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Year : 1868

163 results

Walt Whitman to William F. Channing, 27 September 1868

  • Date: September 27, 1868
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My dear Dr. Channing: I yesterday received your kind note.

My leave of absence continues for some time yet, & I should probably like to visit you for a few days

I send my best respects & love to Mrs. Channing.

I wish you & wife to read my last piece in The Broadway London Magazine for October.

Peter Doyle to Walt Whitman, [27 September 1868]

  • Date: September 27, 1868
  • Creator(s): Peter Doyle

. & if there is any chances of getting into the Fire Department  also to give my respects to all inquiring

Walt Whitman to Peter Doyle, 29 September [1868]

  • Date: September 29, 1868
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I send you my love—& to Charley the same—Mention how Charley's young one is getting along— I will now

bid you good bye for this time, my loving friend, & God bless you, dear comrade, & keep you all right

I will write a line to No. 6, & will speak to the other boys in my next.

Walt Whitman to Lewis Wraymond, [2 October (?) 1868]

  • Date: October 2, 1868
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

If you see him, tell him I have not forgot him, but send him my love, & will be back in Washington again

Walt Whitman to Henry Hurt, 2 October [1868]

  • Date: October 2, 1868
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I thought I would just drop you a line for yourself—but no doubt you keep fully posted about me by my

letters to Pete, as I am willing you or any of my particular friends who wish to, should read them.

afternoon—altogether they make up a show that I can richly spend a month in enjoying—for a change from my

Thompson, conductor, you would say I sent him my love, & have not forgot him.

I wish you to tell John Towers, conductor, I sent him my love, & we will see each other again one of

Walt Whitman to Peter Doyle, 2 October [1868]

  • Date: October 2, 1868
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Oct 2 Dear boy and Comrade You say it is a pleasure to you to get my letters—well, boy, it is a real

write to you—I just write off-hand, whatever comes up, and, as I said before, mostly about myself & my

Dear Pete, with all my kind friends here & invitations, &c., though I love them all, & gratefully reciprocate

Take care of yourself, & God bless you, my loving comrade. I will write again soon.

Walt Whitman to William D. O'Connor, 4 October 1868

  • Date: October 4, 1868
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Dear friend, I suppose you received my letter of September 25. The letters to me from A.

Did you see John Swinton's warm ¶ about my illustrious self in N. Y. Times , 1st instant?

Give my best love to John Burroughs, & show him this note to read. J.

I send my love to Charles Eldridge—By a wretched oversight on my part I missed an appointment with him

Nelly, my dear friend, I send you my best love—in which my mother joins me—We are all well.

Annotations Text:

, above the salutation appeared the following: "ask about the office—Ashton—has Andy Kerr returned —my

Henry Hurt to Walt Whitman, 5 October 1868

  • Date: October 5, 1868
  • Creator(s): Henry Hurt

Broadway" you sent me, and was so well pleased with it that I expect to order the following numbers until my

Walt Whitman to Peter Doyle, 6 October [1868]

  • Date: October 6, 1868
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

It seems but a day or two since I left Wash, yet I am now on the fourth week of my furlough.

As I was on my way home in a 2d av. car between 12 & 1 o'clock we got blocked in by a great part of the

Benton H. Wilson to Walt Whitman, 6 October 1868

  • Date: October 6, 1868
  • Creator(s): Benton H. Wilson

your last letter so long that I am most ashamed to write to you now but I know that you will excuse my

My little baby Walt is well & Bright as a dollar. with Love to yourself I will close for the present.

Byron Sutherland to Walt Whitman, 8 October 1868

  • Date: October 8, 1868
  • Creator(s): Byron Sutherland

Oct 8th 1868 My Dear Friend Walt Whitman Your kind note and paper came duly at hand. Col.

often do in our reading circle there) and to feel that I may claim the honor of his friendship This is my

My studies are History, Grammer Grammar , Theory of Teaching, Algebra, and Latin This school is an institution

with us I love all seasons of the year, but particularly do I fall in love with golden leaved autumn My

Walt Whitman to Peter Doyle, 9 October [1868]

  • Date: October 9, 1868
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I already begin to think about my return to Washington. A month has nearly passed away.

