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  • Literary Manuscripts / Manuscript Catalogs 1654

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Sub Section : Literary Manuscripts / Manuscript Catalogs

1654 results

Talk with Mr. Hartshorn

  • Date: 1855-1861

[George Walker]

  • Date: between 1855-1856

[the scope of government]

  • Date: between 1855-1856

[(illeg.) Dick Hunt]

  • Date: 1856-1857

In his presence

  • Date: Between 1850 and 1855

9th av.

  • Date: between 1854 and 1860

Free cider

  • Date: Between 1850 and 1860

From the tips of his

  • Date: Between 1853 and 1855

Citizens took by mutual agreement

  • Date: Between 1853 and 1855

Western Nicknames

  • Date: about 1885

Future writing about the war

  • Date: about 1873

[med Cophósis]

  • Date: Between 1852 and 1854

"Summer Duck"

  • Date: Between 1852 and 1855

Rule in all addresses

  • Date: Before 1856

[The Trapper's Bride]

  • Date: 1856 or later

Airs of Lilac Time

  • Date: about 1870

[Philadelphia, Pa]

  • Date: about 1880-81

[Make a piece]

  • Date: about 1890

[more books]

  • Date: about 1885

for Mulleins & BB

  • Date: between 1873 and 1882

See'st thou

  • Date: Between 1850 and 1855

such things

  • Date: Between 1850 and 1860

[Draw a picture of a model]

  • Date: about 1868

in the west

  • Date: Between 1850 and 1860

[Railroad poem]

  • Date: undated


  • Date: undated

[dear to me]

  • Date: undated

Cluster of Sonnet Poems

  • Date: undated

[The Voice]

  • Date: undated

Poem of the Trainer

  • Date: Betwee late 1855 and 1860

whale—the sperm

  • Date: about 1860

And there is the meteor-shower

  • Date: Between 1855 and 1860

earliest spring wildflowers

  • Date: about 1881

Antietam, Manassas

  • Date: 1870–1880

[The long]

  • Date: 1861–1876

Walt Whitman's Book

  • Date: 1888

[answer the point]

  • Date: about 1867

Brooklyn theatres

  • Date: about 1862

[Brooklyn is ° latitude]

  • Date: about 1862

[*current aims]

  • Date: about 1890


  • Date: about 1883
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