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  • Letters / Correspondence 4407


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4407 results

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 8 October 1871

  • Date: October 8, 1871
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

—I don't well know when my American Selection will be out: my work on it is done, & the rest depends

I sent on the copy of your works transmitted for "The Lady," after some little delay occasioned by my

seems very considerably impressed with the objects & matter of interest in London: I wish it might be my

Annotations Text:

previously published in Leaves of Grass, "Passage to India" was Whitman's attempt to "celebrate in my

My brain is too sensitive.

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 8 December 1867

  • Date: December 8, 1867
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

My dear Sir, Your letter of 22 Novr. reached me the other day thro' Mr. Conway .

I think the most convenient course may be for me first to state the facts about my Selection.

publisher told me that he projected bringing out a selection from your poems, & (in consequence of my

My Prefatory Notice explains my principle of selection to exactly the same effect as given in this present

I had previously given it a title of my own, "Nocturn for the Death of Lincoln"; & in my Prefatory Notice

Annotations Text:

editorial decisions, which included editing potentially objectionable content and removing entire poems: "My

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 6 October 1885

  • Date: October 6, 1885
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

It escaped me to mention in my previous letter that a Mr.

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 5 January 1886

  • Date: January 5, 1886
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

I look round the circle of my acquaintance for her equal.

I shall always esteem it a privilege to have borne my small share in testifying the respect & gratitude

My wife & children are away at Ventnor (Isle of Wight), as the London winter threatened to be too much

for my wife's delicate chest.

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 4 April 1876

  • Date: April 4, 1876
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

chance of enlisting purchasers at such high prices much diminished, I shd should already have drawn up my

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 31 March [1872]

  • Date: March 31, [1872]
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

My dear Mr.

gladly avail myself of so tempting an opening for saying that I am the same—& shall feel confident that my

indeed it cannot have needed telling—that you were a very principal subject of our discourse, & of my

friends amply share my feeling.

My vol. volume of Selections from American Poets doesn't seem likely to be published yet awhile.

Annotations Text:

editorial decisions, which included editing potentially objectionable content and removing entire poems: "My

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 28 February [1876]

  • Date: February 28, [1876]
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

been in frequent written com munication on this subject, &, if I hear from you in terms to warrant, my

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 25 August 1885

  • Date: August 25, 1885
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

The sums which have as yet come into my hands as Treasurer are £22.2.6.

Annotations Text:

Aldrich (1828–1908) was an ornithologist, a member of the Iowa House of Representatives, an infantry captain

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 17 November 1867

  • Date: November 17, 1867
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

My dear Sir, Allow me with the deepest reverence & true affection to thank you for the copy of your complete

My selection was settled more than a month ago, & is now going thro' the press .

I shall always hold it one of the truest & most prized distinctions of my writing career to be associated

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 17 December 1877

  • Date: December 17, 1877
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

October has been with me some little while, during wh. which my leisure has been of the scantiest.

You say: "I suppose you got my postals on sending the books to J.A. Rose."

To the best of my recollection I never did get these: I am aware however that as a matter of fact Rose

I feel ashamed for my colleagues the English men of the press that the Editor of the Examiner sh d .

all that he says about you: the rest of the book I have had to leave unread as yet, in the press of my

Annotations Text:

Whitman referred to Rossetti's edition as a "horrible dismemberment of my book" in his August 12, 1871

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 17 August [1877]

  • Date: August 17, 1877
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

The order (as you are aware) does not pass thro' my own hands.

Carpenter —who paid two long visits at my house, & whom I liked much, obtaining from him numerous details

G before now, but for incessant occupations, & in the last 2 mos. months much anxiety regarding my brother's

I shd should have said that the £4.12. was the only money now actually in my hands on your account.

Annotations Text:

Whitman referred to Rossetti's edition as a "horrible dismemberment of my book" in his August 12, 1871

Whitman: "Because you have, as it were, given me a ground for the love of men I thank you continually in my

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 16 December [1867]

  • Date: December 16, 1867
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

would have made me feel miserable were it not that before then the matter had already been set right, & my

My first letter to you was written too much from the impulse of the moment; &, finding soon after from

Not one syllable of any one of your poems, as presented in my selection, will be altered or omitted:

To be by your friendship is as great a satisfaction & distinction as my life has presented or ever can

acquiesce in the express views he takes of late years of particular questions wd be simply to abnegate my

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 15 June 1877

  • Date: June 15, 1877
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

Cozens, without waiting for actual receipt of the money— wh. which , as before stated, is in my hands

The only reason why, contrary to my usual practice, I have so long delayed sending it on to you is that

I enter into all these tiresome details because an explanation of my delay is due to you: but I fear

Adams my last news of your health, & enclosing also a copy of my last circular (summer of 1876) regarding

