Down to W.'s again at 7.25 P.M. About 10 minutes after leaving before, Warren had rung our bell to hand me from Walt—a telegram just received, to this effect—
"Will be with you Saturday evening. Tell Mr. Traubel." This [from Ingersoll] took me to W. again, whom I found gone to his own room, sitting with hat on, a fire started in the stove. He admitted he was very much pleased. "It is the best news of the week don't you think?" he asked—and further—"With Bob will come a whole host: he never goes unattended!"—a high estimate—and—"What is in a man will come out—if not in one way, then in another. In Beecher it came out in ecclesiasticism; in Ingersoll, in much higher form, in anti-ecclesiasticism—in both, naturally"—and—"The good Bob! He has us in his soul, too! It is a triumph we have scored—who knows but a triumph for him, too!" He thought: "This will tickle Doctor and Brinton, I guess—particularly Doctor, who longed for it but did not expect it." Bucke will be up tomorrow. I did not stay longer. Left with W. the June issue of Current Literature.