I received yours dated April 272 was truly glad to hear from you but sorow of your bad helth 3 I hop you will recover soon I think if you was here this clymate would be good for your helth the are some comming from the different Stats for there health.
my friend Whitman I love you when I think of the kindness you shew to me my heart is swelled with gratitude to you may the lord preserve you
and duk_am.00030_large.jpg
giv you a home in heaven my friend i have bin in a bad stat of health for 10 months I have the dropsy of the heart I am getting better
& my family is well mrs Stansberry4 well wishes to you I
will send you my oldes
pictor . I have not got my on that is fit to send this time
I received the paper with your portrait of the poet Walt Whitman. my wife sais you had better come and stay with us this summer if you remember the black berry wine.
I was in ward d in 65 in armery sq you came in every evening I remember of you kissing me if you remember my brother came to see me from West VA.
well i must close by saying if we meet no more here that I shall know you in the upper and better world the mind will
I have united myself to the Society of friends commonly called quaker now if you will come t minnesota. I think this is the healthiest climet tha I can find if you will be a friend to you
I love you as a brother
yours truly Wm Stansberryexcuse my bad writing I am nerves
William Stansberry (1837–1906), a native of West Virginia,
was a Sergeant in Company A of the Third West Virginia Cavalry during the American Civil War. He later
moved to Wright County, Minnesota, where he and his wife, Jane Drusilla Cochran Stansberry (1837–1920) settled on a farm.
The couple had at least twelve children, and the family was living in Howard Lake, Minnesota, a few years before William's death.