This manuscript notebook contains a series of diary entries from December
1862 to December 1863. In the entries, Whitman keeps track of family
correspondence and of how he spent his days. He often mentions visiting
wounded and dying soldiers in Washington military hospitals. While the
whole notebook adds context to Whitman's writings about the Civil War,
there are two entries that can be directly linked to specific passages
in Whitman's published work. The entry from Monday, May 4th, 1863 (surface 12) mentions "4th Hooker's battles around Fredericksburg
to night the wounded begin to arrive from Hooker's command." This passage contributes to the section "The Wounded from
Chancellorsville" published in
Specimen Days & Collect
and retained in
Complete Prose Works
(1892). The entry from Wednesday,
September 16th, 1863 (surface number thirty-one), reporting the death of Lorenzo Strong, contributes to "Last of the War Cases" published
November Boughs
(1888) and
later retained in
Complete Prose Works
Whitman Archive Title: [There has been [Washington, Oct. 13, 1863]]
This manuscript is a partial draft of "Last of the War Cases," first published in
November Boughs
in 1888 and later in
Complete Prose Works
This diary entry is reflected in the section of
November Boughs
(1888) called "Last of the War Cases." The entry for May 6, 1864, mentions a Cunningham from Ohio, most certainly the Oscar Cunningham from this diary page. "Last of the War Cases" was first published as "Army Hospitals and Cases. Memoranda At the Time, 1863–66" in
Century Magazine
(October 1881), and was later included in
Complete Prose Works
A manuscript draft of "Army Hospitals and Cases: Memoranda at the Time, 1863–1866,"
Century Illustrated Magazine
(October 1888), a publication which incorporates material from the "'Tis but Ten Years Since" series (specifically the fourth through the sixth papers, which appeared in the
New York Weekly Graphic
on 21, 28 February, and 7 March 1874, respectively) and
Memoranda During the War
(1875–1876). However, this manuscript does not seem to have contributed directly to this earlier series of articles or to
. This manuscript seems to be composed of selections from a Civil War journal that Whitman compiled in preparation for the
piece, and which he also used in letters sent to his mother during the war. "Army Hospitals and Cases" was revised as "Last of the War Cases" in
November Boughs
(1888) before it appeared in
Complete Prose Works
Two manuscript leaves containing notes from Whitman's Civil War hospital
visits. These particular notes would later be included in "Army Hospitals and Cases: Memoranda at the
Time, 1863-66," published in
in October 1888. The piece would later
be revised and included in
as "Last of the War
Notes, written on an opened-up envelope addressed to Whitman and
postmarked August 1884, apparently indicating the page numbers of
Specimen Days & Collect
(1882–1883) on which appeared anecdotes that Whitman
hoped to incorporate into an article about Civil War hospitals. Such an
article, which uses some but not all of the anecdotes, appeared under
the title "Army Hospitals and Cases.
Memoranda at the Time, 1863–66" in
Century Illustrated Magazine
36 (October 1888), 825–830. When it was revised and
reprinted in
November Boughs
(1888) as Last of the War Cases: Memorandized at the time,
Washington, 1865–'66, the material from
Specimen Days & Collect
was omitted. This version was
also reprinted in
Complete Prose Works