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- uva.ead01_uva.00214
A Past Presidentiad, and one to come also
Whitman Archive Title: A Past Presidentiad, and one to come also
Whitman Archive ID: uva.00214
Repository: Catalog of the Walt Whitman Literary Manuscripts at the Clifton Waller Barrett Library of American Literature, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia
Folder: 50-51
Date: 1857-1859
Genre: poetry
Physical Description: 2 leaves, 21 x 13 cm, handwritten
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Whitman wrote and deleted the date 1858 in blue pencil in the upper right corner
of the first leaf, and inscribed the same date in normal pencil in the lower left
corner of the second leaf. This poem became "To The States, To Identify the 16th, 17th, or 18th
Presidentiad" in the cluster "Messenger Leaves" in the 1860
Leaves of Grass
. Ungrouped in
1867, it was transferred in 1872 to a "Leaves of Grass" group within the main body. In 1881
it was finally transferred to the cluster "By the Roadside". Images of the versos are unavailable.
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