I send herewith, by book post, a short poem called "The Great Peace–Maker," which I have just edited for private distribution.1
As a constant reader and great admirer of your poetry, I have had the idea that the practical element loc.01619.002_large.jpg in this poem, and also its fervent aspiration after the good of mankind, may commend themselves to you,—while a poem more like the rest of our contemporary verse might not.
Believe me to be dear sir faithfully yours, H. Buxton Forman Walt Whitman Esq loc_tb.00643.jpgP. S. I have been a long time trying to persuade one or another of our publishers to print a complete English edition of your works—verbatim, without any retrenchments; and I have gone so far as to offer my poor services in justifying, as far as criticism can justify poetry, those portions which they take exception to, or fear to print. Supposing I ultimately succeeded, would a verbatim reprint of the latest edition, with an introductory essay, have your approval?
loc_tb.00644.jpg H Buxton Forman Feb 21 '72 see notes Sept 3 & 5 1888Correspondent:
Henry Buxton Forman (1842–1917), also known as
Harry Buxton Forman, was most notably the biographer and editor of Percy Shelley
and John Keats. On February 21, 1872, Buxton sent
a copy of R. H. Horne's The Great Peace-Maker: A Sub-marine
Dialogue (London, 1872) to Whitman. This poetic account of the laying
of the Atlantic cable has a foreword written by Forman. After his death,
Forman's reputation declined primarily because, in 1934, booksellers Graham
Pollard and John Carter published An Enquiry into the Nature
of Certain Nineteenth Century Pamphlets, which exposed Forman as a
forger of many first "private" editions of poetry.