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  • Whitman's Life / Interviews 5


  • 1889 5
Search : of captain, my captain!
Sub Section : Whitman's Life / Interviews
Year : 1889

5 results

Arnold and Walt Whitman

  • Date: 26 September 1889
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

"Then you are welcome to my home," Walt Whitman replied, giving him both his hands.

Arnold and Whitman: The Author of "Light of Asia" Visits the American Poet

  • Date: 15 September 1889
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

I think the dinner my good friends gave me recently, at Morgan's Hall, gave me a new lease of life.

"At least here I am surrounded by my books, and the roses you see my friends send me daily.

Arnold, you are right welcome to my home."

My second wife, you know, was an American lady, and that gives me a claim on your people.

There was no ceremoniousness about my visit to the President, and as a journalist I liked my brief talk

Whitman's Natal Day

  • Date: 1 June 1889
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

Chairman Grey delivered the address of welcome, to which the poet responded briefly as follows: "My friends

All I have felt the imperative conviction to say I have already printed in my books of poems or prose

Deeply acknowledging this deep compliment with my best respects and love to you personally—to Camden—to

Give more than my regards to Walt Whitman, who has won such a splendid victory over the granitic pudding-heads

Walt Whitman: Notes of a Conversation with the Good Gray Poet by a German Poet and Traveller

  • Date: 14 April 1889
  • Creator(s): C. Sadakichi Hartmann

There is a certain idea in my works—to glorify industry, nature and pure intstict.

I always remember that my ancestors were Dutch .

In my books, in my prose as well as my poetry, are many knots to untie.

I don't know why some men compare my book with the Bible.

Mendelssohn is my favorite. I always like to hear him.

Walt Whitman at Home

  • Date: 14 April 1889
  • Creator(s): Richard Hinton

My impressions were written on the next day, and my memory has been vividly refreshed.

He walked with bared head to my desk and laid one in my hand, saying: Please tell Mr.

The voice caught my ear.

on my desk.

My metre is loose and free.

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