I can but repeat my delight in this prospect, were it to be realized, & my wife's hope & my own that

Annotations Text:

Whitman referred to Rossetti's edition as a "horrible dismemberment of my book" in his August 12, 1871

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 14 April [1875]

  • Date: [April 14, 1875]
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

trip with some friends, one of them being the daughter, whom I had known from childhood, of one of my

My wife is greatly interested in you & what concerns you, & bids me not fail to say that she "admires

that her sister, then perhaps barely 17 years of age, seemed more fascinated with your poems, when my

Last month I for the first time in my life faced a public audience (in Birmingham) to deliver a lecture—on

Annotations Text:

criticism . . . after full retrospect of his works and life, the aforesaid 'odd-kind chiel' remains to my

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 13 November 1885

  • Date: November 13, 1885
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

Since I wrote last to you little sums have been accumulating in my hands: I enclose an account of them

Annotations Text:

Rossetti of November 30, 1885, he has little positive to say about his health: "nothing new with me, only my

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 12 April 1868

  • Date: April 12, 1868
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

A glance at the Sunday Times notice recalls to my attention a sentence therein I sh.d should perhaps

Annotations Text:

30, 1868, Whitman informed Ralph Waldo Emerson that "Proud Music of the Storm" was "put in type for my

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 11 January 1886

  • Date: January 11, 1886
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

Dear Whitman, This note is written beforehand, in expectation of my paying-in tomorrow at a Post-Office

the £33.16.6. wh. which I named to you in my recent letter.

The postal order, on my obtaining it, will be enclosed herein, & dispatched to you.

Since the date of my last something further has come in: it will be accounted for at a future opportunity

On 13 Jany I expect to leave London, & stay some four weeks with my family at the Clarendon Hotel, Ventnor

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 1 January 1885

  • Date: January 1, 1885
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

Specimen Days vol. volume right thro: finding various new things, & continual pleasure in reviewing my

My mother is still with us—aged nearly 85: health & facul ties sound on the whole, but naturally bowed

I have also scanned with a good deal of attention (that of complete re-reading) my old & constant admiration

, the Leaves of Grass I observe that some edition (I think the Philadelphia edition is named, but my

is not under my hand at the moment for reference) is mentioned as the only final & complete form of Leaves

Annotations Text:

Whitman, late in life, said to Horace Traubel: "[I] take my Ruskin with some qualifications."

William M. Payne to Walt Whitman, April 7 1889

  • Date: April 7, 1889
  • Creator(s): William M. Payne

My dear Sir.

think of you, and I am sure that it affords me much more than that to give this personal expression to my

say entirely my own way, and put it unerringly on record."

In another place the feeling of pride leads to this exclamation: "My Book and I—what a period we have

These snowy hairs, my feeble arm, my frozen feet, For them thy faith, thy role I take, and grave it to

Annotations Text:

Whitman referred to Rossetti's edition as a "horrible dismemberment of my book" in his August 12, 1871

William Livingston Alden to Walt Whitman, 9 August 1867

  • Date: August 9, 1867
  • Creator(s): William Livingston Alden
Annotations Text:

Whitman referred to Rossetti's edition as a "horrible dismemberment of my book" in his August 12, 1871

William J. Linton to Walt Whitman, 3 October 1888

  • Date: October 3, 1888
  • Creator(s): William J. Linton

My answer to it has crossed the letter enclosing yours.

For myself, after some five years work on a book concerning my own especial art, I am now waiting the

William J. Linton to Walt Whitman, 21 August 1875

  • Date: August 21, 1875
  • Creator(s): William J. Linton

Aug: 21, 1875 My dear Whitman: First—how are you getting on?

William J. Linton to Walt Whitman, 19 May 1875

  • Date: May 19, 1875
  • Creator(s): William J. Linton

Box 1188 May 19, 1875 My dear Whitman, Why have I not written to you? Why has not Spring come?

William J. Linton to Walt Whitman, 1 July 1885

  • Date: July 1, 1885
  • Creator(s): William J. Linton

New Haven Conn: July 1, 1885 PO Box 489 My dear Whitman: I see by the papers that you may be going to

William J. Bok to Walt Whitman, 18 October 1890

  • Date: October 18, 1890
  • Creator(s): William J. Bok

.— My dear Mr.

William Ingram to Walt Whitman, 10 August 1888

  • Date: August 10, 1888
  • Creator(s): William Ingram

arrangements and returned and told him all about it which pleased him very much, he put his arms around my

another room and when it got close to the wall an oven door opened and in went the rod and pan with my

friend vanishing away like a snow flake before my eyes. that thought then as well as now crowded into

These are part of what thoughts were crowding in my brain as I stood watching for one hour till my friend

Cooper vanished away before my eyes. so I felt I must tell you that there is a new Crematory built in

William Harrison Riley to Walt Whitman, 5 March 1879

  • Date: March 5, 1879
  • Creator(s): William Harrison Riley

My dear Friend and Master, About twelve years since, I was in Boston and looking at the books of an old

In all my troubles and successes I have been strengthened by your divine teachings.

