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  • 1860 4
Search : of captain, my captain!
Work title : Who Learns My Lessons Complete
Year : 1860

4 results

Leaves of Grass (1860–1861)

  • Date: 1860–1861
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

We closed with him—the yards entangled—the cannon touched, My captain lashed fast with his own hands.

I laughed content when I heard the voice of my little captain, We have not struck, he composedly cried

Only three guns were in use, One was directed by the captain himself against the enemy's main-mast, Two

Serene stood the little captain, He was not hurried—his voice was neither high nor low, His eyes gave

Then the mechanics take him for a mechanic, And the soldiers suppose him to be a captain, and the sailors

Cluster: Leaves of Grass. (1860)

  • Date: 1860–1861
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Then the mechanics take him for a mechanic, And the soldiers suppose him to be a captain, and the sailors

body to meet my lover the sea, I will not touch my flesh to the earth, as to other flesh, to renew me

and which are my miracles?

WHO learns my lesson complete?

Me, ruthless and devilish as any, that my wrists are not chained with iron, or my ankles with iron?

Leaves of Grass 11

  • Date: 1860–1861
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

WHO learns my lesson complete?

as every one is immortal, I know it is wonderful—but my eye-sight is equally wonderful, and how I was

conceived in my moth- er's mother's womb is equally wonderful; And how I was not palpable once, but

And that my Soul embraces you this hour, and we af- fect affect each other without ever seeing each other

Remember how many pass their

  • Date: Between 1850 and 1860
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
Annotations Text:

.; TThis manuscript bears some similarity in subject to the poem that became "Who Learns My Lesson Complete

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