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  • 1863 201
Search : of captain, my captain!
Year : 1863

201 results

Thomas Jefferson Whitman to Walt Whitman, 22 September 1863

  • Date: September 22, 1863
  • Creator(s): Thomas Jefferson Whitman

Brooklyn 22nd Sept. 1863 Dear brother Walt, The enclosed $25 is from my old friend Joseph P.

I have written him in some of my letters what you were doing, with short extracts from your letters.

The whole thing in my opinion is one of the biggest of humbugs.

Thomas Jefferson Whitman to Walt Whitman, 7 October 1863

  • Date: October 7, 1863
  • Creator(s): Thomas Jefferson Whitman

Brooklyn Oct 7th /63 My dear Walt, The enclosed $10 is from Mr James P.

Thomas Jefferson Whitman to Walt Whitman, 8 October 1863

  • Date: October 8, 1863
  • Creator(s): Thomas Jefferson Whitman

Brooklyn Oct. 8th/63 My dear Walt I yesterday wrote you enclosing the $10 from Mr Kirkwood for the use

Martin "1 "  Henry Carlow In my yesterdays letter I said something about the acknowledgement of the moneys

morning mother is not quite so well,—a bad cold—yesterday Jess was sick all day—there is no doubt Walt in my

Thomas Jefferson Whitman to Walt Whitman, 24 September 1863

  • Date: September 24, 1863
  • Creator(s): Thomas Jefferson Whitman
Annotations Text:

stingey we wouldent know what to doo but i got the same old retort that it was me that was stingey with my

Thomas Jefferson Whitman to Walt Whitman, 22 October 1863

  • Date: October 22, 1863
  • Creator(s): Thomas Jefferson Whitman

My own opinion is that he will not recover, that he cannot last long.

do Andrew a great deal of good  In the letter that Mother received yesterday from you, you speak abt my

worries you without doing any good, and another thing it is not like you think in regard to cutting down my

Give yourself no thought abt my worring. Something that I have got entirely past.

Thomas Jefferson Whitman to Walt Whitman, 15 December 1863

  • Date: December 15, 1863
  • Creator(s): Thomas Jefferson Whitman

I love Mat as I love my life—dearer by far—and to have this infernal pup—a perfect hell-drag to his Mother—treat

I wish to God he was ready to put along side of Andrew  There would be but few tears shed on my part

It will be a sad thing to leave her with them but I can't think I am doing my duty to my wife if I leave

Thomas Jefferson Whitman to Walt Whitman, 28 December 1863

  • Date: December 28, 1863
  • Creator(s): Thomas Jefferson Whitman

December 28th/63 Dear brother Walt, My last letter to you was dated from Springfield Mass.

Of course I have had to keep my work up in Brooklyn just the same as if I had not been away,—had to work

a duty to our Mother for her comfort and indeed for her safty and of course I have another stake in my

That iron-clad that sunk at Charleston drownded one of my intimate friends H. W.

He was in my party on the line and was my room-mate for a year.

Annotations Text:

years  I think it would be very bad for him to be put in the lunatic assiliym...i could not find it in my

Thomas P. Sawyer to Walt Whitman, 26 April 1863

  • Date: April 26, 1863
  • Creator(s): Thomas P. Sawyer

It is [my] sincere wish that Johny Makey will survive the operation and ultimately recover.

Yes my dear Brother, You have my friendship as fully as you can desire, and I hope we will meet again

Having nothing more of importance to communicate, I will conclude with my best wishes for your health


  • Date: 15 March 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I would offer, as an illustration of my meaning, that, in times of peace, a slightly greater ratio of


  • Date: 16 August 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

If in his barouche, I can see from my window he does not alight, but sits in the vehicle, and Mr.

"Shining Shores," also called "My Days are Swiftly Gliding By," was written by David Nelson in 1835,

My days are swiftly gliding by, and I a Pilgrim stranger, Would not detain them as I fly, those hours

We'll gird our loins my brethren dear, our distant home discerning.

The sounds and scene altogether had made an indelible impression on my memory.