(My words seem utterly paltry and drivelling, and I am thoroughly ashamed of them.

My dear Master— do write to me—your faithful pupil and lover.

My will not prove my love, but could you have seen my work since I first read your divine Message—you

William Harrison Riley to Walt Whitman, 4 April 1879

  • Date: April 4, 1879
  • Creator(s): William Harrison Riley

George's Farm, Totley nr Sheffield, England. 4.4.79 My dear Friend and Guide.

Annotations Text:

He addressed Whitman as "My dear Friend and Master" in a letter on March 5, 1879.

In all my troubles and successes I have been strengthened by your divine teachings."

Whitman, late in life, said to Horace Traubel: "[I] take my Ruskin with some qualifications."

William Harrison Riley to Walt Whitman, 2 April 1879

  • Date: April 2, 1879
  • Creator(s): William Harrison Riley

George's Farm, Totley, near Sheffield, England, 2.4.79 My dear Friend and Guide.

What I have in me to say to you on my own account cannot be uttered in any words.

You translated hitherto hidden languages for me; you opened my eyes, which had before been only partly

Annotations Text:

He addressed Whitman as "My dear Friend and Master" in a letter on March 5, 1879.

In all my troubles and successes I have been strengthened by your divine teachings."

Whitman, late in life, said to Horace Traubel: "[I] take my Ruskin with some qualifications."

William Harrison Riley to Walt Whitman, 13 May 1888

  • Date: May 13, 1888
  • Creator(s): William Harrison Riley

My friend Carpenter —one of your best friends—has sent me a copy of his "Songs of Labour"; containing

I cannot express my feelings in this Commercial language, when writing to people I love, and do not try

Annotations Text:

Whitman, late in life, said to Horace Traubel: "[I] take my Ruskin with some qualifications."

Whitman: "Because you have, as it were, given me a ground for the love of men I thank you continually in my

William H. Taylor to Walt Whitman, 21 June 1874

  • Date: June 21, 1874
  • Creator(s): William H. Taylor

Newark, New Jersey June 21st, 1874 My Dear Friend Your Letters & papers came duly at hand.

I left New York in Oct. 1868, and me and my Brother started A Milk Depot here And we until the Spring

When we separated and I commenced to Paddle my own Canoe: I have A small route And keep A Depot.

Enclosed you will find A Card which my friends say resembles your Humble Servant Very Much you shall

I suppose this is your last production: My Best Wishes from your friend, William H.

William H. Taylor to Walt Whitman, 15 June 1891

  • Date: June 15, 1891
  • Creator(s): William H. Taylor

No 321 High S t Newark New Jersey June 15th / 91 My Dear Friend Walt , I see by the papers that a short

Just reaching up to my Three score. I have been thinking how long since I saw you.

I have in my mind one, that is George Storms as you used to ride more with him than any one else: but

I hardly think I will find many of them but I will try my best to find some of them. in the meantime

William H. Riley to Walt Whitman, 28 February 1891

  • Date: February 28, 1891
  • Creator(s): William H. Riley

Dear Poet: The above lines I dedicate to you—my guide.

William H. Millis to Walt Whitman, 12 January 1865

  • Date: January 12, 1865
  • Creator(s): William H. Millis

My Dear Sir It is with the greatest pleasure that I seat myself to give you a few lines to let you know

Uncle I have got very near well. the wound in my chest has got nearly well.

Also my arm is geting along nicely but their is some slight pain yet but none to stop me from writing

William H. Millis Sr. to Walt Whitman, 9 January 1864

  • Date: January 9, 1864
  • Creator(s): William H. Millis Sr.

Friend Whitting, Sir, We received your kind and welcome letter inquiring for my boy Billy and in reply

William H. Millis, Jr. to Walt Whitman, 25 February 1875

  • Date: February 25, 1875
  • Creator(s): William H. Millis, Jr.

I hope you will excuse me for not writing sooner I have been laid up with a pain in my back ever since

I am agoing going to have it framed if nothing happens I want that Picture to remain in my family as

hopeing hoping this may find you improving in health .. also with much love & many thanks from myself & my

William H. Millis, Jr. to Walt Whitman, 20 January 1868

  • Date: January 20, 1868
  • Creator(s): William H. Millis, Jr.

My arm has come out in a sore were where one of the balls struck it it is so bad that it gives me much

urge him to give me a posison position I have some recomdation recommendation from Curtain of Pa & my


William H. Millis, Jr. to Walt Whitman, 16 February 1874

  • Date: February 16, 1874
  • Creator(s): William H. Millis, Jr.

