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  • Whitman's Life / Interviews 8


  • 1885 8
Search : of captain, my captain!
Sub Section : Whitman's Life / Interviews
Year : 1885

8 results

Whitman as a Consul

  • Date: 20 March 1885
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

I have known that Cleveland is a reader and admirer of my books, but I really don't know anything at

Did I ever tell you the caution my doctor gave me when I left Washington?

Walt Whitman: The Author of "Leaves of Grass" at Home

  • Date: 16 June 1885
  • Creator(s): James Scovel

During my employment of seven years or more in Washington after the war (1865-72) I regularly saved a

great part of my wages; and, though the sum has now become about exhausted by my expenses of the last

three years, there are already beginning at present welcome dribbles hitherward from the sales of my

And that is the way I should prefer to glean my support.

In that way I cheerfully accept all the aid my friends find it convenient to proffer.

Walt Whitman: Has Reached the Age of 63—Discourses of Hugo, Tennyson and Himself

  • Date: 5 June 1885
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

"I would like to go on record as having a feeling of the utmost friendliness to all my fellow poets.

As to my works, I am in a peculiar position.

My works 'Leaves of Grass,' and my prose work, 'Specimen Days,' are printed and on sale, but still I

As I grow older I become the more confirmed in my adherence to my original theories.

Grant, in which are embodied all my original theories.

Walt Whitman and the Tennyson Visit

  • Date: 3 July 1885
  • Creator(s): William H. Ballou

"My health?

My income is just sufficient to keep my head above water—and what more can a poet ask?

"My opinion of other American poets?

"My religion? I should refuse to be called a materialist.

I recovered what I call my second wind from nature.

Walt Whitman

  • Date: 28 June 1885
  • Creator(s): William H. Ballou

I look forward to my visit abroad with great expectation. "My health?

My income is just sufficient to keep my head above water—and what more can a poet ask?

of my life.

Sometimes I think my Western experiences a force behind my life work. "Also the battlefield?

"My idea of a book? A book must have a living vertebra to hold it together. "My religion?


  • Date: 19 June 1885
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

"My young friend you ask me a difficult question.

The Poet's Livery

  • Date: 15 September 1885
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

"What's all this about, my boy?"

"Is it a patent of nobility, or is it an address from a lot of my young friends?"

My paralysis has made me so lame lately that I had to give up even my walks for health, let alone my

rambles in the country, and my constitution has suffered for exercise.


Men and Things

  • Date: 21 October 1885
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

"My eyes are feeling pretty badly, and yesterday and to-day I consulted Dr.

I have lost my poise in walking and cannot promenade at all.

I go out every day in my carriage, and a friend of mine, Willie Duckett, a neighbor's little boy, always

I still retain my hopeful, bouyant spirits. I feel better to-night than I have for several days."

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