Then about the Broadway drivers, nearly all of them are my personal friends.

So I try to put in something in my letters to give you an idea of how I pass part of my time, & what

which it is my present plan to do the ensuing winter at my leisure in Washington.

I send you my love, & so long for the present. Yours for life, dear Pete, (& death the same).

William D. O'Connor to Walt Whitman, 9 October 1868

  • Date: October 9, 1868
  • Creator(s): William D. O'Connor

My purpose was to kill two birds with one stone—get well and fix up the "Carpenter", but I fear neither

I never was so tired in my life, and am so sleepy that I drop off in slumber if I sit a few minutes in

beard grow down all over the rocks like sea-weed, and cover the sea, and my hair spread backward over

Give her my best love.

I heard that Higginson did not like my "Good Gray Poet." This is sad.

Annotations Text:

his January 16, 1872 letter to Rudolf Schmidt, Whitman wrote that Freiligrath "translates & commends my

Peter Doyle to Walt Whitman, [9 October 1868]

  • Date: [October 9, 1868]
  • Creator(s): Peter Doyle

Hart got on my car last night on my last trip.

others  You may not be interested with his affairs so i will come to close  excuse this short letter as my

car is going [to] start & i want [to] put this in the mail good bye My Dear friend Pete i will write

Annotations Text:

If you see him, tell him I have not forgot him, but send him my love, & will be back in Washington again

Walt Whitman to Peter Doyle, 14 October [1868]

  • Date: October 14, 1868
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Mother is well, & my brothers the same. I am going to-morrow to Providence, R.

My friend O'Connor is quite unwell, and is absent from Washington away down on the New England coast.

I believe I told you I was finishing up about 230 copies of my book, expecting to sell them.

Dear boy, I send you my love. I will write you a line from Providence. So long, Pete.

Walt I have been debating whether to get my leave extended, & stay till election day to vote—or whether

Annotations Text:

.: "My purpose was to kill two birds with one stone—get well and fix up the 'Carpenter,' but I fear neither

Walt Whitman to William D. O'Connor, 14 October 1868

  • Date: October 14, 1868
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Channing forthwith—& fulfil my promised visit to them also, before I return here—which will be about

Peter Doyle to Walt Whitman, 14 October [1868]

  • Date: October 14, 1868
  • Creator(s): Peter Doyle

i received your Papers last monday i have been Very anxious to write to you but the Death of one of my

Eliza Reynolds to Walt Whitman, 16 October 1868

  • Date: October 16, 1868
  • Creator(s): Eliza Reynolds

the city i have taken the liberty of addressing you a few lines i am the wife of Henry Reynolds and my

son is called after you, my husband went out West about a year and a half ago since which time we have

Walt Whitman to Peter Doyle, 17 October [1868]

  • Date: October 17, 1868
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Dear Pete, According to announcement in my last, I have made a movement & change of base, from tumultuous

I suppose you got my last letter, 14th, from N. Y. I expect to return to N. Y. about the 22d.

Last night, when I went up at 11 o'clock to my room, I took up three great bunches, each as big as my

It is quite a change here from my associations & surroundings either in Washington or New York.

I send you my love, dear Pete. So long . Will write from N. Y. soon as I return there. W W P.S.

Walt Whitman to Peter Doyle, 18 October 1868

  • Date: October 18, 1868
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

As I left my overcoat in Washington, I have been compelled to get something here—so I have bought me

Then away late—lost my way—wandered over the city, & got home after one o'clock.

& heft, to say nothing of my reputation, is doing pretty well.

Then I thought I would come up & sit a while in my room.

So long, dear Pete—& my love to you as always, always.

Walt Whitman to Ellen M. O'Connor, 19 October 1868

  • Date: October 19, 1868
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

William is here—which adds much indeed to the pleasure of my visit—William has not recovered from an

Price & her girls are well & in good spirits—I am enjoying my vacation agreeably, but moderately—as becomes

a gentleman of my size & age.

