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  • Letters 5


  • 1861 5
Search : of captain, my captain!
Section : Letters
Year : 1861

5 results

William Wilde Thayer to Walt Whitman, 19 April 1861

  • Date: April 19, 1861
  • Creator(s): W.W. Thayer | William Wilde Thayer

Forest Hill April 19/61 My Dear Walt.

True I might not prove strong enough for much hard work but I could fire my gun once and die, for my

My dear Walt I am not yet conquered .

I have everything external to crush me and stinging poverty to freeze my heart, but my day is coming

God bless you my dear man.

Walt Whitman to James Russell Lowell, 2 October 1861

  • Date: October 2, 1861
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

, that whatever pieces are printed, I reserve the right to include them in any future collection of my

Harvey Jewell and C. S. Kendall to Walt Whitman, 6 February 1861

  • Date: February 6, 1861
  • Creator(s): Harvey Jewell and C. S. Kendall

Feb. 6, 1861 My dear Sir, Please find bill enclosed of 20.24 .

George Washington Whitman to Louisa Van Velsor Whitman, 28 June [1861]

  • Date: June 28, 1861
  • Creator(s): George Washington Whitman

'61 Camp Brooklyn near Baltimore June 28 My dear Mother Your letter and Walts came all right and glad

and down in the city but after ten O Clock it was as quiet as Brooklyn  Well good bye Mother  give my

Diary of George Washington Whitman, September 1861 to 6 September 1863

  • Date: September 1861; September 6, 1863
  • Creator(s): George Washington Whitman

LeGendre on the battle field perfectly unable to move  I took the blankets that I have strapped to my

all their Artillery and Baggage, and so ended the great battle of Fredericksburg which was lost in my

Straitened up my receipts  found the money all came out right to a cent, took a walk about the City  

July 12th  My Co was releived at 8 A.M. and were to act as a reserve for the other skirmishers  that

clothes, and took things comfortably as we were all completely tired out, and I made up my mind that

Annotations Text:

The following note appears at the top of this page in the diary: "[re]ceived my commission as [first

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