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Search : William White

3682 results

Whitman Making Books/Books Making Whitman

  • Date: 2005
  • Creator(s): Folsom, Ed

typesetting at the young age of twelve as an apprentice on the Long Island Patriot under the tutelage of William

By the end of August he had engaged the New York printer William E.

Hotten, meanwhile, advertised the book by associating Whitman with Swinburne and William Blake (whose

Redfield, like William E.

This printing was bound in half cream leather with red, green, black and white marbled paper; the spine

Re-Scripting Walt Whitman

  • Date: 2005
  • Creator(s): Folsom, Ed | Price, Kenneth M.

William White 1978 D-T Drum-Taps (New York: 1865 ) and Sequel to Drum-Taps (Washington: 1865-6 ).

Blodgett, Arthur Golden, and William White 1980 NUPM Notebooks and Unpublished Prose Manuscripts, ed.

From Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams to Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Allen Ginsberg; from Langston

Whitman's grandmother Amy Williams Van Velsor was especially committed to her Quaker beliefs, and her

He sometimes dreaded slave labor as a "black tide" that could overwhelm white working men.

The Walt Whitman Archive at Ten: Some Backward Glances and Vistas Ahead

  • Creator(s): Kenneth M. Price

None of our musings took concrete form, however, until after I had moved to the College of William &

Some of you may know that the brown site featured William Michael Rossetti's Poems by Walt Whitman and

biographical sketches of three of the most important figures—Horace Traubel, John Burroughs, and William

William Thomas, formerly the director of the Center for Digital History at the University of Virginia

All we know for certain about such projects as the The William Blake Archive The Complete Writings and

Whitman Speaks to a New Generation

  • Creator(s): Institute of Museum and Library Service

then again in the 1876 and 1881-1882 (and following) editions, as well as—in a cropped version—in William

William Reeder, Philadelphia. Courtesy Library of Congress.

Walt Whitman and the Earth: A Study in Ecopoetics

  • Date: 2004
  • Creator(s): Killingsworth, M. Jimmie

The environmental historian William Cronon, on whom Buell relies, is no doubt right in suggesting that

The spider of Jonathan Edwards, the waterfall of Henry Vaughan, the waterfowl of William Cullen Bryant

And as to you corpse I think you are good manure, but that does not offend me, I smell the white roses

And it means, Sprouting alike in broad zones and narrow zones, Growing among black folks as among white

This grass is very dark to be from the white heads of old mothers, Darker than the colorless beards of

To Walt Whitman, America

  • Date: 2004
  • Creator(s): Price, Kenneth M.

Swinton's Rambles among Words , means "white man."

Wasn't he a white man?

has it—both white and black, both slave and master.

in American culture is white.

But the trapper is by no means unambiguously white.

Whitman: The Correspondence, Volume VII

  • Date: 2004
  • Creator(s): Genoways, Ted

Facsimile: WWR 24 (1978), [134], 133, ed. by William White. 1.

Facsimile: WWR 25 (1979), [182], ed. by William White. 1.

Facsimile: WWR 26 (1980), [40], with notes by William White. 1.

Facsimile: WWR 28 (1982), 108, ed. by William White; and Miller, 33.

White, WW’s February 28. From William H. Millis, Jr. landlady. Berg.

"What I Assume You Shall Assume":The Whitman Archive and the Challenge of Integrating Different Open Standards

  • Date: 2004
  • Creator(s): Brett Barney | Kenneth M. Price

Large-scale digital thematic research collections such as the (as well as the William Blake , Dante Gabriel

Catalog of the Walt Whitman Literary Manuscripts in The Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature, The New York Public Library

  • Creator(s): Whitman, Walt, 1819-1892 | Bucke, R.M. | Burroughs, John

The correspondence includes two longer runs, one to William O' Connor and the other to his wife, Ellen

William O'Connor, author of The Good Gray Poet (1866), was one of Whitman's closest friends until an

Catalog of the Walt Whitman Literary Manuscripts in The Charles E. Feinberg Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman, 1839-1919, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

  • Creator(s): Whitman, Walt, 1819-1892

Johnston, William Douglas O'Connor, and Horace and Anne Montgomerie Traubel.; This catalog includes item-level

He first read Whitman's poetry in William M.