Give my love to Mr. and Mrs.

My last letter to William was also to you—though I suppose you did not see it yet.

Walt Whitman to Charles W. Eldridge, 20 October 1868

  • Date: October 20, 1868
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I shall doubtless return about the 26th—as my leave expires that day.

I am writing this in my room at Mr. & Mrs. Davis's.

Walt Whitman to Abby H. Price, 21 October 1868

  • Date: October 21, 1868
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

factories of the Spragues, & so to Olneysville &c &c—as interesting a ride & exploration as I ever had in my

Walt Whitman to John Burroughs, 22 October 1868

  • Date: October 22, 1868
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My vacation is nearly done, & in four or five days more I shall be back in Washington.

here in Providence—I have been with him a good deal—he is not very well, but goes around—Will finish my

Walt Whitman to Peter Doyle, [23 (?) October 1868]

  • Date: October 23, 1868
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

I write this early in the forenoon, sitting in my room in 55th street, after breakfast.

As to getting my leave extended so that I might stay to vote, I have settled (as I spoke of in a former

I am now going out down town, & across to Brooklyn, to spend a few hours with my mother.

I don't know whether I told you that my sister with her two young children from St.

Walt Whitman to Thomas Jefferson Whitman, 25 October 1868

  • Date: October 25, 1868
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

My idea is that Matty has the possibilities of consumption in her system—but that with ordinary good

I return to Washington to-morrow, as my leave is up. The little girls are hearty as ever.

Will W. Wallace to Walt Whitman, 31 October 1868

  • Date: October 31, 1868
  • Creator(s): Will W. Wallace

asked several times where your books could be obtained & as I had sent the paper with Col H's letter to my

With kind regards of my family to you I am truly Yours &c Will W Wallace Will W.

Annotations Text:

Channing forthwith—& fulfil my promised visit to them also, before I return here—which will be about

Walt Whitman to Francis P. Church (?), 2 November 1868

  • Date: November 2, 1868
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Nov. 2, 18 68 My dear Sir, As you have not found the little piece "Ethiopia Commenting" available, allow

Louisa Van Velsor Whitman to Walt Whitman, [4 November 1868]

  • Date: November 4, 1868
  • Creator(s): Louisa Van Velsor Whitman

says he had telegraph to you i wish i could know the thruth truth about her) it made me feel bad with my

William M. Evarts to C. C. Clay, 9 November 1868

  • Date: November 9, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

Clay having brought to my notice the subject of the proceedings, now or heretofore pending against you

Louisa Van Velsor Whitman to Walt Whitman, 10 November [1868]

  • Date: November 10, 1868
  • Creator(s): Louisa Van Velsor Whitman

Tuesday 1868 November 10 My dear Walter i have received your letter to day although it was short it was

suffered very much so pressed for breath poor little boy it made me feel real sad he and Janey was up in my

Louisa Van Velsor Whitman to Walt Whitman, [11 November 1868]

  • Date: November 11, 1868
  • Creator(s): Louisa Van Velsor Whitman

11 Nov. 1868 My dear Walter i got both of your letters one the last of last week and the other on monday

William M. Evarts to D. Marvin, 14 November 1868

  • Date: November 14, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

My dear Sir: In reply to your note of 12th inst., desiring, as counsel for the Commercial Nav'g'n Co.

, an interview with me during my expected visit to New York, I beg to say that I shall be pleased to

Louisa Van Velsor Whitman to Walt Whitman, 16 November [1868]

  • Date: November 16, 1868
  • Creator(s): Louisa Van Velsor Whitman

novem November 16 My dear Walt i have got your letter this morning and likewise one from george he dident

Louisa Van Velsor Whitman to Walt Whitman, 18 [November 1868]

  • Date: November 18, 1868
  • Creator(s): Louisa Van Velsor Whitman

Brooklyn 18 Nov. 68 My dear Walter I got your letter monday Monday with the contents all safe I should

coming poor jeff Jeff I feel sorry for him and sorry for matty Matty and sorry for myself – I have my

William M. Evarts to H. H. Wells, 20 November 1868

  • Date: November 20, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

Letcher, came to my hands only this morning, in consequence of my absence from the city.