Annotations Text:

.; "Shining Shores," also called "My Days are Swiftly Gliding By," was written by David Nelson in 1835


  • Date: 4 October 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

We are soon to see a thing accomplished here which I have often exercised my mind about, namely, the

Not at all, to my eye.

many respects of our constructive nation and age, and even so poetical, that I have even balanced in my

When a train comes to a bad spot in the road this Captain reins in his horse and stands there till they

I find this everywhere, and very pleasing to my sight.


  • Date: 26 February 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Upon a few of these hospitals I have been almost daily calling as a missionary, on my own account, for

On recurring to my note-book, I am puzzled which cases to select to illustrate the average of these young


  • Date: 19 March 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

They have taken up my principal time and labor for some months past.

I always carry some, cut up in small plugs, in my pocket.

I thought I would include in my letter a few cases of soldiers, especially interesting, out of my note-book

, but I find my story has already been spun out to sufficient length.

Nor do I find it ended by my doing some good to the sick and dying soldiers.


  • Date: 05 January 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

give even a mere resume of the movements, service, fights, marches, sufferings of the 51st since, as my

He likes his position of Captain of Company G, in which rank he started from Palace Garden; and the men

Captain George Washington Whitman was Walt Whitman's younger brother by ten years and was wounded in

A letter from his Captain says: Five of our color guard had either been killed or disabled, when Byram

Annotations Text:

.; Captain George Washington Whitman was Walt Whitman's younger brother by ten years and was wounded

Walt Whitman to John Swinton, 23 February 1863

  • Date: February 23, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

You will easily recognize the article—I enclose you my address—write me a line about it, at your leisure

Walt Whitman to Le Baron Russell, 3 December 1863

  • Date: December 3, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

magnetism human relations are capable of—I have told you how young & how American they mostly are—so on my

them suffering & dying—Doctor to the other friends that assisted me in Boston & to yourself, I send my

Walt Whitman to Julia Elizabeth Stilwell, 21 October 1863

  • Date: October 21, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Jim is dissatisfied unless I write pretty often, whether there is any thing to write about or not—My

to heal so that he can sit up, & then gradually move about, & so in due time be able to travel— So, my

friend, farewell for present, & I pray that God may be with you, & though we are strangers I send my

Walt Whitman to George Wood, 17 January 1863

  • Date: January 17, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I thank you, dear sir, in their name, and in my own, as the organ of your charity.

My friend, I must meet you soon again.

Walt Whitman to Thomas Jefferson Whitman, 16 January 1863

  • Date: January 16, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Lane and Probasco, a pretty plain schedule of the manner of my outlays of the sums sent by them to the

Nothing definite appears to-day about the status or movements of the Army of the Potomac, but my guess

one of the putty nosed scoundrel's temporary fits of ugliness, but a deliberate thing meant for good, my

About my own concerns here—I must tell you dear brother, my general idea was, (and is) to make application

, one letter to Seward, and one to Chase, which I hope, (and though I have well learnt not to count my

Walt Whitman to Martha Whitman, 2–4 January 1863

  • Date: January 2–4, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Dear sister, You have heard of my fortunes and misfortunes of course, (through my letters to mother and

Since I laid my eyes on dear brother George, and saw him alive and well—and since I have spent a week

The weather is perfect—I have had that in my favor ever since leaving home—yesterday and to-day it is

I write this in the place where I have my lodging room, 394 L street, 4th door above 14th street.

My Brooklyn boys were John Lowery, shot at Fredericksburgh, and lost his left forearm, and Amos H.

Walt Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 31 March 1863

  • Date: March 31, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Mother, when you or Jeff writes again, tell me if my papers & MSS are all right—I should be very sorry

ground is an inch and a half deep with snow—and it is snowing & drizzling—but I feel very independent in my

I have felt quite well of my deafness and cold in my head for four days or so, but it is back again bad

Dear mother, I wrote the above, in my room—I have now come down to Major Hapgood's office.

I find a good letter from one of my New York boys, (Fifth Avenue)—a young fellow named Hugo Fritsch,

Annotations Text:

Captain John Mullan (1830–1909), an army engineer, was associated with General Isaac I.

