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I Sing the Body Electric

Below are all known versions of this work, organized by the section in which they appear on the Archive


Section: Published Writings

Leaves of Grass (1855)

Leaves of Grass, "The Bodies of Men and Women Engirth"

Leaves of Grass (1856)

Poem of the Body.

Leaves of Grass (1860–1861)

Cluster: Enfans D'adam. (1860)

Enfans D'adam 3

Leaves of Grass (1867)

Cluster: Children of Adam. (1867)

I Sing the Body Electric

Leaves of Grass (1871)

Cluster: Children of Adam. (1871)

I Sing the Body Electric.

Leaves of Grass (1881–1882)

Cluster: Children of Adam. (1881)

I Sing the Body Electric.

Leaves of Grass (1891–1892)

Cluster: Children of Adam. (1891)

I Sing the Body Electric.

Section: Literary Manuscripts

A poem in which is

Outdoors is the best antiseptic

Poem incarnating the mind

Will you have the walls

Outdoors is the best antiseptic

Poem incarnating the mind

Man, before the rage of

Man, before the rage of

Talbot Wilson

Talbot Wilson

(Of the great poet)

identical with the



tainting the best of the

Do you know what music

[How can there be immortality]

(Of the great poet)

identical with the

Rule in all addresses

Will you have the walls


tainting the best of the


Do you know what music

I am become the poet

were paid for with steamships

O Mother, did you think


I subject all the teachings

I subject all the teachings


[George Walker]

Section: Commentary

The Poetry of the Period

The Poetry of Democracy: Walt Whitman

Leaves of Grass

Suggestions and Advice to Mothers

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