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  • 1892 14
Search : William White
Year : 1892

14 results

Walt Whitman

  • Date: May 1892
  • Creator(s): William H. Garrison

the sporting event to sit in admiration of a clump of green trees that outlined themselves against a white

"How the white background sets off the many shades of the green leaves!"

, and this the poet has always been, that the "Whit" may either be the Saxon "wit" or "wisdom" or "white

" in the sense of his being a "white" man, but that the essence of the whole name lies in the last syllable

William H. Garrison . Our transcription is based on a digital image of an original issue.

Autobiographia: Starting Newspapers (Another Account)

  • Date: 1892
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

How it made my heart double-beat to see my piece on the pretty white paper, in nice type.

It was far more primitive and ancient then my Camden friend William Kurtz's place up on Federal street

Walt Whitman to Richard Maurice Bucke, 8 February 1892

  • Date: February 8, 1892
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
Annotations Text:

Harry's parents, George and Susan Stafford, were tenant farmers at White Horse Farm near Kirkwood, New

Walt Whitman in Boston

  • Date: August 1892
  • Creator(s): Sylvester Baxter

and beloved among actors; for many of the famous figures of the American stage have known it, and William

William T.

Passing under some arc-lights in the street, on our way back from the theatre, he remarked: "This white

A most scathing letter from William Douglas O'Connor was published, consigning Mr.

Probably the most intimate and devoted of Whitman's younger friends in Boston was William Sloane Kennedy

Margaretta L. and William A. Avery to Walt Whitman, 1 March 1892

  • Date: March 1, 1892
  • Creator(s): Margaretta L. and William A. Avery

Margaretta & William A. Avery. Margaretta L. and William A. Avery to Walt Whitman, 1 March 1892

The Good Grey Poet

  • Date: 4 February 1892
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

among a very few, and was only beginning to make its way into England, chiefly owing to the help of William

heavy-lidded firm blue eyes, which had a steadfast and dreamy regard; a short thick grey beard almost white

Review of Leaves of Grass (1891–92)

  • Date: 1892
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

eminent and distinguished subject-matter: Lowell's 'Choice Odes, Lyrics, and Sonnets,' in a setting of white

Reminiscences of Whitman

  • Date: 11 April 1892
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

He had on a short black tailor jacket—no vest, wide turn-over collar, white shirt, broad sailor black

Albert C. Hopkins to Walt Whitman, 14 March 1892

  • Date: March 14, 1892
  • Creator(s): Albert C. Hopkins

for the stars, the centre representing the Central government or Capital, from which radiate in the white

Men and Memories

  • Date: 16 January 1892
  • Creator(s): John Russell Young

One White House story comes to me of his leaving Lincoln in wrath, "slamming the doors behind him" because

I look where he lies, white-faced and still in the coffin, and draw near.

Bend down and touch lightly with my lips the white face in the coffin.

Our Pete hit in a cavalry skirmish and to die; the boy shot in the abdomen, "face as white as a lily;

Complete Prose Works

  • Date: 1892
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My old pilot friends, the Balsirs, Johnny Cole, Ira Smith, William White, and my young ferry friend,

—everything so white, so marbly pure and dazzling, yet soft—the White House of future poems, and of dreams

One Delaware soldier, William H.

Williams, aged 21, 3d Virginia cavalry.

White, however, is the prevailing color.

Walt Whitman's Dying Hours

  • Date: 13 February 1892
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

transparent haze of the warm after- afternoon noon sun; The aspiring lilac bushes with profuse purple or white

Indeed, his face seems almost ruddy in contrast with the snowy whiteness of his hair and beard.

Williams— It has become almost fashion to say that Walt Whitman lacks form, and that his method of expressing

An Impression of Walt Whitman

  • Date: June 1892
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

vis-à-vis the ample figure of the poet clad in light gray linen, his wide rolling shirt collar and long white

Dr. John Johnston to Walt Whitman, 26 March 1892

  • Date: March 26, 1892
  • Creator(s): Dr. John Johnston
Annotations Text:

John White Alexander (1856–1915) was an American painter and illustrator, well known for his portraits

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