William M. Evarts to Charles O'Connor, 20 November 1868

  • Date: November 20, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

trial, with such counsel as shall represent the defendant there, in conformity to the suggestions of my

William M. Evarts to Richard H. Dana, 20 November 1868

  • Date: November 20, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

that he will be in attendance at the Court in Richmond, prepared to make the arrangement suggested in my

The term commences on Monday, the 23d inst., I learn, and not the 25th as has heretofore been my impression

William M. Evarts to William H. Seward, 21 November 1868

  • Date: November 21, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

Sir: Your letter of the 26th ultimo submits for my opinion this question: May a Consul retain for his

After an examination of the statutes relating to the subject, and to which you have directed my attention

Walt Whitman to John Flood, Jr., 22 November 1868

  • Date: November 22, 1868
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Jack, you must write often as you can—anything from my loving boy will be welcome—you needn't be particular

Dear Jack, I send you my love. Walt Whitman.

J. Hubley Ashton to C. L. Dickerman, 23 November 1868

  • Date: November 23, 1868
  • Creator(s): J. Hubley Ashton | Walt Whitman

for naval purposes, I have to inform you that, the title to this property having been passed upon by my

William D. O'Connor to Walt Whitman, 23 November 1868

  • Date: November 23, 1868
  • Creator(s): William D. O'Connor

I told her I would mark passages for her in the copy I meant to send on my own book, but didn't send

How shall I thank our poet for the beautiful book, and for my name written in it by his own hand so near

Walt Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 24 November 1868

  • Date: November 24, 1868
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Nov. 24, 18 68 Dearest Mother, I suppose you got my letter last Saturday, 21st—All goes along at present

last—To-day it is very fine—I should like to be with you on Thanksgiving, Thursday—I shall take dinner at my

Benedict told me yesterday to bring any of my friends to dinner I wanted to—I still have the same room—I

the office that keep me hard at it— Love to you, dearest mother—& to all— I have had to scratch off my

letter in a hurry, but I wanted you to have something, according to promise in my last.

William M. Evarts to William Schouler, 24 November 1868

  • Date: November 24, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

Sir: I am in receipt of your letter of the 16th inst. calling my attention to the case of Hosmer v. the

Louisa Van Velsor Whitman to Walt Whitman, 25 November [1868]

  • Date: November 25, 1868
  • Creator(s): Louisa Van Velsor Whitman

Brooklyn 25 Nov '68 N ovem 25 My dear Walter i received your letter to day wensday Wednesday and the

Annotations Text:

She wrote: "I am so anxious about my hand I fear I shall lose my thumb I cant see it gets & feels or

William M. Evarts to Winer Bethel, 25 November 1868

  • Date: November 25, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

My purpose at present is, to request that you will send me, if you still have connection with this matter

S. shall be taken in the matter, without communicating with me, and receiving my instructions.

William M. Evarts to Thomas J. Boynton, 25 November 1868

  • Date: November 25, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

as District Attorney during this vacancy, I have no person to address to accomplish the objects of my

Walt Whitman to an Unidentified Printer, 25 November 1868

  • Date: November 25, 1868
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
Annotations Text:

1868, Walt Whitman informed Ralph Waldo Emerson that "Proud Music of the Storm" was "put in type for my

William M. Evarts to Charles O'Conor, 28 November 1868

  • Date: November 28, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

What I may find it possible, or think it my duty to do, in regard to a personal participation in the

matter at Richmond, it is quite out of my power at present to determine; as my preparations for the ensuing

term of the Supreme Court of the United States, on special assignment, requiring my personal attendance

William M. Evarts to Richard H. Dana, Jr., 28 November 1868

  • Date: November 28, 1868
  • Creator(s): William M. Evarts | Walt Whitman

—The object of my present communication is to advise you of the probability of such a rule requiring

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