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  • Letters 3


  • 1857 3
Search : of captain, my captain!
Section : Letters
Year : 1857

3 results

Sarah Tyndale to Walt Whitman, 1 July 1857

  • Date: July 1, 1857
  • Creator(s): Sarah Tyndale

Germantown 7 mo 1—57 My Dear Friend I received yours of the 29th last evening and hasten to comply with

enough light to find the true way, one thing has never failed me, that is to do this moment whatever my

Whitman is about to publish another edition of Leaves of Grass, leaving out all the objectionable parts, my

He that receives the inspiration knows the best, but I with all my ultra radicalism would be delighted

Sarah Tyndale to Walt Whitman, 24 June 1857

  • Date: June 24, 1857
  • Creator(s): Sarah Tyndale

Germantown 6 mo 24.57 My Dear Friend Being a professed Associationist I am allowed the liberty of following

my attractions, when they are, what all the world will say, harmless, even in despite of common etiquette

case however I must say that I think your judgment of yourself is rather severe, I have not changed my

for any other solution, I only ask to use in refference reference to each, the terms that will convey my

You have made my heart rejoice by telling me of the breadth of the Revd Mr Porter, is it?

Walt Whitman to Sarah Tyndale, 20 June 1857

  • Date: June 20, 1857
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

—I think profoundly of my friends—though I cannot write to them by the post office.

—I write to them more to my satisfaction, through my poems.— Tell Hector I thank him heartily for his

—I am so non–polite—so habitually wanting in my responses and ceremonies.

—I not only assured him of my retaining faith in that sect, but that I had perfect faith in all sects

—They retard my book very much.—It is worse than ever.

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