The Pragmatic Whitman

  • Date: 2002
  • Creator(s): Mack, Stephen John

Blodgett, Arthur Golden, and William White. 3 vols. New York: New York University Press, 1980.

philosophical tradition of American pragmatism, especially such pragmatists as Ralph Waldo Emerson, William

And so, mindful of William James's great pragmatic insight that "truth happens to an idea," I will test

Like William James's pragmatic theory of truth, Whitman's conception of judgment endlessly defers any

William James famously claimed that pragmatism is not a philosophy but a methodology only, not a closed

Whitman East & West: New Contexts for Reading Walt Whitman

  • Date: 2002
  • Creator(s): Folsom, Ed

Here are Whitman's words as transcribed by Williams: The Chinese don't progress.

Blodgett, Arthur Golden, and William White, 3 vols. (New York: New York University Press, 1980).

Carlos Williams, Allen Ginsberg, Charles Olson, D.

William Cookson (New York: New Directions, 1973), 145.

After observing that "the lush white flowers" on the ground beneath a wild azalea "have not begun to

Whitman East & West: New Contexts for Reading Walt Whitman

  • Date: 2002
  • Creator(s): Folsom, Ed

Here are Whitman’s words as transcribed by Williams: The Chinese don’t progress.

Blodgett, Arthur Golden, and William White, 3 vols. (New York: New York University Press, 1980).

Carlos Williams, Allen Ginsberg, Charles Olson, D.

William Cookson (New York: New Directions, 1973), 145. 6.

Williams, William Carlos, 9 in tension with his chauvinism, Wills, Garry, 141n 163–166; and Japan, 161

Debating Manliness: Thomas Wentworth Higginson, William Sloane Kennedy, and the Question of Whitman

  • Date: 2001
  • Creator(s): Nelson, Robert K. | Price, Kenneth M.

In 1908 William Sloane Kennedy, one of Walt Whitman's close allies in his final years, wrote a barbed

Surprisingly, the restriction also emboldened Kennedy to attack Whitman's "dearest friends"—William Douglas

Since it was precisely the mailing of that was later banned, at least one of Whitman's friends, William

William White (New York: New York Univ. Press, 1978), 2, 289 n. 1515; and Correspondence , ed.

Debating Manliness: Thomas Wentworth Higginson, William Sloane Kennedy, and the Question of Whitman

Intimate with Walt: Selections from Whitman’s Conversations with Horace Traubel 1888-1892

  • Date: 2001
  • Creator(s): Schmidgall, Gary

William R.

Note: William W. Thayer and Charles W.

Is it white or yellow or black or all three or none of them?

Douglas O’Connor How much I owe 6:135 There is hilarity 1:162 William will die 2:176 William says 3:

352 William is in 2:11 I wonder 3:55 William is one 3:562 William would talk 4:70 he had an ideal 5:166

Walt Whitman & the Irish

  • Date: 2000
  • Creator(s): Krieg, Joann P.

The unnamed author, whom Whitman seems to assume his readers will know, was William Carleton (1794–1869

Theodore Dreiser's An American Tragedy ), has been seconded by literary critics of the caliber of William

Rolleston, William Butler Yeats, and others in furthering an appreciation of Whitman among Europeans.

William M.

For some years William Tweed wielded great power in the state legislature.

The Evolution of Walt Whitman: An Expanded Edition

  • Date: 1999
  • Creator(s): Asselineau, Roger

Eldridge also introduced him to William D.

William Robinson, Brooklyn lad (Socratic nose) Aug.

Zunder, "William B.

White, "Thoreau's Opinion of Whitman," NEQ, VIII (June I935) 262-264.

Butler, I 5 Winter, William, Io5, 308 Williams, Francis Heward, 269 Zola, Emile, 248 Williams, Talcott

From Georgetown University's American Studies Crossroads Project

  • Creator(s): Elizabeth Lorang

I also knew that in some ways the College of William & Mary was ill-suited to undertake it.

Gross, College of William & Mary; Walter Grunzweig, University of Dortmund (Germany).

