I have received from you lately "The Conservator" with Bucke's2 little article,3 a newspaper with a review of my Keats,4 your letter of 22 May,5 and the parcel by express—for all of which I thank you heartily. Your letter came on Monday the 2nd; & curiously I was going that evening to hear a paper about you read by a lady6 to some thirty or forty people, mostly ladies. After the paper, which was very sympathetic & intelligently done, I read the people your letter and the poem you enclosed. The poem was greatly liked; and the message to "British friends" fitted several. I have sent that to the Athenaeum, so that all may know how you are going on. The contents of the parcel are delightful and will be always prized by me—I mean the photographs and the books in which you have written. It seems to me you have sent me, duplicates loc.02099.002_large.jpg and all, a great deal for the money. I will let you know the cost of expressage, because I presume you wish to keep a check on the agents—it was 7s/6d (not very dear, I think)—but this is of course my affair; for I make the parcel out to come to a good bit over £5..7..6 even in money; and there is much that money will not pay for.
Quite by chance I have just taken up at a stall the last part of a serial issue of a book called "Celebrities of the Century."7 The book was issued complete a year or two ago. I contributed the notice of you & several others on the distinct understanding that I should say what I pleased. Now they have made this reissue without my knowledge, & the conclusion of the article on you has been chopped off. I send you the thing as it is now, because it may amuse you to know what an eminently respectable firm will publish about you in the year 1890. They would not have cut off the end, I fancy, except to make room for something else; for they published loc.02099.004_large.jpg it all8 right in the book, which did not contain the notice on the next page, of Sir J. Whitworth.9
Since receiving your parcel I have heard of something else that I want. It is described as "The Family Edition" of Specimen Days and Collect,10—a few copies said to have been extra-illustrated & extended in some way. If you had one left I would think it a great favor to be allowed to buy it. You might put my name in it & just send a line on a postcard to let me know the cost. Some of those photographs you have sent me are really splendid—what a fortunate atmosphere! English photographs don't have half the sharpness & detail.
Always yours with affectionate respect H. Buxton Forman loc.02099.003_zs.jpg loc.02099.005_large.jpg See Notes June 16 1890 loc.02099.006_large.jpgCorrespondent:
Henry "Harry" Buxton
Forman (1842–1917) was a British man-of-letters, an editor of and
authority on the works of Keats and Shelley, and, starting in 1887, a
conspirator in literary forgeries that were exposed after his death. The
correspondence at this time between Bucke and Forman makes it clear that Bucke
was also building up Forman's collection of Whitman materials (D. B. Weldon
Library, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario).