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Elias Hicks, Notes (such as they are)

Below are all known versions of this work, organized by the section in which they appear on the Archive


Section: Literary Manuscripts

The village of Jericho

an ardent temperament

Western Nicknames

The mob, the trial of Warren Hastings

On the Religion

I am describing

[for Elias Hicks]

Then my mother hastening

Hicks (1748–1830)

consent of all the other sects

The division took place

The Hicksite separation appears

Instructive, recurring back


opening of George Fox

[Often too in real size and value]

The Conscience - the moral one,

[for the Notes]

[George Fox]

[or even scientific values, having]

[even in the old attack]

[The following are but casual fragments]

[—while so many kings, generals, philosophers, poets]

[While the great composers Beethoven]

[Elias Hicks]

[Elias Hicks]

Section: Commentary

Whitman's Complete Works

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