7:53 P.M. To W.'s and found Bucke already there—talking freely with W.—sitting opposite—W. with a shawl about his shoulders. A good deal of free talk and Bucke's description of his trip. W. called attention to a big copy of "Webster's Unabridged" sent down by the Merriams with a letter requesting some applauding word. We made arrangements to go out to tomb tomorrow. W. says he has made a payment of $500 on it. "If I feel as I do now—this minute—I shall not go with you tomorrow; otherwise, yes." Bucke had arrived in Philadelphia about 5:30—and we arranged to go back probably Tuesday (Anne of course with us).
Talcott Williams writes me doubtfully about the coming of his wife. Ingram informs me that he and Bertha will be here. Law is more positive than he was the other day. Bush grieves me with a note about his wife [who cannot attend the dinner]. H. H. Furness writes beautifully of interferences [see Appendix II, page 598, for the text of this letter].