He has plans to develop an Iowa center for the project to complement the one at William & Mary.

Talks are currently underway at William & Mary to provide the with an expense budget.

This project has generated a high level of excitement at William & Mary.

A Whitman Chronology

  • Date: 1998
  • Creator(s): Krieg, Joann P.

Blod gett, Arthur Golden, and William White.)

William White. 3 vols. New York: New York University Press, 1978. EPF Early Poetry and Fiction.Ed.

William B.

White, William. "An Unknowri Check for Ed Whitman's Board." Walt Whitman Review 22 (June 1976): 91.

William, 85 Cottage Fund, 130, 156 Chapin, William, 73 Cox, G.

Biography of Horace Traubel

  • Date: 1998
  • Creator(s): Ed Folsom

Gertrude Traubel and William White. Carbondale: U of Southern Illinois P, 1982; Vol. 7. Ed.

Walling, William English. Whitman and Traubel . 1916. New York: Haskell House, 1969.

Traveling with the Wounded: Walt Whitman and Washington's Civil War Hospitals

  • Date: 1996
  • Creator(s): Murray, Martin G. | Price, Kenneth M., Folsom, Ed

America, already brought to Hospital in her fair youth—brought and deposited here in this great, whited

William J. Stone, on Meridian Hill near 14th Street.

Whitman also befriended a Wisconsin soldier, William Hugh McFarland.

Whitman befriended Wisconsin Volunteers William Hugh McFarland (seated, center) and Stephen M.

Photograph of William Bliss.

Walt Whitman & the World

  • Date: 1995
  • Creator(s): Allen, Gay Wilson | Folsom, Ed

This is what William Carlos Williams learned from Whitman, the natural cadence, the flow ofbreath as

Roger Asselineau and William White, eds.Walt Whitman in Europe Today (Detroit: Wayne State University

See Roger Asselineau and William White, eds., Walt Whitman in Europe Today (De troit: Wayne State University

See Asselineau and White, Walt Whitman, 1B-19. 1B.William White, ed., The Bicentennial Walt Whitman (

Mariolina Meliado-Freeth, "Walt Whitman in Italy," in Roger Asselineau and William White, eds., Walt

Constructing the German Walt Whitman

  • Date: 1995
  • Creator(s): Grünzweig, Walter

Kennedy, William O'Connor also wrote of personal contacts with Knortz.

-On the white, fleshy chest. . . . From the dark red-blonde flood of hair. . . .

William M. Rossetti (London: John Camden Hot ten, 1868).

William D.

William O'Connor to William Sloan Kennedy, 9 April 1886, Whitman Collec tion, Special Collections, VanPelt

Dollars and Sense in Collaborative Digital Scholarship: The Example of the Walt Whitman Hypertext Archive

  • Creator(s): Kenneth M. Price

At the time, I was teaching at the College of William & Mary, and one of my graduate students, Charles

First at William & Mary and now at Nebraska, I have had one or two students helping me (working a combined

Nelson, and Matt Cohen—were hired into full-time staff positions at William & Mary in Information Technology

Pete the Great: A Biography of Peter Doyle

  • Date: 1994
  • Creator(s): Murray, Martin G.

Their names can be found on the passenger list for the vessel William Patten .

They had two sons, Edward, a bricklayer, and William, a carpenter.

William R.

Whites ( ., 2: 308).

McLaughlin's mother); Katherine; William E.; and Henrietta.

Walt Whitman: The Centennial Essays

  • Date: 1994
  • Creator(s): Folsom, Ed

DN William White, ed., Daybooks and Notebooks (New York: New York University Press,1978), 3vols.

TV Sculley Bradley, Harold W Blodgett, Arthur Golden, William White, eds.,Leaves of Grass: A Textual

William H.

Eliot, and William Carlos Williams.

William C.

Whitman’s “Live Oak with Moss”

  • Date: 1992
  • Creator(s): Helms, Alan

To take only one example, shortly after Whitman was fired, William D.

hurry in and out, Not the air, delicious and dry, the air of the ripe summer, bears lightly along white

The Continuing Presence of Walt Whitman: The Life after the Life

  • Date: 1992
  • Creator(s): Martin, Robert K.

