—I have been waiting to get good copies of "Specimen Days" wh' I shall have shortly, & will then immediately send one—I mail "Leaves of Grass" now—the price of the two vols. is one pound, wh' I wish you to send me here by p o order (328 Mickle Street)—Nothing very new or different—arctic cold here for the last fortnight—best regards to you & my Irish friends2—
Walt WhitmanCorrespondent:
Richard W. Colles was
probably one of the many students of Edward Dowden who became fervid admirers of
Whitman. For more, see Philip W. Leon, "Dowden, Edward (1843–1913)," Walt Whitman: An
Encyclopedia, ed. J.R. LeMaster and Donald D. Kummings (New York:
Garland Publishing, 1998).