Walt Whitman to Thomas Jefferson Whitman, 13 February 1863

  • Date: February 13, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Meantime I make about enough to pay my expenses by hacking on the press here, and copying in the paymasters

thing is favorable here, namely, pay for whatever one does is at a high rate—I have not yet presented my

letters to either Seward or Chase —I thought I would get my forces all in a body, and make one concentrated

Walt Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 6 February 1863

  • Date: February 6, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Mother, I am quite in hopes George will get a furlough—may-be my expectations are unfounded, but I almost

Annotations Text:

On February 6, 1863, Jeff wrote: "I think I shall be able to carry through my little 'real estate' scheme

Walt Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 15 April 1863

  • Date: April 15, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

It is said the government purposes something of this kind—it will throw a good many captains & lieutenants

Mother, you tell him I sent him my love, and Nancy the same, and the dear little boys the same.

I find I have to restrain myself and keep my composure—I succeed pretty well.

Give my best respects to Dr. Ruggles.

3—I have been in my room all day, so far—shall have dinner in ½ an hour, and then down to Armory.

Annotations Text:

I find them of great use in giving me ideas about my business and they are too cursed costly to buy."

Captain John Mullan (1830–1909), an army engineer, was associated with General Isaac I.

Walt Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 13 May 1863

  • Date: May 13, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Dearest Mother, I am late with my letter this week—my poor, poor boys occupy my time very much—I go every

Dear brother, I wish you to say to Probasco & all the other young men on the Works, I send them my love

again—I myself do not give up Hooker yet— Dear mother, I should like to hear from Han, poor Han—I send my

Walt Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 5 May 1863

  • Date: May 5, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I want Han to come home, from the bottom of my heart.

I have almost made up my mind to do what I can personally, & not seek assistance from others.

Walt Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 28 April 1863

  • Date: April 28, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

would take 10 cts I send in this letter & get me ten copies of the Eagle with it in—put in 5 more of my

Give my respects to Mr. & Mrs. Brown. Tell Jeff I am going to write to Mr.

If my letters home don't show it, you don't get 'em.

Matty, I send you my best love, dear sister—how I wish I could be with you one or two good days.

Give him my love—& tell Mannahatta her Uncle Walt is living now among the sick soldiers.

Annotations Text:

Lane promised to "make an effort among my friends here to keep you supplied with funds all summer."

Walt Whitman to Moses Lane, 11 May 1863

  • Date: May 11, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Cotrel, Nicholas Wyckoff, & Thomas Sullivan, for my poor men here in hospital.

My health, thank God, was never better—I feel strong & elastic—an obstinate cold & deafness some weeks

Richmond & Jeff Davis, by this short but tremendous little campaign, of 2d, 3d, 4th & 5th inst's, is in my

Love & thanks to you, dear friend, & to those who are aiding my boys.

Annotations Text:

I had certainly made up my mind that we should meet with partial success certainly, but it seems otherwise

Walt Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 19 May 1863

  • Date: May 19, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I wrote to Han yesterday, (before I received this letter of Heyde's), I wrote a short letter of my own

new ones, I could not find any one to do them as I wear them, & it would have cost such a price—& so my

they were too thick & more still because they were worse gone in than any I ever yet wore I think in my

life, especially the trowsers—wearing my big boots had caused the inside of the legs just above the

same as what I always wear, (pants pretty full,) so upon the whole all looks unusually good for me, my

Walt Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 22 June 1863

  • Date: June 22, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Mother, I have nothing particular to write about—I see & hear nothing but new & old cases of my poor

would literally sink & give up, if I did not pass a portion of the time with them—I have quite made up my

the way I shall put it in operation—you know, mother, it is to raise funds to enable me to continue my

everywhere & receive no pay — Dear, dear mother, I want much to see you & dear Matty too, I send you both [my

Walt Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 7 July 1863

  • Date: July 7, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

, to the Hospital, &c. but I could not bring myself to go again—when I meet black men or boys among my

wards of a hospital, & trying to give a word of cheer, if nothing else, to every one, then confining my