The white socks take on a fetishistic quality, as does the water of the shower.

To take only one example, shortly after Whitman was fired, William D.

Her most recent works are The Imaginary Lover, which won the 1986 William Carlos Williams Award from

Edited by William White. New York: New York University Press, 1978. - - . Leaves ofGrass. 1855 ed.

Blodgett, Arthur Golden, and William White. New York: New York University Press, 1980. - - .

Whitman in His Own Time

  • Date: 1991
  • Creator(s): Myerson, Joel

Gilder], The Lounger 66 William H.

Gertrude Traubel and William White; Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1982), 7July 1890

Garrison William H.

William T.

His hair was perfectly white.

Selected Letters of Whitman

  • Date: 1990
  • Creator(s): Miller, Edwin Haviland

A friend of mine, William D.

William E.]

William Michael Rossetti (1829-1919).

William F.Channing (1820-r9or), the brother-in-law of Ellen O'Connor and son of William Ellery Channing

William White (New York: New York University Press, 1978), 2:424. 48.

Walt Whitman's “Song Of Myself”

  • Date: 1989
  • Creator(s): Miller, Edwin Haviland

William White. NUPM Notebooks and Unpublished Prose Manuscripts, ed. Edward F. Grier.

William M.

White, William M. "The Dynamics of Whitman's Poetry." The Sewanee Review, 80 (1972):347-60.

William White. New York: New York University Press, 1978. 3 vols. - - .

Blodgett, Arthur Golden, and William White.

Diary of Edmund Gosse: Sat. Jan. 3

  • Date: 1966
  • Creator(s): Edmund Gosse

Long white hair, open shirt, broad white hat lying around. Genial manner. "My friend."

Interpretation of the Poetry of Walt Whitman

  • Date: 1930
  • Creator(s): Pavese, Cesare

In his History of American Literature, William P.

dressed in white and olive-skinned girls with beautiful white teeth and flowers in their hair.

You don’t mess with William Kennedy!

Kennedy, William S. Fight of a Book for the World.

Kennedy, William S. Reminiscences of Walt Whitman. London: Alexander Gardner, 1896.

The Fight of a Book for the World

  • Date: 1926
  • Creator(s): William Sloane Kennedy

William D.

William M.

Translation by William E.

Emperor William I, 186. George William, 16.

William D., 98.

Personal Recollections of Walt Whitman

  • Date: June 1919
  • Creator(s): William Roscoe Thayer

Personal Recollections of Walt Whitman PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS OF WALT WHITMAN By William Roscoe Thayer

impressed you most was his face, with its fresh, pink skin, as of a child, and the flowing beard, white

His hair and beard are long and very white.

I shall long remember him with his white fleece, pink complexion, and friendliness.

So Walt's loafing around the White House was not wholly unremunerated.

Visits to Walt Whitman in 1890-1891

  • Date: 1917
  • Creator(s): J. Jonston, M.D. | J. W. Wallace

The full are lips partly hidden by the thick,white moustache.

He wrote a Life of William Blake, the artist,in thisway.

Richelieu is very old, bent, with white hair and and he ' ! !

Talcott Press Williams, Newspaper Office,Philadelphia.

Alma, 136 O'Connor, William D., 45, 77, 100, ; Mrs.

Visits to Walt Whitman in 1890–1891: Visit to Brooklyn

  • Date: 1917
  • Creator(s): John Johnston

several of the other pilots mentioned there—John Cole, pilot of the Union, who was a pilot still; George White

, Luther Smith, and Bill White, who died suddenly and alone at his post, in the very chair in which I

Visits to Walt Whitman in 1890–1891: First Visit to Camden, September 8th and 9th

  • Date: 1917
  • Creator(s): J. W. Wallace

His great head seen almost in profile, with its lofty and rounded dome, his long white hair and beard

O'Connor—the widow of Whitman's brilliant friends William O'Connor—had also been spending a few days

Visits to Walt Whitman in 1890–1891: In Camden

  • Date: 1917
  • Creator(s): John Johnston

linen with a great wide collar edged with white lace—the shirt buttoned about midway down his breast

The eyebrows are thick and shaggy with strong white hair, very highly arched and standing a long way

The full lips are partly hidden by the thick, white moustache.

