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Year : 1869

119 results

Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar to George S. Boutwell, 26 November 1869

  • Date: November 26, 1869
  • Creator(s): Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar | Walt Whitman

Sir: I respectfully call your attention to my letter to you of the 6th inst. relating to the suit of

Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar to George S. Boutwell, 26 March 1869

  • Date: March 26, 1869
  • Creator(s): Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar | Walt Whitman

This subject was referred to my Department by the President, was duly considered, and a Report thereon

Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar to George S. Boutwell, 20 April 1869

  • Date: April 20, 1869
  • Creator(s): Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar | Walt Whitman

It appears from a letter of my predecessor to the Dist.

Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar to George S. Boutwell, 2 June 1869

  • Date: June 2, 1869
  • Creator(s): Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar | Walt Whitman

Sir: I have received your letter of the 24th ult. and the accompanying papers, submitting for my consideration

Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar to George S. Boutwell, 13 July 1869

  • Date: July 13, 1869
  • Creator(s): Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar | Walt Whitman

By this grant, the United States have, in my opinion, acquired a valid title to the land described.

Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar to George S. Boutwell, 10 July 1869

  • Date: July 10, 1869
  • Creator(s): Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar | Walt Whitman

I do not wish to preclude myself by my action in these cases from reconsidering the question whether

Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar to George M. Robeson, 10 July 1869

  • Date: July 10, 1869
  • Creator(s): Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar | Walt Whitman

The questions of law upon which my opinion is requested are not stated, and there is among the papers

I, therefore, feel under the necessity of returning the papers to you, and of asking that, if my opinion

of the claim, a statement of the facts of the case, and of the questions of law upon which you wish my

Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar to Garret Davis, 22 April 1869

  • Date: April 22, 1869
  • Creator(s): Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar | Walt Whitman

As I desire to do my duty under that resolution, I wish to be informed by any person who has knowledge

Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar to Elihu B. Washburne, 11 March 1869

  • Date: March 11, 1869
  • Creator(s): Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar | Walt Whitman

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of my commission as Attorney General of the United States

I herewith enclose my oath of allegiance, duly executed.

Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar to Edward Jordan, 12 March 1869

  • Date: March 12, 1869
  • Creator(s): Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar | Walt Whitman

Attorney for Georgia: "I deem it my duty to report that it is currently rumored that the U. S.

Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar to David Noggle, 22 July 1869

  • Date: July 22, 1869
  • Creator(s): Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar | Walt Whitman

As an original question, I should have had grave doubts upon it; but I did not think it my duty to suggest

Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar to Blanton Duncan, 13 July 1869

  • Date: July 13, 1869
  • Creator(s): Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar | Walt Whitman

Sir: I have received your telegram of the 12th inst. in reply to my letter of the 10th inst. both relating

Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar to Anthon & Leeds, 16 October 1869

  • Date: October 16, 1869
  • Creator(s): Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar | Walt Whitman

It was the purpose of my letter of the 13th inst. to inform you politely of a result, and I did not then

Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar to A. L. Kerr, 28 June 1869

  • Date: June 28, 1869
  • Creator(s): Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar | Walt Whitman

shall be able to find some one as faithful and attentive to take your place; and with the assurance of my

Charles Warren Stoddard to Walt Whitman, 2 March 1869

  • Date: March 2, 1869
  • Creator(s): Charles Warren Stoddard

Now my voice is stronger, I ask, why will you not speak to me?

For the first time I act as my nature prompts me.

This is my mode of life:—At dusk I reach some village, a few grass huts by the sea or in some valley.

You will easily imagine, my dear sir, how delightful I find this life.

My address is San Francisco, Cal Box 1005. P. O. I shall immediately return there.

Benton H. Wilson to Walt Whitman, 24 January 1869

  • Date: January 24, 1869
  • Creator(s): Benton H. Wilson

Father & Mother & My Wife send Love to my kind Friend, & you know you have a good share of mine.

Annotations Text:

I am a married man but I am not happy for my disposition is not right.

21, 1867, Wilson acknowledged Whitman's reply of April 12, 1867: "I do not want you to misunderstand my

motives in writing to you of my Situation & feelings as I did in my last letter or else I shall have

to be more guarded in my letters to you.

I wrote so because you wanted me to write how I was situated, and give you my mind without reserve, and

Benton H. Wilson to Walt Whitman, 19 December 1869

  • Date: December 19, 1869
  • Creator(s): Benton H. Wilson

Greene Dec 19 th 1869 Walt Whitman Dear Friend you will see by my letter that I have changed my base

My family are all here and are well. little Walt is just getting interesting he runs all around and is

I do not know but you will think by my long silence that I have forgotten you, but I still remember and

My Father & Mother were well the last time I heard from them.

Annotations Text:

I am a married man but I am not happy for my disposition is not right.

21, 1867, Wilson acknowledged Whitman's reply of April 12, 1867: "I do not want you to misunderstand my

motives in writing to you of my Situation & feelings as I did in my last letter or else I shall have

to be more guarded in my letters to you.

I wrote so because you wanted me to write how I was situated, and give you my mind without reserve, and

Benton H. Wilson to Walt Whitman, 18 July 1869

  • Date: July 18, 1869
  • Creator(s): Benton H. Wilson

has been a long time since we have heard from each other and I am feeling quite anxious to hear from my

My little Walt is quite a big Boy most 16 months old and full of mischief, he can walk all around the

Annotations Text:

I am a married man but I am not happy for my disposition is not right.

21, 1867, Wilson acknowledged Whitman's reply of April 12, 1867: "I do not want you to misunderstand my

motives in writing to you of my Situation & feelings as I did in my last letter or else I shall have

to be more guarded in my letters to you.

I wrote so because you wanted me to write how I was situated, and give you my mind without reserve, and

[All my emprises]

  • Date: about 1874

A.MS. draft and notes.loc.00287xxx.00263[All my emprises]about 1874poetryhandwritten1 leaf; A draft of

[All my emprises]

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