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  • Published Writings / Periodicals 170


Search : of captain, my captain!
Sub Section : Published Writings / Periodicals

170 results

Fortunes of a Country-Boy; Incidents in Town—and His Adventure at the South

  • Date: November 18, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

—She was as solemn and sour as the spinster, and upon my mentioning my business, gave me to understand

, but my friend of the day before, the antiquary.

What that may be, will depend a good deal upon my luck.

"I am determined to do my best.

I carefully deposited it in my breast pocket, and with a lighter step wended on to my new boarding-house

Fortunes of a Country-Boy; Incidents in Town—and His Adventure at the South

  • Date: November 19, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

, and he walked with me toward my residence.

My slumbers were deep and unbroken.

As I took my departure from the place, who should I see in front, with a quill behind his ear, but my

My mistake in regard to the fashionable gentleman , had taught me a lesson, and my country life had taught

I pass over my stares of wonder, and my running aslant dungeon walls, castles, and canvas palaces.

Fortunes of a Country-Boy; Incidents in Town—and His Adventure at the South

  • Date: November 20, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My employer, Mr.

Andrews, had become so well satisfied with my performance of my duties, that he advanced me somewhat

above my original situation.

my duties during the day.

of my employer's honesty.

Fortunes of a Country-Boy; Incidents in Town—and His Adventure at the South

  • Date: November 21, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

After I had been a while in my situation at Mr.

I made improvements both in my style of living, and in my dress—The new boarding-house in which I took

As it was now quite in the evening, I had hardly finished my meal before my companions came, according

Forgetful of my duty—of my employer's honor, and the crisis which would turn against him, if I continued

What fire burnt in my brain!

Fortunes of a Country-Boy; Incidents in Town—and His Adventure at the South

  • Date: November 23, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

There is no need that I should pause here to dwell on my meeting with my benefactor Lee, and the shame

with which I acknowledged my guilt, and gave him back his letter.

But great as was my fault, I was hardly prepared for his storm of anger.

: and at the end of a fortnight I left my place.

My little guide crouched down close by my feet—it may be that the knowledge of the presence of death

Fortunes of a Country-Boy; Incidents in Town—and His Adventure at the South

  • Date: November 24, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Upon my arrival at my destination, (at which it was probable I should have to stay the better part of

I don't know whether I have intimated, in the preceeding course of my narrative, that my nature was not

My safety, hitherto, had been from the swiftness with which my passion passed over.

delusion to smile at my own folly.

I shortly made no secret of my attachment to Mrs. Conway.

Fortunes of a Country-Boy; Incidents in Town—and His Adventure at the South

  • Date: November 25, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Conway returned my admiration, and whether she would have accepted the offer of my hand, had I been in

And I spoke with an energy that showed my mind.

it, than upon any other portion of my conduct.

I already began to blame myself for my deceit.

knowledge and my memory.

Fortunes of a Country-Boy; Incidents in Town—and His Adventure at the South

  • Date: November 27, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

As she mentioned the course of her walk, I started, for a dim fear took possession of my mind, to which

"Did you," gasped I faintly, as the name struck my ear, and a feeling of deadly sickness crept over my

I was almost out of my senses with agony and alarm.

But time pressed, and lifting that form so dear to me, in my arms, I bore her into the planter's residence

I shall not think it worth while for my story, to give a minute account of the lady's illness.

Fortunes of a Country-Boy; Incidents in Town—and His Adventure at the South

  • Date: November 28, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Upon the distraction which filled my breast, when it was found in the morning that the widow had died—and

If you leave me, my heart will crack!" Then in a whisper: "O, never tell me of her kindness.

Never in all my life did I receive such a shock, as when authentic information was first brought me of

I shut myself up in my room for several days, waiting the conclusion of all these horrible circumstances

I have already dwelt long enough, and too long, on this part of my history.

Fortunes of a Country-Boy; Incidents in Town—and His Adventure at the South

  • Date: November 30, 1846
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

"My own fancy, Evans," he answered, "my own whim, perhaps. But we are not strangers.

I shall give his story in my own words.

My constitution, notwithstanding the heavy draughts made upon its powers by my youthful dissipations,

I allude to my old friend, Colby.

