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  • Letters / Correspondence 109


  • 1867 109
Search : of captain, my captain!
Sub Section : Letters / Correspondence
Year : 1867

109 results

Walt Whitman to George Routledge & Sons, 30 December 1867

  • Date: December 30, 1867
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My address is at the Attorney General's office here. (New York house, please forward this to Mr.

Walt Whitman to Francis P. and William C. Church, 30 December 1867

  • Date: December 30, 1867
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My dear sirs: I shall be in New York, & will call upon you, 2d of January.

Rebecca [?] to Walt Whitman, 29 December [1867]

  • Date: December 29, [1867]
  • Creator(s): Rebecca | Rebecca [?]

Atlantic Av Your essay on Democracy stirred the depths within me I would say no flatering word to you my

I am unlearned and cannot see the same thoughts so as to form them in my mind yet their power is clear

on Earth and good will to man) was it ( Glory to God in the highest )—perhaps so if I had have put my

What a boon is Life. how glad I am every day that I am priveledged privileged to be one among my fellows

George Routledge & Sons to Walt Whitman, 28 December 1867

  • Date: December 28, 1867
  • Creator(s): George Routledge & Sons
Annotations Text:

Whitman referred to Rossetti's edition as a "horrible dismemberment of my book" in his August 12, 1871

Louisa Van Velsor Whitman to Walt Whitman, 26 [December 1867]

  • Date: December 26, 1867
  • Creator(s): Louisa Van Velsor Whitman

Dec. '67 thursday Thursday 26th My dear Walt i received your letter with the 5 doller dollars all first

Walt Whitman to Gilbert A. Tracy, 19 December 1867

  • Date: December 19, 1867
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Tracy, My dear Sir: Your note has been received.

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 16 December [1867]

  • Date: December 16, 1867
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

would have made me feel miserable were it not that before then the matter had already been set right, & my

My first letter to you was written too much from the impulse of the moment; &, finding soon after from

Not one syllable of any one of your poems, as presented in my selection, will be altered or omitted:

To be by your friendship is as great a satisfaction & distinction as my life has presented or ever can

acquiesce in the express views he takes of late years of particular questions wd be simply to abnegate my

Louisa Van Velsor Whitman to Walt Whitman, 15 December [1867]

  • Date: December 15, 1867
  • Creator(s): Louisa Van Velsor Whitman

more she is such a mischieveous girl i get up very early and that seems to be the only time i can get my

st Warren St. i think they will make a great deal out of the job in new york New York but it is only my

Louisa Van Velsor Whitman to Walt Whitman, [11 December 1867]

  • Date: December 11, 1867
  • Creator(s): Louisa Van Velsor Whitman

wensday Wednesday afternoon my dear walt i have got your letter with the 5 dollars and am oblige obliged

with much pleasure i make no doubt as the evening is so tedious as i cant can't work much if i doo do my

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 8 December 1867

  • Date: December 8, 1867
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

My dear Sir, Your letter of 22 Novr. reached me the other day thro' Mr. Conway .

I think the most convenient course may be for me first to state the facts about my Selection.

publisher told me that he projected bringing out a selection from your poems, & (in consequence of my

My Prefatory Notice explains my principle of selection to exactly the same effect as given in this present

I had previously given it a title of my own, "Nocturn for the Death of Lincoln"; & in my Prefatory Notice

Annotations Text:

editorial decisions, which included editing potentially objectionable content and removing entire poems: "My

George S. McWatters to Walt Whitman, 6 December 1867

  • Date: December 6, 1867
  • Creator(s): George S. McWatters

of the Metropolitan Police, No. 300 Mulberry Street, N EW Y ORK, Dec 6th, 186 7 Friend Wat Walt At my

I could tell you a long story of my actions, for the relief and assistance of our Soldiers and their

Walt Whitman to William D. Rossetti, 3 December 1867

  • Date: December 3, 1867
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

that the authorization in my letter of November 1st to Mr.

of the full volume of my poems.

I cannot & will not consent of my own volition, to countenance an expurgated edition of my pieces.

I feel it due to myself to write you explicitly thus, my dear Mr.

But I guess you will pick out my meaning. Perhaps, indeed, Mr.

