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Literary Manuscripts

Marginalia and Annotations


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Annotations or Marginalia : marginalia

32 results

Title Date (not before) Date (not after)
A Defence of the Christian Doctrines of the Society of Friends 1838 1892
A Sermon Preached in the Central Reformed Protestant Dutch Church 1851 1892
A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers 1849 1892
A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers 1849 1892
Addison's Ode to Deity 1838 1892
Ascent of Mount Popocatapetl 1854 1892
Christopher under Canvass 1849 1892
Cultural Geography Scrapbook
Early Roman History 1850 1860
Fourier and His Ideas. 1850 1860
Imagination and Fact 1852 1892
Lessing's Laocoön 1851 1892
Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe 1846 1892
Modern English Poets 1851 1892
Mountain-visiting in East Tennessee 1857 1860
Mrs. Siddons as Lady Macbeth 1878 1892
Report of the Special Committee 1849 1892
Robert Chambers 1850 1860
Robert Southey 1847 1892
Settlers and Indian Battles
The Fair Pilot of Loch Uribol 1872 1892
The History of Long Island 1843 1892
The Indians in American Art 1856 1892
The Poet Laureate as Philosopher and Peer 1884 1892
The Ruins, or, Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires 1890 1892
The Slavonians and Eastern Europe 1849 1892
The Tragedies of Euripedes 1889 1889
The Vanity and the Glory of Literature 1849 1892
Tomb of the Martyrs 1841 1892
Typical American Canoes at the Annual Meet in Peconic Bay 1890 1892
we know of no beginning 1850 1860
Wednesday Evening, June 10 1850 1860
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