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  • Literary Manuscripts / Notebooks 3


  • 1860 3
Search : of captain, my captain!
Sub Section : Literary Manuscripts / Notebooks
Year : 1860

3 results

9th av.

  • Date: Between 1854 and 1860
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

O my body, that gives me identity! O my organs !

Underfoot, the divine soil— Overhead, the sun.— Afford foothold to my poems, you Nourish my poems, Earth

In Poem The earth, that is my model of poems model ?

The body of a man, is my model—I do not reject what I find in my body—I am not ashamed—Why should I be

My Darling (Now I am maternal— a child bearer— bea have from my womb borne a child, and observe it For

I know a rich capitalist

  • Date: Between about 1854 and 1860
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

first poem of the 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass , later called "Song of Myself": "I do not trouble my

The first several lines of the notebook (not including this line) were revised and published as "My Picture-Gallery

just granting his request, with great commiseration, when an old lady from the gallery cries out "O my


  • Date: Between about 1854 and 1860
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

O laugh when my eyes settle the land The imagery and phrasing of these lines bears some resemblance to

similarity to the following line in the poem eventually titled "I Sing the Body Electric": "As I see my

and dwells serenely behind it.— When out of a feast I eat bread only corn and roast potatoes fo for my

dinner, through my own voluntary choice it is very well and I much content, but if some arrogant head

inspiration . . . . the beating of my heart . . . . the passing of blood and air through my lungs.

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