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A Backward Glance o'er Travel'd Roads

Below are all known versions of this work, organized by the section in which they appear on the Archive


Section: Published Writings

Leaves of Grass (1891–1892)

Essay. Leaves of Grass (1891)

Section: Literary Manuscripts

[Why should I be afraid]

In forming the book

[Camden Notebook]

[Established poems have the very great]

[Many consider the expressions]

How I made a book

My Book and I

[One main]

Drift Sands.

Drift Sands

Notes and Flanges.—No. 1.

[Ripple and echoes from the]

Drift Sands

[To the liquid]

[WW's Nov. Boughs]

Section: Commentary

Review of Democratic Vistas, and Other Papers

Walt Whitman Unbosoms Himself About Poetry

The Gospel According to Walt Whitman

Whitman's Complete Works

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