My father & mother is still living in Bridgeville But myself & my little Family live near the capital

William H. McFarland to Walt Whitman, 11 November 1863

  • Date: November 11, 1863
  • Creator(s): William H. McFarland

I have neglected it so long I suppose you thought I had quit forgotten you, but I can asure you my Dear

your will I should be very happy to keep up a coraspandenc Now I will try and give you an account of my

morning changed cars there fore Pittsburg arrived there about noon I went to the Soldiers home and got my

about two months before that so in the evening I took the cars again and the next morning I arrived at my

estimated 15,000 Majority for the Union that is the home vote the copperheads are completely played out My

William H. Duckett to Walt Whitman, 20 December [1889]

  • Date: December 20, [1889]
  • Creator(s): William H, Duckett | William H. Duckett

let me have ten or Fifteen Dollars have been having pretty hard luck of late and find myself Broke My

William H. Ballou to Walt Whitman, 18 June 1888

  • Date: June 18, 1888
  • Creator(s): William H. Ballou

June 18 188 8 My dear Mr.

Whitman:— I read with sorrow of your severe illness and beg to offer my sympathy.

William Gardner Barton to Walt Whitman, 12 November 1876

  • Date: November 12, 1876
  • Creator(s): William Gardner Barton

My dear Sir;— Will you kindly favor me with your autograph, to go in company with others famous in word

William F. Jackson to Walt Whitman, 9 November [1890]

  • Date: November 9, [1890]
  • Creator(s): William F. Jackson

Walt Whitman, My dear Sir:— Your "Old Poets" in the November Number of the North American Review, I read

Pardon my sending you my thoughts, which, judging from the tone of your article I feel sure you will

William F. Channing to Walt Whitman, 19 March 1873

  • Date: March 19, 1873
  • Creator(s): William F. Channing

March 19, 1873 Walt Whitman Dear friend, By my sister Nell's request I send you today by mail the best

copy I could find of my Medical Electricity.

more pretentious books, published by medical electricilians electricians in this country who have made my

I wrote to my sister my haunting fear that you might use electricity prematurely & incautiously & I rejoiced

I for one have felt my indebtedness to you for great thoughts & words more than ever before.

William F. Bainbridge to Walt Whitman, 23 August 1865

  • Date: August 23, 1865
  • Creator(s): William F. Bainbridge

My Dear & Esteemed Freind I take the present opporutnity to write you these few lines to inform you that

any answer i think it very Strange i recived these two pictures and give one to wilson, and kept one my

William E. Vandemark to Walt Whitman 7 December 1863

  • Date: December 7, 1863
  • Creator(s): William E. Vandemark

not received the letter  I hope wen those few lines reach you they will find yo well i am quite well my

friday i was exazamend by the beast of dockters i would not go in the invalid corps so they send me to my

ridgement i am willing to go and try and do my duty thair and if the Rebs hit me a gen all rite i will

thair i have ben home sence i left Washington i wish yo would see dockter blis and have him to send my

write and let me know how yo are geting a long and how the boys is gets a long tel them i am going to my

William E. Vandemark to Walt Whitman, 7 April 1864

  • Date: April 7, 1864
  • Creator(s): William E. Vandemark

April 7/64— father i have been here to se yo and yo was not at home i leave my best wishes hoping yo

William E. Vandemark to Walt Whitman, 31 July 1863

  • Date: July 31, 1863
  • Creator(s): William E. Vandemark

Friend witman I now take the plesure of fulfilling my promace of writing to yo hoping to find yo en Joying

good hlth I am not very well i am worse now than wen i got out of bed i tore my wound acoming home the

i have been home i have had the docter and he ordered me to bathe in sider soaky i will hef to have my

better here than they do in washington I find a grate many that donte know me when i arrived in york my

cosin was thare and he brought me to my home it has ben rainy ever since I have been home— give my love

William E. Vandemark to Walt Whitman, 29 December 1863

  • Date: December 29, 1863
  • Creator(s): William E. Vandemark

yo and i was glad to here from yo i am not very well and have not ben for some time i have pain in my

head and breast i think the clorform that i have taken is the caus of it my hip is very painful to day

i was exasamend i think that i will go before the board in a day or two i may get my discharge i have

hurd that my ridgement is going home for the winter to recruit thair is only 17 men left inny more for

could get detailed in washington at some thing that i coud do i woud be very glad and would try to do my

William E. Vandemark to Walt Whitman, 25 December 1863

  • Date: December 25, 1863
  • Creator(s): William E. Vandemark

news here we had a good dinner here to day father yo must excuse me for not writing a long letter for my

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