5.45 P.M. W. sitting looking out on the western sky. Day delicious—he could not get out, however. Spent a bad night last: face pale and he complained of being much possessed with "nightmarey thoughts." Even now would not entirely yield on the Club matter. "I will give my ultimate in the morning—wait till then!" Though improving, he felt "it won't amount to much till too late for the 15th." When I told him Warren thought him much better, he smiled. "Warrie detects finer shades of difference than I do."—"The point about the Club is, I know I could get there—but after getting there, what?"
Reported having read Morse's article in the Record. It is wonderfully light, cheerful, fine—helpful to an old fellow like me—very Morsean: I read every word of it." Showed me a photograph (landscape) sent him from Denver by some one there, Rushton by name. Admired Blake's Easter card—called it "very fine: very unique."
Read him a card I had received from Mrs. Fairchild. He was much touched. "Oh! the good woman! and does she say that? Read it again."
191 Commonwealth Avenue Dear Mr. Traubel,Enclosed is cheque for April: I am sorry to be late again!
I wish I could be with you for the celebration I shall be in heart. On the 14th I always read the Lincoln poem and the description of the murder aloud to my grandchildren.
Greet our dear poet from his faithful friend, and believe me
Very truly yrs. Elisabeth Fairchild.And then: "Multiplications of multiplications of things pile upon me these days: a much too great kindness, care, consideration, in friends. Yet not so much but I believe I respond to it all."
Morris wrote this, as found on the Editorial page of today's Bulletin. W. said with a smile, "He seems to speak by authority!"
It has been for several years past the reverential and touching custom for Walt Whitman to read his lecture on Lincoln on the 15th of April, the anniversary of the Martyr-President's death. At the desire of the Contemporary Club the venerable poet will this year give his reading before its members and guests on Tuesday next in the galleries of the Art Club. There is an especial fitness in the address from such a source on the events of the war, and especially on the greatest of modern American characters. Whitman, by association and sentiment, through personal recollections, and a loving and profound regard for Lincoln, is the chosen laureate of his memory. His elegy, "When lilacs last in the door-yard bloomed," takes its place beside the three or four great death-chants of the English tongue; while his shorter poem, "Captain, my Captain," which he will also read, is a pathetic tribute to the same noble name. Walt Whitman's lecture will be followed by addresses from the Rev. Dr. Furness, Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, and Mr. R. W. Gilder, of the Century.
Phila. Bulletin, April 12, 1890.