Walt Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 9 June 1863

  • Date: June 9, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Mother, I am feeling very well these days—my head that was stopt up so & hard of hearing seems to be

hulls on—I go down to market sometimes of a morning & buy two or three quarts, for the folks I take my

little girl, (lost a fine boy about a year ago)—they have two rooms in the same house where I hire my

will have it so—that's the way it has gone on now over five months, & as I say they won't listen to my

insisted on going to market, (it is pleasant in the cool of the morning,) and getting the things, at my

Annotations Text:

Of the O'Connors, Jeff wrote on June 13, 1863: "I am real glad, my dear Walt, that you are among such

Walt Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 26 May 1863

  • Date: May 26, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

had it here, as I must have a trunk—but do not wish you to send it, until I send you word—I suppose my

Walt Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 15 July 1863

  • Date: July 15, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

partly scornful, or occasionally put a dry remark, which only adds fuel to the flame—I do not feel it in my

find that the deeper they go in with the draft, the more trouble it is likely to make—I have changed my

family, still I feel somewhat uneasy—about Jeff, if any one, as he is more around—I have had it much on my

have no doubt I shall make a few hundred dollars by the lectures I shall certainly commence soon, (for my

hospital missionary purposes & my own, for that purpose) & I could lend that am't to Jeff to pay it

Annotations Text:

From my own personal observations I think that the newspapers would give one the most perverted kind

Walt Whitman to James Redpath (?), 6 August 1863

  • Date: August 6, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Dear friend, I am going to write you to ask any friends you may be in communication with for aid for my

Then I select the most needy cases & devote my time & services much to them.

hospitals, nothing but the mere hard routine, no time for tenderness or extras)—So I go round—Some of my

My brave young American soldiers—now for so many months I have gone around among them, where they lie

too near to each other, there is no time to lose, & death & anguish dissipate ceremony here between my

Walt Whitman to Hugo Fritsch, 7 August 1863

  • Date: August 7, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

letter from Bloom yesterday—but, before responding to it (which I will do soon) I must write to you, my

Every day or night I spend four, five, or six hours, among my sick, wounded, prostrate boys.

Some of my boys get well, some die.

, good stock, often mere boys, full of sweetness & heroism—often they seem very near to me, even as my

I make no bones of petting them just as if they were—have long given up formalities & reserves in my

Walt Whitman to Hugo Fritsch, Before 7 August 1863

  • Date: Before August 7, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My honest thanks to you, Hugo, for your letter posting me up not only about yourself but about my dear

When I went up to my room that night towards 11 I took a seat by the open window in the splendid soft

moonlit night, and, there alone by myself, (as is my custom sometimes under such circumstances), I devoted

Fred's room, so pleasant, with its effect I remember of pictures, fine color, &c. to have the delight of my

Annotations Text:

"My own greatest pleasure at Pfaff's was to look on—to see, talk little, absorb," Whitman observed to

Walt Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 11 August 1863

  • Date: August 11, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

continues so—yesterday & last night was the hottest—still I slept sound, have good ventilation through my

when I woke up, a thing I never remember to have happened to me before, for I was not disturbed in my

own breakfast in my room & my dinner at a restaurant—I have a little spirit lamp, & always have a capital

on my hand, nor had any dressing for the last five days—Mother, I hope you get along with the heat,

it came right, & give him the men's thanks & my love— Mother, have you heard any thing from Han?

Walt Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 25 August 1863

  • Date: August 25, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

some of those battles—I get thinking about it sometimes, & it works upon me so I have to stop & turn my

get them—I sent them & another paper to George—Mother, you none of you ever mention whether you get my

would take away your appetite I know—Mother, I have some idea Han is getting some better, it is only my

idea somehow—I hope it is so from the bottom of my heart—did you hear from Mary's Fanny since?

them, for grandmother will perhaps leave them to you in her will, if you behave like a lady—Matty, my

Walt Whitman to Mary A. Babbitt, 3 September 1863

  • Date: September 3, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
Annotations Text:

On October 1, 1863, Babbitt was depressed—"dark clouds seem to be lying in my pathway and I can not remove

them nor hide them from my mind"—until he mentioned his beloved, Nellie F.