Annotations Text:

written on November 17, 1867: "I shall always hold it one of the truest & most prized distinctions of my

offer of "friendship": "To be honoured by your friendship is as great a satisfaction & distinction as my

Walt Whitman to William M. Rossetti, 22 November 1867

  • Date: November 22, 1867
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My dear Mr. Rosetti Rossetti : I suppose Mr.

weeks since, assenting to the substitution of other words, &c. as proposed by you, in your reprint of my

When I have my next edition brought out here, I shall change the title of the piece "When lilacs last

It is quite certain that I shall add to my next edition (carrying out my plan from the first,) a brief

Very likely some of my suggestions have been anticipated.

Annotations Text:

propose would of course be adopted by me with thanks & without a moment's debate, were it not that my

Rossetti agreed to this change on December 8, 1867: "I had previously given it a title of my own, 'Nocturn

Louisa Van Velsor Whitman to Walt Whitman, [19 November 1867]

  • Date: November 19, 1867
  • Creator(s): Louisa Van Velsor Whitman

ever had such a bad coughf cough before i know how i should have got the meals if he had been home my

is somewhat better to day i have had mustard plasters acrost across my chest and i think it has done

me good i feel the soreness of the mustard but the soreness and distress in my side is much better)

last winter for all it was so very cold on the park i had to cover up my head to keep my ears from freezing

old days if i had none i believe i cant can't wr ite any more to night good bie walter dear my love

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 17 November 1867

  • Date: November 17, 1867
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

My dear Sir, Allow me with the deepest reverence & true affection to thank you for the copy of your complete

My selection was settled more than a month ago, & is now going thro' the press .

I shall always hold it one of the truest & most prized distinctions of my writing career to be associated

Walt Whitman to Michael Doolady, 13 November 1867

  • Date: November 13, 1867
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

In reply to your note of some days since, in reference to acting as my agent, for sale of "Leaves of

Walt Whitman to William D. O'Connor (for Moncure D. Conway), [10 November 1867]

  • Date: November 10, 1867
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My dear Conway: Mr. Whitman has shown me your letter of October 12, with news of Mr.

But as I have made Leaves of Grass & their author my study for the last seven years, & have had some

These are the points, my dear Conway, that I wish, through you, to submit to Mr. Rosetti.

Whitman my intention of writing him, & he, W., has made no objection.

Annotations Text:

He observed to Traubel: "It gives my idea of my own book: a man's idea of his own book—his serious idea—is

Moncure D. Conway to Walt Whitman, 7 November [1867]

  • Date: November 7, 1867
  • Creator(s): Moncure D. Conway

My dear Walt, I introduce to you Mr.

Walt Whitman to Moncure D. Conway, 1 November 1867

  • Date: November 1, 1867
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Dear friend, My feeling and attitude about a volume of selections from my Leaves by Mr.

since that seems to be the pivotal affair, & since he has the kindness to shape his action so much by my

The recherché or ethereal sense of the term, as used in my book, arises probably from the actual Calamus

Walt Whitman to Francis P. (?) Church, 1 November 1867

  • Date: November 1, 1867
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Nov. 1, 1867 My dear Mr. Church: I send herewith the proof of Democracy .

Walt Whitman to Alfred Pratt, 28 October 1867

  • Date: October 28, 1867
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Y. on a visit to my mother, but I am now back here again, and am well as usual, and working in the same

There is nothing very new in my affairs.

—it is quite pleasant—mostly young people, full of life & gayety—then I go to my work at 9, & leave at

I wish you to give my love to your father & mother. They do not seem at all like strangers to me.

And now Alfred I must bid you farewell for the present, my loving boy & comrade.

Benjamin Russell, Jr., to Walt Whitman, 26 October [1867]

  • Date: October 26, [1867]
  • Creator(s): Benjamin Russell, Jr.

received the letter I wrote in answer to yours of date "a long time ago" ( very definite ) in reply to my

I have an impression that I can give a reason why you did not answer my last though I perhaps do you

My dear Heaven waitheth waiteth for mortals when earth is departed.

Louisa Van Velsor Whitman to Walt Whitman, 22 October [1867]

  • Date: October 22, 1867
  • Creator(s): Louisa Van Velsor Whitman

22 Oct. 1867 22 October Well Walter my dear i have just received your welcome letter with the 10 dollers

says if this medicine dont don't help me he know as any thing will sometimes i think it will help me my

Annotations Text:

Y., on a visit to my mother."

