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A Boston Ballad—1854

Below are all known versions of this work, organized by the section in which they appear on the Archive


Section: Published Writings

Leaves of Grass (1855)

Leaves of Grass, "Clear the Way There Jonathan!"

Leaves of Grass (1856)

Poem of Apparitions in Boston, the 78th Year of These States.

Leaves of Grass (1860–1861)

A Boston Ballad, the 78th Year of These States

Leaves of Grass (1867)

To Get Betimes in Boston Town

Leaves of Grass (1871)

Cluster: Leaves of Grass. (1871)

A Boston Ballad. (1854.)

Leaves of Grass (1891–1892)

Cluster: By the Roadside. (1891)

A Boston Ballad.

Section: Commentary

Review of Leaves of Grass (1855)

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