I do not know but Ben2 told you that I was in the Lunatic Asylum3 during the time that himself John & Charley4 were recieving hard knocks for Uncle Sam & his dimes. Well, I do not regret the 15 months that I spent there in two installments.
Oh! what a sad lesson I learned there of young America.
A line in Leaves of Grass led me to think that you was the very man to get him out of the Scrape, or at least to show him his danger, of which he seemed quite ignorant. In the Asylum I saw "living bodys" that had been so sadly defiled by forcing semon thro' the hand as to retain but little of the human.
More than half the pacients in the institution, are there from this cause, And half of the other half from dodging the noblist work of man, because of the expense of raising children, and other imaginary trobles , or as I once heard a young Baptist deacon Say—"I won't have my pretty wife all tore to pieces having young-ones." Mad as they are in the Asylum, this is greater madness. Could not the coming young America be induced to do this noblest work manfully & womanly if benevolent liberals were to form themselves into a Society for the purpose of taking naked infants from their mothers bring them up naked, and marry them at the age of about eight years bringing all Science & all human power to their right mating or pairing.
Ha! my dear friend, there is no investment that will pay like this. Do you See it? If not there is only God & I that sees it.
If you do I know what youd do. I will not ask you to reply to this, tho' nothing could afford me more pleasure. But I have no right to take what, but for me, would fall to the Soldier boys
Henry Wilson father of B H Wilson 185 regtP.S. In looking over if find I have rather neglected female young America in my Asylum remarks; Altho' she has no semon she suffers just as much by quite as prevalent habits as her Brother.
H. WP.S. And I do not mean to say loc_vm.01513_large.jpg that all are young who practice it, they are of all ages in
the Asylum up to eighty years; But I think the habit must have been formed in
Henry Wilson (1805–1870) was
the father of Benton H. Wilson—a former U. S. Civil War soldier and one of Whitman's correspondents (for Benton
Wilson, see Whitman's letters of April 12, 1867,
and April 15, 1870). On May 15, 1870, Wilson informed Whitman of his father's death two weeks
earlier; Benton's father, who "was insane at times," had written to Whitman on
January 17, 1867, and on March 30, 1868.