Walt Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 1 September 1863

  • Date: September 1, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

mother, how are you nowadays—I do hope you feel well & in good spirits—I think about you every day of my

see women in the hospitals, mothers come to see their sons, & occasionally one that makes me think of my

dear mother—one did very much, a lady about 60, from Pennsylvania, come to see her son, a Captain, very

as it was that time that my hand was cut in the artery, & I was liable to gangrene myself—but she and

breakfast in my room in the morning myself, & dinner at a restaurant about 3 o'clock—I get along very

Walt Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 18 August 1863

  • Date: August 18, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I was glad you gave Emma Price my direction here, I should like to hear from Mrs Price & her girls first

got along better than I would have thought, but the last week I have felt it more, have felt it in my

head a little—I no more stir without my umbrella, in the day time, than I would without my boots.

I am afraid of the sun affecting my head, & move pretty cautious—Mother, I think every day, I wonder

I send you my love, dear mother, & to all, & wish Jeff & you to write as often as you can— Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 29 September 1863

  • Date: September 29, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

by the window in Major Hapgood's office—all the Potomac & Maryland & Virginia hills in sight—writing my

shall send him some papers to-day—I send papers quite often—(why hasn't Jeff sent me the Union with my

are well—I have rec'd another letter from Mrs Price, she has not good health, I am sorry for her from my

Annotations Text:

Mary's mother-in-law, wrote to Whitman from Farmingdale, Long Island, on September 25: "I have raiced my

Walt Whitman to Miss Gregg, 7 September 1863

  • Date: September 7, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

tender heart, & your goodness to those wounded & dying young men—for they have grown to seem to me as my

Walt Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 8 September 1863

  • Date: September 8, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

$5 from Mr Lane had miscarried—this morning when I came down to Major Hapgood's office I found it on my

Mother, what to do about Andrew I hardly know—as it is I feel about as much pity for you as I do for my

cheerfully I would give them, whether they availed any thing for Andrew or not—yet I have long made up my

all do what we can for Andrew—Mother, I think I must try to come home for a month—I have not given up my

Well, dear mother, I must close—I am first rate in health, so much better than a month & two mo's ago—my

Annotations Text:

ought to be," but attributed the condition to his mother's frugality: "I have not the least doubt in my

Walt Whitman to Bethuel Smith, 16 September 1863

  • Date: September 16, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

see if they would reach you—I was very much disappointed when I went to Armory that evening to find my

Thuey, did you take the envelope you had with my address?

you need not mind ceremony—there is no need of ceremony between dear friends for that I hope we are, my

together again—good by, dear boy, from your true friend— Thuey, I enclose an envelope but will write my

be afraid, my darling comrade—it is little, but it may be some use—Thuey, you write to me just as you

Walt Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 15 September 1863

  • Date: September 15, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Washington September 15 1863 Dear Mother Your letters were very acceptable—one came just as I was putting my

unionists I have met in the hospitals, wounded or sick—one young man I guess I have mentioned to you in my

must have been a giant in health, but now he is weaker, has a cough too)—Mother, can you wonder at my

mother, I have writ quite a letter—it is between 2 & 3 o'clock—I am in Major Hapgood's all alone—from my

at 4 o'clock at a Mr Boyle's —I am going—(hope we shall have something good)—dear Mother, I send you my

Walt Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 6 October 1863

  • Date: October 6, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

opinion that the 51st is still in Kentucky at or near where George last wrote, but of course that is only my

such a misfortune to have such sickness, & always do any thing for him that you can in reason—Mat, my

little room 394 L st., get my own breakfast there, had good tea this morning, & some nice biscuit, (

They are truly friends to me—I still get my dinner at a restaurant usually.

mind again before me— Mother, did you see my letter in the N Y Times of Sunday Oct 4?

Walt Whitman to William S. Davis, 1 October 1863

  • Date: October 1, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

children in age yet—so good, so sweet, so brave, so decorous, I could not feel them nearer to me if my

Walt Whitman to Hannah E. Stevenson, 8 October 1863

  • Date: October 8, 1863
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

stopping at one of the hospitals last night Miss Lowe just from Boston came to me & handed the letters—My

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