I was glad to hear from you But Sory to know that your Health was not Improving But glad that you remember me
My health's Failig Fast as I have told you In letters Before that I am trying for an Envelid
Pentian I have Now only the Need of to witnesses of my Comrades they Live in W. Va and if as you have Been in the habit of Asisting Soldier People I would Like to have the Lone of 65$ untill Next
Aprilth Want to go duk_am.00039_large.jpg to W Va and get those witnesses I will Pay you
Intrest Let me know at once If you
Please, I can not find out their adress and to get then I must go to West. W. Va. M D Halans is
my Pentian agent St. Paul Minn Howard Lake is Improving Fast I wished you would come and visit this place
My wife2 sends her Best wishes with mine
William Stansberry (1837–1906), a native of West Virginia,
was a Sergeant in Company A of the Third West Virginia Cavalry during the American Civil War. He later
moved to Wright County, Minnesota, where he and his wife, Jane Drusilla Cochran Stansberry (1837–1920) settled on a farm.
The couple had at least twelve children, and the family was living in Howard Lake, Minnesota, a few years before William's death.