My country relations were not forgotten by me in my good fortune.

For Queen Victoria's Birthday

  • Date: 24 May 1890
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
Annotations Text:

It was included without the note in Good-Bye My Fancy (1891).; Our transcription is based on a digital

The Fireman's Dream

  • Date: March 31, 1844
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

fiercely, and rack my soul with great pain.

These elements are the influences of my nature on the one side, and those of my habits on the other.

My eyes answered, yes. So I learned language.

Only one of them came near to me, in my progress.

about my own age.

The Death of Wind-Foot

  • Date: June 1845
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

"You are welcome, my brother," said the Unrelenting.

Behold all that is left to brighten my heart!"

"Many years since," said the chief, "when my cheek was soft, and my arms felt the numbness of but few

I felt the edge of my tomahawk—it was keen as my hate.

I raised my arm—I gathered my strength—I struck, and cleft the warrior's brain in quivering halves!"

Death of the Nature-Lover

  • Date: 4 (11 March 1843
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
Annotations Text:

.; An earlier version of this poem entitled "My Departure" appeared in the Long Island Democrat, 23 October

Death in the School-Room. A Fact.

  • Date: August 1841
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

"I went that way because it is on my road home.

Please to let me go to my seat—I a'n't well." "Oh yes; that's very likely;" and Mr.

are you, my young gentleman!"

The Critic

  • Date: 2014
  • Creator(s): Susan Belasco
Annotations Text:

.; Reprinted under the new title "To the Pending Year" in Good-Bye My Fancy (1891).; Reprinted in Good-Bye

My Fancy (1891).

The Cosmopolitan

  • Date: 2014
  • Creator(s): Susan Belasco
Annotations Text:

.; Reprinted in Good-Bye My Fancy (1891) under the title "Shakspere-Bacon's Cipher."

The Child's Champion

  • Date: November 20, 1841
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

"You have worked hard to-day, my son." "I've been mowing."

Feel of my hands." There were blisters on them like great lumps. Tears started in the widow's eyes.

I'd as leive lieve be in my grave as there." And the child burst into a passionate fit of weeping.

"There, my lads," he said to his companions, "there's a new recruit for you.

"I've no occasion; beside, it makes my head ache, and I have promised my mother not to drink any," was

The Child-Ghost; A Story of the Last Loyalist

  • Date: May 1842
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I cannot, of course, convey to others that particular kind of influence, which is derived from my being

I must hardly expect, therefore, that to those who hear it through the medium of my pen, the narration

times which marked our American Revolution that the incidents occurred which are the foundation of my

Again I ask pardon for my rudeness. Let me now be shown to this chamber—this haunted chamber.

He came to my very bed-side; his small hand was raised, and almost touched my face.

The Child and the Profligate

  • Date: October 1844
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

"You have worked hard to-day, my son." "I've been mowing."

So, curse me if you sha'n't have a suck at my expense."

"There, my lads," said he, turning to his companions, "There's a new recruit for you.

Besides, my mother has often prayed me not to drink , and I promised to obey her."

" My mother has often prayed me not to drink!

The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine

  • Date: 2014
  • Creator(s): Susan Belasco
Annotations Text:

.; Reprinted in Good-Bye My Fancy (1891).; Published with the subtitle "For unknown buried soldiers,

Revised and reprinted in Good-Bye My Fancy (1891).

Brother Jonathan

  • Date: 2014
  • Creator(s): Susan Belasco
Annotations Text:

.; An earlier version of this poem entitled "My Departure" appeared in the Long Island Democrat, 23 October

Bravo, Paris Exposition!

  • Date: 28 September 1889
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
Annotations Text:

Reprinted in Good-Bye My Fancy (1891).; Our transcription is based on a digital image of an original

The Boy-Lover

  • Date: May 1845
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I was at that time studying law, the profession my father followed.

brother, and two other students who were in my father's office.

my fingers quiver yet as I write the word!) young Ninon, the daughter of the widow.

My brother was the only one who preserved his usual tenor of temper and conduct.

My sight seemed to waver, my head felt dizzy, and a feeling of deadly sickness came over me.

