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Literary Manuscripts

Integrated Catalog of Walt Whitman's Literary Manuscripts

Memoranda During The War

  • Whitman Archive Title: [Most all of the wounds very bad]
  • Whitman Archive ID: hun.00041
  • Repository ID: HM 6708
  • Repository: Catalog of the Walt Whitman Literary Manuscripts in The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens
  • Repository Title: Notes on hospital experiences
  • Date: 1862-1874
  • Genre: prose
  • Physical Description: 4 leaves, handwritten
  • View Images: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
  • Content: A manuscript describing Whitman's time spent in the army camps and hospitals near Fredericksburg in late December, 1862. The manuscripts are fairly neat and on the verso on the fourth leaf Whitman has written "Proofs," indicating that these were likely handwritten proofs for one of the several newspaper articles that Whitman published about these experiences, articles that would later be incorporated into Memoranda During the War . Some of the lines here first appeared in "Our Wounded and Sick Soldiers," published in the New York Times on 11 December 1864, and were later reprinted in a series of articles written for the New York Weekly Graphic in 1874.

  • Whitman Archive Title: Bed 37
  • Whitman Archive ID: hun.00027
  • Repository: Catalog of the Walt Whitman Literary Manuscripts in The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens
  • Date: 1863
  • Genre: prose
  • Physical Description: 1 leaf, handwritten
  • View Images: 1 | 2
  • Content: Notes made about a visit to Armory Square Hospital in Washington, D.C. in 1863. Revised versions of these lines were published in "'Tis But Ten Years Since (Fourth Paper)", the fourth of six articles about the Civil War that Whitman published in the New York Weekly Graphic in January and February, 1874. The fourth number appeared on 21 February 1874. The articles were later gathered and republished as Memoranda During the War in 1875.

  • Whitman Archive Title: For Note
  • Whitman Archive ID: loc.01552
  • Repository: Catalog of the Walt Whitman Literary Manuscripts in The Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Library of Congress
  • Box: 1
  • Folder: [1865 or before], war and hospital notes and memoranda
  • Series: Notes and Memoranda
  • Date: 1863-1875
  • Genre: prose
  • Physical Description: 2 leaves, handwritten
  • View Images: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
  • Content: In this manuscript, entitled "For Note," Whitman seems to be drafting an introductory note for Memoranda During the War , published in 1875-1876. Although the note does not appear verbatim in Memoranda , some passages of this manuscript bear resemblance to the introductory paragraphs in which Whitman reflects on the impossibility of writing a complete and accurate history of the war and offers the rationale for his decision to record a "few glimpses" of "the Hospital part of the drama from '61 to '65."

  • Whitman Archive Title: For War Memoranda
  • Whitman Archive ID: loc.01553
  • Repository: Catalog of the Walt Whitman Literary Manuscripts in The Thomas Biggs Harned Collection of the Library of Congress
  • Box: 1
  • Folder: [1865 or before], war and hospital notes and memoranda
  • Series: Notes and Memoranda
  • Date: 1863-1875
  • Genre: prose
  • Physical Description: 1 leaf, handwritten; printed
  • View Images: 1 | 2
  • Content: This manuscript contains preparatory material for Memoranda During the War , published in 1875-1876. (Although the note does not appear verbatim in Memoranda , the fact that Whitman titles the manuscript "for war memoranda note," using a different pen, clearly indicates that he thought of using the note for the book.) On the verso is a draft of the section titled "An Afternoon Scene" published in Specimen Days & Collect , see the entry for loc.06100.

  • Whitman Archive Title: [Hospitals Culpepper]
  • Whitman Archive ID: loc.00485
  • Repository: Catalog of the Walt Whitman Literary Manuscripts in The Charles E. Feinberg Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman, 1839-1919, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
  • Box: 1
  • Folder: Diaries, 1863–1864, hospital notebooks (2 vols.)
  • Series: Diaries, Diary Notes, and Address Books
  • Date: 1863–1864
  • Genre: prose
  • Physical Description: 32 leaves, handwritten
  • View Images: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64
  • Content: A Civil War diary in which Whitman recorded notes relating to his experiences in Washington D.C. during 1863. Some of these notes were used in "A Case from Second Bull Run," a short piece about the death of John Mahay, first published in the 11 December 1864 issue of the New-York Times under the title "Our Wounded and Sick Soldiers. Visits Among Army Hospitals, At Washington, on the Field, and here in New-York." Whitman included this paragraph in Memoranda During the War (1876) and Specimen Days & Collect (1882). Other portions of this diary contributed directly to Memoranda During the War and others were first published in "Letter from Washington," New-York Times, 4 October 1863.

  • Whitman Archive Title: Brooklyn, Jan 19 & 20, 1865
  • Whitman Archive ID: yal.00152
  • Repository: Catalog of the Walt Whitman Literary Manuscripts in The Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
  • Box: 1
  • Folder: 56
  • Date: 1865
  • Genre: prose
  • Physical Description: 1 leaf, handwritten
  • View Images: 1 | 2
  • Content: Whitman's response to learning of George Whitman's imprisonment at Danville during the Civil War. This manuscript contains much of the same information about George and his status as a prisoner of war that Whitman published in "A Brooklyn Soldier, and A Noble One," which appeared in the 19 January 1865 issue of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle . Material in this manuscript also contributed to "The Fifty-first New-York Volunteers," published in the New-York Times , 24 January 1865 as well as portions of Memoranda During the War (1875–76).

  • Whitman Archive Title: [for introductory to]
  • Whitman Archive ID: tex.00251
  • Repository: Catalog of the Walt Whitman Literary Manuscripts in the Walt Whitman Collection, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin
  • Series: Works, 1846-1913 and undated
  • Date: probably between 1868 and 1876
  • Genre: prose
  • Physical Description: 1 leaf, handwritten
  • View Images: 1 | 2
  • Content: Fragmentary draft of an introductory essay that was apparently never published. The note at the top suggests that it was intended for some version of Democratic Vistas, which was first published in 1871, or of Memoranda during the War, which was first published in 1875–76. The idea expressed in this manuscript occurs frequently in Whitman's published writings, though never in these particular phrases.

  • Whitman Archive Title: [in life]
  • Whitman Archive ID: hun.00051
  • Repository ID: HM 16537
  • Repository: Catalog of the Walt Whitman Literary Manuscripts in The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens
  • Repository Title: [Memoranda During the War]
  • Date: 1873-1875
  • Genre: prose
  • Physical Description: 1 leaf, handwritten
  • View Images: 1 | 2
  • Content: A manuscript fragment that, on the recto, contains lines similar to those found in the opening paragraph of Memoranda During the War (1875), and may have been an alternate or earlier version of that introduction. The paragraph first appeared in a slightly different form in the New York Weekly Graphic on 24 January 1874, part of a five-part series about the war that Whitman published in that paper. The verso contains lines which appear in the final paragraph of Whitman's introduction to Memoranda , and were likely written later than the lines on the recto.

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