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Whitman Archive Title: Poem of Pictures
Whitman Archive ID: uva.00289
Repository: Catalog of the Walt Whitman Literary Manuscripts at the Clifton Waller Barrett Library of American Literature, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library, University of Virginia
Box: 1
Folder: 49
Repository Title: Leaves of Grass, [ca. 1855–1856], AMs, 12 fragments on 7 leaves
Date: Before 1856
Genre: poetry, prose
Physical Description: 1 leaf, 6.5 x 15.5 cm, handwritten
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A phrase beginning "Picture of one of/ the Greek games" appears in the upper right
corner, delimited from the rest of the notes with two curved lines. The words
"Spanish bull fight" appear in their own semicircle (damaged by Whitman's cutting)
in the lower right corner. The lines seem to occupy a middle space between the
very early notebook poem "Pictures" and the 1856 "Poem of Salutation" (ultimately "Salut au Monde!"). Therefore, the date of this manuscript is likely before 1856.
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