Bervance: Or, Father and Son

  • Date: December 1841
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

The circumstances of my family were easy; I received a good education, was intended by my father for

The eldest was my favorite.

I kept a box of my own, and frequently attended, often giving my family permission also to be present

My blood curdled as I saw there an image of the form of my son—my cruelly treated Luke—but oh, how ghastly

I clapped my hands to my ears, to keep out the appalling sounds that seemed to freeze my very blood.


  • Date: March 1845
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My people knew not of my coming—none but my brother's wife, to whom I confided my purpose, lest they

My sister fell!

"One day my sister was missing.

He accepted my challenge.

I was blinded by my hate for my sister's betrayer.

The Angel of Tears

  • Date: September 1842
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

What is yours, my brother?" "Behold!" answered the Spirit.

About "The Tomb-Blossoms"

  • Date: 2015
  • Creator(s): Stephanie Blalock

in London in 1882, albeit in a significantly edited form under the title of "The Tomb Flowers," in My

About "The Little Sleighers. A Sketch of a Winter Morning on the Battery"

  • Date: 2015
  • Creator(s): Stephanie Blalock

Much like the bachelor narrator of " My Boys and Girls ," closely identified with Whitman himself, the

Also, like "My Boys and Girls," this story too turns to the fleeting nature of youth and childhood and

About "The Fireman's Dream: With the Story of His Strange Companion. A Tale of Fantasie."

  • Date: 2015
  • Creator(s): Stephanie Blalock

Boanes' nephew, admitting that "the name of the person is burnt in welcome characters of fire upon my

About "The Angel of Tears"

  • Date: 2015
  • Creator(s): Stephanie Blalock

his second letter to Hale, Whitman emphasized the success of his earlier fiction pieces, writing, "My

About Sun-Down Papers

  • Date: 2016
  • Creator(s): Jason Stacy

By 1855 when Whitman wrote "I lean and loafe at my ease . . . . observing a spear of summer grass," he

About "One Wicked Impulse! A Tale of a Murderer Escaped"

  • Date: 2015
  • Creator(s): Stephanie Blalock

Requital," a sentence that seemed to make an explicit statement against capital punishment: "Some of my

About "My Boys and Girls"

  • Date: 2015
  • Creator(s): Stephanie Blalock

About "My Boys and Girls" Whitman's " My Boys and Girls " is a brief sketch that first appeared in The

Because issues of The Rover do not include a publication date, there is some disagreement about when "My

See Whitman's " My Boys and Girls ."

For further discussion of the plot of "My Boys and Girls," see Patrick McGuire, " My Boys and Girls (

"My Boys and Girls" Walter Whitman My Boys and Girls The Rover March or April 1844 3 75 per.00333 Written

Annotations Text:

Because issues of The Rover do not include a publication date, there is some disagreement about when "My

suggests March or April 1844—between March 27 and April 20, 1844—as the likely date of publication of "My

Boys and Girls" in The Rover.; See Whitman's "My Boys and Girls

"; For further discussion of the plot of "My Boys and Girls," see Patrick McGuire, "My Boys and Girls


  • Date: 15 March 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I would offer, as an illustration of my meaning, that, in times of peace, a slightly greater ratio of


  • Date: 16 August 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

If in his barouche, I can see from my window he does not alight, but sits in the vehicle, and Mr.

"Shining Shores," also called "My Days are Swiftly Gliding By," was written by David Nelson in 1835,

My days are swiftly gliding by, and I a Pilgrim stranger, Would not detain them as I fly, those hours

We'll gird our loins my brethren dear, our distant home discerning.

The sounds and scene altogether had made an indelible impression on my memory.

Annotations Text:

.; "Shining Shores," also called "My Days are Swiftly Gliding By," was written by David Nelson in 1835


  • Date: 4 October 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

We are soon to see a thing accomplished here which I have often exercised my mind about, namely, the

Not at all, to my eye.

many respects of our constructive nation and age, and even so poetical, that I have even balanced in my

When a train comes to a bad spot in the road this Captain reins in his horse and stands there till they

I find this everywhere, and very pleasing to my sight.


