10. A.M. W. eating breakfast. But shortly up. Not looking well or seeming well. Thought he had had a chill last evening. This the explanation of the fire there in his room. But better now. Said: "I do not despair of the dinner even yet. Yet it is not impossible I shall be kept away." And—"Ingersoll is our best card—it is marvellous the way the prospect of having him here sets me up!" And further—"The evidence seems to be accumulating at last in our favor."
Why did the Russian government not touch Tolstoi? "It would start in the whole civilized world a cry of indignation. Those fellows, who dare everything, would not dare touch him." He "endorsed" "every word" I said of Ellis &c. "I don't feel [drawn] to the Diderot at all: it is an indifferent piece of work. Ellis is not our man, though his evidence is significant."
I went to Germantown in the afternoon. Discussed with Mrs. Baldwin, arrangement of the table, which Bucke endorsed in the evening, in our talk at Dooner's. Bucke over to see W. today: thinks that a good deal of W.'s present trouble is from incaution in diet. Left with Mrs. Davis some instructions.
W. said that if the dinner was tonight he could not attend, but that he "always has a way of coming round to events"—and expects to this time as at other times. I have entire faith in his presence tomorrow.