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  • 1868 358
Year : 1868

358 results

Matthew F. Pleasants to Beals, Greene, & Co., 14 December 1868

  • Date: December 14, 1868
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

William M. Evarts to Richard H. Dana, 17 December 1868

  • Date: December 17, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

William M. Evarts to Hugh McCulloch, 18 December 1868

  • Date: December 18, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to W. J. Conkling, 21 December 1868

  • Date: December 21, 1868
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

William M. Evarts to Orville Hickman Browning, 23 December 1868

  • Date: December 23, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

Oliver Ames and Oakes Ames to Orville Hickman Browning, 23 December 1868

  • Date: December 23, 1868
  • Creator(s): Oliver Ames | Oakes Ames | Walt Whitman

William M. Evarts to William Fullerton, 23 December 1868

  • Date: December 23, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

William M. Evarts to John McAllister Schofield, 24 December 1868

  • Date: December 24, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman
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