  • Date: 26 February 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Upon a few of these hospitals I have been almost daily calling as a missionary, on my own account, for

On recurring to my note-book, I am puzzled which cases to select to illustrate the average of these young


  • Date: 27 December 1864
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

To my knowledge it is understood by Col. M ULFORD , Major John E.

In my opinion the Secretary has taken and obstinately held a position of cold-blooded policy, (that is

B UTLER , in my opinion, has also incorporated in the question of exchange a needless amount of personal

In my opinion, the anguish and death of these ten to fifteen thousand American young men, with all the


  • Date: 6 March 1865
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I found he wanted to go part of the road in my direction, so we walked on together.

My boy was with the former, stepping along with the rest. There were several other boys no older.

were all of pleasant, even handsome physiognomy; no refinement, nor blanched with intellect, but as my


  • Date: 11 December 1864
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Began my visits (Dec. 21, 1862,) among the camp hospitals in Army of the Potomac, under Gen.

, but space forbids my transcribing them.

He said: "It is my chief reliance." He talked of death, and said he did not fear it.

my life and occupation more than I can tell.

Independent Missionary, in my own style, and not as agent of any commission.


  • Date: 12 March 1865
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

ball for Lincoln's Second Inauguration was held in the Patent Office on March 6, 1865. ) and write my

the music will sound and the dancers' feet presently tread—what a different scene they presented to my

But I forego that reception, and finish off with something I have on my mind about no more uncommon topic


  • Date: 16 March 1865
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Captain George W.

Captain Whitman, leaving the Rappahannock with his regiment in February, 1863, now went round with them

many, that a shell, whose explosion had killed two of his company and seriously hurt a third, struck Captain

Petersburg (Virginia, June 9 and June 15–18, 1864) were Confederate victories. and down the Weldon road, Captain

Annotations Text:

.; Captain George W.


  • Date: 5 August 1865
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Last fall, our readers may remember, Major Whitman (then Captain) was spoken of by us as at that time

Promoted to Captain. February, 1863.—Left Falmouth with regiment. April, May, etc.

We allude to Captain Daniel E.

District of our city, a brave officer, who fell mortally wounded in May, 1864, in the Wilderness; Captain


  • Date: 19 January 1865
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Whitman, Captain George Washington Whitman, Walt Whitman's younger brother by ten years, served in the

December, 1862, was commissioned as Captain; all these steps for conduct in the field.

Annotations Text:

.; Captain George Washington Whitman, Walt Whitman's younger brother by ten years, served in the New


  • Date: 19 March 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

They have taken up my principal time and labor for some months past.

I always carry some, cut up in small plugs, in my pocket.

I thought I would include in my letter a few cases of soldiers, especially interesting, out of my note-book

, but I find my story has already been spun out to sufficient length.

Nor do I find it ended by my doing some good to the sick and dying soldiers.


  • Date: 24 January 1874
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

From the first I found it necessary to systematize my doings, and, among other things, always kept little

note-books for impromptu jottings in pencil to refresh my memory of names and circumstances and what

But before entering on my personal memoranda of the war, I have one or two thoughts to ventilate before


It reads: 'I cannot survive the loss of the liberties of my country.'") THE EVE OF A LONG WAR.


  • Date: 05 January 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

give even a mere resume of the movements, service, fights, marches, sufferings of the 51st since, as my

He likes his position of Captain of Company G, in which rank he started from Palace Garden; and the men

Captain George Washington Whitman was Walt Whitman's younger brother by ten years and was wounded in

A letter from his Captain says: Five of our color guard had either been killed or disabled, when Byram

Annotations Text:

.; Captain George Washington Whitman was Walt Whitman's younger brother by ten years and was wounded


  • Date: 21 February 1874
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman


Looking from any eminence and studying the topography in my rambles, I use them as landmarks.

I have already distributed quite a large amount of money, put in my hands for that purpose by benevolent

I regularly carry a haversack with me, and my coat has two of the biggest kind of pockets. [ To be Continued


  • Date: 7 March 1874
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Here is another characteristic scene of the dark and bloody year 1863, from notes of my visit to Armory

(I think I see my friends smiling at this confession, but I was never more in earnest in my life.)


I can say that in my ministerings I comprehended all and slighted none.

It has given me my plainest and most fervent views of the true ensemble and extent of the States.

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