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Literary Manuscripts



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Month & Day 1600-#-# to 2100-#-#
Month 1600-#-1 to 2100-#-31
Day 1600-01-# to 2100-12-#
Date (not after) : 1855
Date (not before) : 1850

110 results

Title Date (not before) Date (not after)
It were unworthy a live 1850 1855
It is the endless delusion 1850 1855
It is no miracle now 1850 1855
In the present state of 1850 1855
In the course of the 1850 1855
In metaphysical points 1850 1855
identical with the 1850 1855
I want no more of 1850 1855
I think I could dash 1850 1855
I tell you greedy smoucher 1850 1855
I shall venerate hours and 1850 1855
I see who you are 1850 1855
I last winter observed the 1850 1855
I know many beautiful things 1850 1855
I know as well as 1850 1855
I heat the hot cores 1850 1855
I entertain all the aches 1850 1855
I cannot guess what the 1850 1855
I can tell of the 1850 1855
I call back blunderers 1850 1855
I ask nobody's faith 1850 1855
I am not content now 1850 1855
I am become the poet 1850 1855
I am become a shroud 1850 1855
I am a Student 1850 1855
I am a curse 1850 1855
I admire a beautiful woman 1850 1855
How mean a person is 1850 1855
How gladly we leave the 1850 1855
The horizon's edge 1850 1855
His very aches are exstasy 1850 1855
hands are cut by the 1850 1855
halt in the shade 1850 1855
ground where you may rest 1850 1855
The Great Laws do not 1850 1855
Great are the myths 1850 1855
Give us men 1850 1855
The genuine miracles of Christ 1850 1855
The fester of defeat sharper 1850 1855
[Fa]bles, traditions 1850 1855
Enter into the thoughts of 1850 1855
The Elder Brother of the 1850 1855
Do you know what music 1850 1855
Do I not prove myself 1850 1855
Describing the death of nine 1850 1855
The crowds naked in the 1850 1855
cottonwood 1850 1855
clearing the way 1850 1855
Can ? make me 1850 1855
But when a voice in our hearing 1850 1855
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