Near the bed, under the blinded-up window, is the washstand—a plain wooden one, with a white wash-jug

Your William Black & Sons, of Edinburgh, produce some splendidly printed works.

Visits to Walt Whitman in 1890–1891: In Camden, October 15th to 24th

  • Date: 1917
  • Creator(s): John Johnston | J. W. Wallace

He wrote a Life of William Blake, the artist, in this way.

One day William O'Connor and I were coming along and we met Gurowski.

Richelieu is very old, bent, with white hair and beard, and he coughs 'ugh! ugh!

After leaving her I met Horace by appointment and we called on Talcott Williams at the Press office.

Frank Williams and we four." W. "And what did you do?" I said we had had dinner and talked, etc. W.

A Visit to Walt Whitman

  • Date: November 1909
  • Creator(s): William Hawley Smith

William Hawley Smith Our transcription is based on a photocopy of an original issue.

Walt Whitman: The Last Phase

  • Date: June 1909
  • Creator(s): Elizabeth Leavitt Keller

The only things that stood out vividly were the white pillow, and the placid face encircled with snowy

This, with its white wolfskin, surmounted the pile like a throne.

Personal Recollections of Walt Whitman

  • Date: June 1907
  • Creator(s): Ellen M. Calder

at the door of our room—which served both as dining and sitting room—was answered by my husband, William

The landlord was consulted, the room could be rented, and on the return of Walt and William from the

It was soon after that Whitman's old friend, William Swanton, who was war correspondent for one of the

Even so remote and unheard-of a subject as the white beard of Secretary Welles—then Secretary of the

William Henry Channing was living. They had often asked us to bring Whitman, and he and Mr.

Days with Walt Whitman

  • Date: 1906
  • Creator(s): Edward Carpenter


Edinburgh PREFACE \ AY firstacquaintance with Whitman's writings (William Rossetti's edition of the Poems

,always dragging somewhat his paralysed leg— at firstsight quite an old man with long grey, almost white

"White Horse," or Kirkwood, was the third or fourth station from Camden on the Camden and Atlantic line

mea- sured yet irregular roll of Whitman's lines to the onset of waves along a shore — now creeping white

Days with Walt Whitman: A Visit to Walt Whitman In 1877

  • Date: 1906
  • Creator(s): Edward Carpenter

always dragging somewhat his paralysed leg—at first sight quite an old man with long grey, almost white

"White Horse", or Kirkwood, was the third of fourth station from Camden on the Camden and Atlantic line

Philadelphia on those warm evenings) sitting out on the doorsteps—Whitman in the midst, in an armchair, his white

Whitman: A Study

  • Date: 1902
  • Creator(s): John Burroughs

The grown impression he early made upon such men as Emerson, Thoreau, William O Connor, Mr.

"Fihim better than last With pretty well, looking year. 54 WHITMAN his light-gray suit, and white

W. drives briskly, and salutes every person we meet, little and black and male and female. big, white

The upper over The eyelids droop considerably the eyeballs. which are hidden by the thick, white lips

XXVII William Rossetti his has a certain says language ultimate quality.

Reminiscences of Walt Whitman

  • Date: February 1902
  • Creator(s): John Townsend Trowbridge

One of the most prized of these was William Douglas O'Connor.

William Rossetti, who edited a volume of selections from Leaves of Grass for the British public, pointed

Had William Shakespeare left any authentic writings as empty of thought and imagination, and void of

Walt Whitman

  • Date: August 1900
  • Creator(s): Leon Mead

Moffit's caravansary, in Bulfinch Place, where William Dean Howells, with his family, and other literary

old rouge, Whitman, I'd give the planet Jupiter, if I owned it, in exchange for your physique, your white

Some Personal Recollections and Impressions of Walt Whitman

  • Date: February 1898
  • Creator(s): Thomas Proctor

cut according to his own fancy shockingly contrary to the very stiff and prim usage of the time, his white

as we faced the opposite bank of the stream, for a long distance it was broadly bordered in creamy white

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