodicals 15


  • 1862 15
Search : of captain, my captain!
Sub Section : Published Writings / Periodicals
Year : 1862

15 results


  • Date: 4 January 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I sometimes found the man a corpse in the morning by whose side I laid my self down at night.

In spite of my efforts he would sometimes rise, and then I had to close in with him, trip up his heels

By one of these thrusts, more spiteful and violent than common, I had a narrow escape of my life.

No English physician, or any one from the city, ever to my knowledge came near us.

My constitution was less muscular and plethoric, and I escaped the fever longer than any of the thirteen


  • Date: 8 March 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

A Fire Company was formed, consisting of seven members, for one year; namely, Henry Stanton, captain;

number of firemen was increased to eleven, and the following were elected members: Stephen Baldwin, Captain


  • Date: 15 March 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

John Titus, The John Titus mentioned here is probably the same John Titus who served as a captain in

Annotations Text:

.; The John Titus mentioned here is probably the same John Titus who served as a captain in the militia


  • Date: 25 October 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Even to my unscientific eyes there were innumerable wonders and beauties all along the shore, and edges


  • Date: 1 November 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I shall remember that dinner to my dying day. We pulled up stakes, and put for home.

and ghost stories, and sang country ditties; but the night and the scene mellowed all, and it came to my

I made my bed in the furled sail, watching the stars as they twinkled, and falling asleep so.

right; but as for me, I fancied I felt the mercury dwindling down, down, down into the very calves of my


  • Date: 11 October 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

But to the account of my adventures (for it is now necessary to drop the editorial "we,") last fall,

hook again with "fiddlers," while the fish floundered at a great rate around my feet.

word, accoutred as I was, I plunged—the fish—into an old tin kettle, and gave them, with sixpence and my

the wharf with a boat-hook, and offering his shoulder for me to step on—though, as he was about half my

divided the water—to lie on my back and gaze by the half-hour at the passing clouds overhead—merely


  • Date: 9 January 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

In 1644 Captain John Underhill led forces against a group of American Indians, killing about 120.

Annotations Text:

.”; In 1644 Captain John Underhill led forces against a group of American Indians, killing about 120.


  • Date: 16 March 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

But my sketch must close for this week, or rather, be suspended, to give in another article, in the next


  • Date: 22 March 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I am under obligations to them both, for their courtesy during my visits, and for professional explanations

P. with gentle but firm hand, holding a pair of nippers, seemed to me larger than the end joint of my

yellow blue handkerchief around her head, and such an expression on her face, that I at once made up my


  • Date: 29 March 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

In a former part of my account, Dr. Wright Post's name was mentioned.

To be plain at once, and say my say about this, I do not think there is a public edifice in America—school

Broadway Hospital, the heating and ventilation are by steam; and I have to acknowledge that during my

I can count on my fingers, on one hand, all the good people who have bequeathed to the institution; and

For my part, as I stand in the presence of these fine and eloquent faces, I acknowledge without demur


  • Date: 12 April 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Wishing to make my parting bow to this worthy old establishment, by bringing things up to date, I took

The ward devoted to these cases was only sparsely filled at the time of my visit of last Wednesday.

One Sunday night, in a ward in the South Building, I spent one of the most agreeable evenings of my life

I see evidences of her having been there, almost always, on my visits.

At the time of my visit on Wednesday, there were several soldiers brought in from the 105th New York


  • Date: 3 May 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My first personal knowledge of the Bowery Theatre was about twenty-seven or eight years ago, when I was

All these are among my hobbledehoy dramatic reminiscences.

At first, I remember, I used to go with other boys, my pals; but I afterward preferred to go alone, I

was so absorbed in the performance, and disliked any one to distract my attention.

From what I have gleaned of old stage-frequenters, here and abroad, I have made up my mind that in a


  • Date: 11 January 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

On the right side, "Youth of my country! Martyrdom prefer to Slavery."


  • Date: 17 May 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I ask for their decipherment from a learned person in my neighborhood.


  • Date: 19 April 1862
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

countless thousands of people—I must here resume the thing, after a fashion, and tuck you, reader, under my

and also here asseverate, once for all, that when I do so specify, I do it to give definiteness to my

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