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  • 2005 3
Search : of captain, my captain!
Year : 2005
Format : TEI

3 results

Whitman Making Books/Books Making Whitman

  • Date: 2005
  • Creator(s): Folsom, Ed

I make my way, / I am stern, acrid, large, undissuadable—but I love you, / I do not hurt you more than

edition of 500," he wrote to his friend William O'Connor, adding that "I could sell that number by my

My Captain!" and "When Lilacs Last in the Door-Yard Bloom'd."

And he found particular significance in the cover: "This is my design—I conceived it."

Body, set to them my name," followed by a blank space where Whitman added his signature in each copy

Re-Scripting Walt Whitman

  • Date: 2005
  • Creator(s): Folsom, Ed | Price, Kenneth M.

his life, he could still recall the excitement of seeing this first article in print: "How it made my

heart double-beat to see my piece on the pretty white paper, in nice type" ( , 1:287).

to the President in the midst of his cabinet, and Good day my brother, to Sambo, among the hoes of the

lesson complete" ("Who Learns My Lesson Complete"), "Clear the way there Jonathan" ("A Boston Ballad

Commenced putting to press for good, at the job printing office of my friends, the brothers Rome, in

The Walt Whitman Archive at Ten: Some Backward Glances and Vistas Ahead

  • Creator(s): Kenneth M. Price

more audacious artistic uses of Whitman is the Flash animation " Walt Whitman " by performance artist My

One day in 1995 Charles Green and another graduate student, David Donlon, strolled into my office and

Susan Belasco, my colleague at the University of Nebraska, has made significant strides in presenting

My advice to Whitman scholars would be to hang on to your electronic rights.

This idea also appeals to me because of my academic place , the University of Nebraska.

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