Francis P. Church to Walt Whitman, 21 October 1867

  • Date: October 21, 1867
  • Creator(s): Francis P. Church

Published Monthly OFFICE OF THE GALAXY No. 39 Park Row, New York , Oct. 21 186 7 My dear Sir: Your ms

Louisa Van Velsor Whitman to Walt Whitman, 20 October [1867]

  • Date: October 20, 1867
  • Creator(s): Louisa Van Velsor Whitman

is sunday Sunday and no word nor letter have i got yet i am very confidant confident you have sent my

would hardly stop long enoughf enough for me to say any thing to him) all he said its it's none of my

fault none of my fault in A quick way and hurried on you have undoubtably undoubtedly got the letter

would get one or two common gowns sh e would stich stitch them for me and i was going to get one out of my

Walt Whitman to Francis P. Church, 19 October 1867

  • Date: October 19, 1867
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My dear Sir: I send the article on Democracy. If satisfactory I should like $100 for it.

Louisa Van Velsor Whitman to Walt Whitman, 17 October [1867]

  • Date: October 17, 1867
  • Creator(s): Louisa Van Velsor Whitman

Oct 17th My dear Walt 1867 the post man has gone bye by and no letters, and its being thursday Thursday

i feel worried very much for fear it is gone as i dident didn't get it yesterday my usuall usual day

letter is gone i have been waching the letter man and he s he's past and no letter i feel real bad my

Francis P. Church to Walt Whitman, 15 October 1867

  • Date: October 15, 1867
  • Creator(s): Francis P. Church

Galaxy Office Oct 15 /67 My dear Sir: I am pleased to hear that your article will be ready by the 21st—a

Walt Whitman to Dionysius Thomas, 13 October [1867]

  • Date: October 13, 1867
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

James Gray, Bookbinder 16 Spruce st. 4th floor, is the custodian of the sheets of my Leaves of Grass,

Moncure D. Conway to Walt Whitman, 12 October 1867

  • Date: October 12, 1867
  • Creator(s): Moncure D. Conway

My dear friend, I regret to say that our hopes of getting out the complete and arranged edition of your

My first feeling at hearing of this arrangement was one of regret.

In the next place it is far better, in my opinion and that of your real friends here, that the introduction

facts together with the assured social and literary position of Rossetti make him of all persons of my

Conway Observe my change of address Moncure D. Conway to Walt Whitman, 12 October 1867

Annotations Text:

Whitman referred to Rossetti's edition as a "horrible dismemberment of my book" in his August 12, 1871

editorial decisions, which included editing potentially objectionable content and removing entire poems: "My

Henry Clapp, Jr., to Walt Whitman, 3 October 1867

  • Date: October 3, 1867; October 3, 18677
  • Creator(s): Clapp, Jr., Henry | Henry Clapp, Jr. | Unknown

18 City Hall Octo. 3d '67 My dear Walt, I have this moment clipped the enclosed paragraphs about Garibaldi

He is not a great captain; as a tactician he is no better than JEANNE D'ARC, but like her he has a familiar

ALEXANDER DUMAS to write my memoirs from.

Walt Whitman to William D. O'Connor, 27 September 1867

  • Date: September 27, 1867
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My dear friend, Your letter, & the two accompanying, came safe. I saw F. P.

Nothing new among my folks, or domestic matters.

purchasing property, or rather becoming responsible for the same — William, you needn't send any more of my

I shall return within three or four days—I shall write out & finish there, as my leave extends two weeks

appreciation of your literary genius, & a special request that you write for the John Burroughs, I send you my

Walt Whitman to Ellen M. O'Connor, 21 September 1867

  • Date: September 21, 1867
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Brooklyn September 21, 1867 My dear friend, As you see by the date, &c.

I am home, on a visit to my mother & the rest.

My brother George is very well, looks hearty & brown as ever—much like he used to, only more serious—Jeff

Walt Whitman to John Burroughs, 21 September 1867

  • Date: September 21, 1867
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My dear friend, I suppose you saw my letter to William O'Connor, a week since, with notice of my safe

Give my best respects to Mrs.

There is nothing specially new or important among my folks—they all wish me to give their best regards

Benton H. Wilson to Walt Whitman, 15 September 1867

  • Date: September 15, 1867
  • Creator(s): Benton H. Wilson

15 th Sunday 18 67 Dear Friend Walt Whitman I know that you will not think I have forgotten you by my

long silence for I have been waiting patiently for more than four months for an answer to my last letter

I spent a week in New York City in June, my Wife was taken sick there while visiting her Sister and they

Annotations Text:

I am a married man but I am not happy for my disposition is not right.

21, 1867, Wilson acknowledged Whitman's reply of April 12, 1867: "I do not want you to misunderstand my

motives in writing to you of my Situation & feelings as I did in my last letter or else I shall have

to be more guarded in my letters to you.

I wrote so because you wanted me to write how I was situated, and give you my mind without reserve, and

Walt Whitman to William D. O'Connor, 15 September [1867]

  • Date: September 15, 1867
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My dear friend, I find my mother in excellent spirits & fair health & strength, considering her age,

Show John this letter—I send him my love—William, I have not yet rec'd any letters—when any come, send

My sister Mat & her children are here. Farewell.

Annotations Text:

vulgarity and meanness, and described an encounter with her which he came out of with "the back of my

"Henry Clapp," Walt Whitman said to Horace Traubel, "stepped out from the crowd of hooters—was my friend

So I know beforehand that my pamphlet comes to you at a disadvantage" (Charles E.

Moncure D. Conway to Walt Whitman, 10 September 1867

  • Date: September 10, 1867
  • Creator(s): Moncure D. Conway

My dear friend, It gave me much pleasure to hear from you; and now I am quite full of gratitude for the

I shall keep my eyes wide open; and the volume with O'C's introduction shall come out just as it is.

Francis P. Church to Walt Whitman, 4 September 1867

  • Date: September 4, 1867
  • Creator(s): Francis P. Church

Published Monthly OFFICE OF THE GALAXY No. 39 Park Row, New York , Sept 4 186 7 My dear Sir: I spoke

Abraham Simpson to Walt Whitman, 19 August 1867

  • Date: August 19, 1867
  • Creator(s): Abraham Simpson
Annotations Text:

Grose's membership in the Surrey regiment earned him the title of captain in 1766, which he adopted as

Francis P. Church to Walt Whitman, 13 August 1867

  • Date: August 13, 1867
  • Creator(s): Francis P. Church

Published Monthly OFFICE OF THE GALAXY No. 39 Park Row, New York , Aug 13 186 7 My dear Sir: I send the

Martha Whitman to Walt Whitman, 11 August 1867

  • Date: August 11, 1867
  • Creator(s): Martha Whitman

Sunday, August 11th/67 My dear Walt I received your letter and was right glad to get it I am in rather

fashionable calls but of course I must submit to it. but what I enjoy most of any thing else is sitting in my

Walt Whitman to William C. Church or Francis P. Church, 11 August 1867

  • Date: August 11, 1867
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Dear Sir: I have not, as yet, received any proof of the Carol of Harvest I neglected to mention, in my

Walt Whitman to William Livingston Alden, 10 August 1867

  • Date: August 10, 1867
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My dear Sir: Your note has been received. —Accept—for yourself, the Citizen , & Gen.

Halpine —My sincere thanks for your kindness. I fully appreciate it.

As I have not at my control, at this moment, any bound copies of Leaves of Grass , would you allow me

William Livingston Alden to Walt Whitman, 9 August 1867

  • Date: August 9, 1867
  • Creator(s): William Livingston Alden
Annotations Text:

Whitman referred to Rossetti's edition as a "horrible dismemberment of my book" in his August 12, 1871

Milton Kelly to Walt Whitman, 9 August 1867

  • Date: August 9, 1867
  • Creator(s): Milton Kelly

Oberlin Ohio Aug 9th 1867 Mr Whitman Dr Dear sir I take this opportunity to inform you that I have made my

trip to Wisconsin and returned here yesterday, and will soon be in Washington and hope my orders will

Francis P. Church to Walt Whitman, 8 August 1867

  • Date: August 8, 1867
  • Creator(s): Francis P. Church

No. 39 PARK ROW, New York, Aug 8 186 7 My dear Sir: I was very much gratified to receive your fine Harvest

Walt Whitman to William C. Church, 7 August 1867

  • Date: August 7, 1867
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My dear Mr.

Thomas Jefferson Whitman to Walt Whitman, 2 August 1867

  • Date: August 2, 1867
  • Creator(s): Thomas Jefferson Whitman

Mason, Towanda, Give my regards to Mr & Mrs O'Conner and friends that I met in Washington— I hope you

Louisa Van Velsor Whitman to Walt Whitman, 1 August [1867]

  • Date: August 1, 1867
  • Creator(s): Louisa Van Velsor Whitman

1867 August 1 my dear Walt i will try once more to write A line to say we are all about the same only

Walt Whitman to Abby H. Price, 27 July 1867

  • Date: July 27, 1867
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My dear friend, Will some of you, the first time you go down town, stop at office (or shop) of E.

Arnold—& the last from Arthur, & every thing— So good bye for this time—I send you my love, dear friend

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