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Search : William White

3682 results

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 1 February 1891

  • Date: February 1, 1891
  • Creator(s): William Sloane Kennedy

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 1 February 1891

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, [22 August 1891]

  • Date: [August 22, 1891]
  • Creator(s): William Sloane Kennedy

Kennedy see notes Dec 19 1891 William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, [22 August 1891]

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 30 October 1891

  • Date: October 30, 1891
  • Creator(s): William Sloane Kennedy

Kennedy William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 30 October 1891

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, [3] April 1891

  • Date: April [3], 1891
  • Creator(s): William Sloane Kennedy

WS Kennedy William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, [3] April 1891

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 20 September 1891

  • Date: September 20, 1891
  • Creator(s): William Sloane Kennedy

W S Kennedy William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 20 September 1891

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 21 January [1889]

  • Date: January 21, [1889]
  • Creator(s): William Sloane Kennedy

W S K William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 21 January [1889]

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 13 December 1888

  • Date: December 13, 1888
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman | William Sloane Kennedy

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 13 December 1888

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 16 February 1884

  • Date: February 16, 1884
  • Creator(s): William Sloane Kennedy

polished mirror of the sand, how deftly the wind took each wave and tossed back from it a helmet-crest of white

implicated in the general tissue of the whole,—but what wd would you say to omitting the fourth line—white-maned

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 16 February 1884

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 27 February 1889

  • Date: February 27, 1889
  • Creator(s): William Sloane Kennedy

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 27 February 1889

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 7 March 1888

  • Date: March 7, 1888
  • Creator(s): William Sloane Kennedy

Kennedy William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 7 March 1888

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, [2 January 1886]

  • Date: January 2, 1886
  • Creator(s): William Sloane Kennedy | Walt Whitman

Kennedy Whitman wrote another letter on the back of Kennedy's letter, and forwarded the whole to William

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, [2 January 1886]

Reminiscences of Walt Whitman

  • Date: 1896
  • Creator(s): William Sloane Kennedy

.^ BY WILLIAM SLOANE KENNEDY " WholoveaMan seehis here." may imagJ.R.LOWELL.

William Wesselhoeft. The result of of two months' generous work by Mr.

Channing gives himself almost entirely up to William's care and treatment.

William's blood boiled at the covert malignancy dis- in his Bazar played by [T.W.]

Don't know of [my grandmother Amy] Williams having any blood never heard ab't that.

The Fight of a Book for the World

  • Date: 1926
  • Creator(s): William Sloane Kennedy

William D.

William M.

Translation by William E.

Emperor William I, 186. George William, 16.

William D., 98.

William S. Walsh to Walt Whitman, 17 March 1889

  • Date: March 17, 1889
  • Creator(s): William S. Walsh

Best wishes and kindest regards from your friend William S. Walsh to Walt Whitman, 17 March 1889

William S. Walsh to Walt Whitman, 16 September 1886

  • Date: September 16, 1886
  • Creator(s): William S. Walsh

Yours very truly Wm William S. Walsh W.S. Walsh William S. Walsh to Walt Whitman, 16 September 1886

Personal Recollections of Walt Whitman

  • Date: June 1919
  • Creator(s): William Roscoe Thayer

Personal Recollections of Walt Whitman PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS OF WALT WHITMAN By William Roscoe Thayer

impressed you most was his face, with its fresh, pink skin, as of a child, and the flowing beard, white

His hair and beard are long and very white.

I shall long remember him with his white fleece, pink complexion, and friendliness.

So Walt's loafing around the White House was not wholly unremunerated.

William Roscoe Thayer to Walt Whitman, 12 October 1885

  • Date: October 12, 1885
  • Creator(s): William Roscoe Thayer

French cooks poke their white caps from the kitchen windows of costly villas, and French millinery adorns

Very truly William R. Thayer. P.S.

William Roscoe Thayer to Walt Whitman, 12 October 1885

William Robinson to Walt Whitman, On or Before 6 December [1891?]

  • Date: On or Before December 6, [1891?]
  • Creator(s): William Robinson

Truly yours, Wm Robinson Wm Robinson (ask'g autograph) William Robinson to Walt Whitman, On or Before

William Rideing to Walt Whitman, 17 October 1890

  • Date: October 17, 1890
  • Creator(s): William Rideing

Yours Faithfully William H. Rideing tman Esq.

William Rideing to Walt Whitman, 17 October 1890

William R. Thayer to Walt Whitman, 26 June 1883

  • Date: June 26, 1883
  • Creator(s): William R. Thayer

Yours truly William R. Thayer To Walt Whitman, Esq. Camden, N.J. William R.

William R. Hearst to Walt Whitman, 21 December 1890

  • Date: December 21, 1890
  • Creator(s): William R. Hearst

Hearst William R. Hearst to Walt Whitman, 21 December 1890

William Payne to Walt Whitman, 16 July 1890

  • Date: July 16, 1890
  • Creator(s): William Payne

I have the honor to be, Sir, your faithful admirer & Servant, William Payne.

To Walt Whitman Esq North America William Payne to Walt Whitman, 16 July 1890

William Payne to Walt Whitman, 19 June 1890

  • Date: June 19, 1890
  • Creator(s): William Payne

you will excuse the great liberty I take & subscribe myself your very obedient & admiring servant William

Payne Treasurer of the Burrough of Portsmouth William Payne to Walt Whitman, 19 June 1890

The Walt Whitman Archive: The Body of Work Electric

  • Creator(s): William Pannapacker

The site also includes transcriptions (but not facsimiles) of the two British editions compiled by William

vast quantity of music inspired by Whitman (e.g., the settings of Charles Ives and Ralph Vaughan Williams

the most active supporters of Whitman during his lifetime—Richard Maurice Bucke, John Burroughs, William

William O. McDowell to Walt Whitman, 21 August 1891

  • Date: August 21, 1891
  • Creator(s): William O. McDowell

McDowell The Enclosed letter settles many things ahead of elaborate publicity see notes Dec 14 1891 William

William Mullery to Walt Whitman, 21 October 1864

  • Date: October 21, 1864
  • Creator(s): William Mullery

I remain Truly & Respectfully Yours Much Obliged William Mullery to Walt Whitman, 21 October 1864

William Morton Fullerton to Walt Whitman, 1 August 1887

  • Date: August 1, 1887
  • Creator(s): William Morton Fullerton

intellectual stimulus that your poems have given to me, I am Most faithfully yours, Wm Morton Fullerton William

William Mills to Walt Whitman, 15 February 1880

  • Date: February 15, 1880
  • Creator(s): William Mills

Yours affectionately William Mills William Mills to Walt Whitman, 15 February 1880

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 16 December [1867]

  • Date: December 16, 1867
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

Price Elizabeth Lorang Ashley Lawson Kathryn Kruger William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 16 December

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 17 November 1867

  • Date: November 17, 1867
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

Price Elizabeth Lorang Ashley Lawson Kathryn Kruger William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 17 November

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 12 April 1868

  • Date: April 12, 1868
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

Rossetti William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 12 April 1868

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 8 December 1867

  • Date: December 8, 1867
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 8 December 1867

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 9 January 1870

  • Date: January 9, 1870
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

Price Elizabeth Lorang Ashley Lawson Kathryn Kruger William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 9 January

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 8 October 1871

  • Date: October 8, 1871
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

Rossetti Oct. 8 see notes Dec 24 1888 William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 8 October 1871

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 28 February [1876]

  • Date: February 28, [1876]
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

Rosetti Feb. 28 '76 ans March 17 William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 28 February [1876]

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 14 April [1875]

  • Date: [April 14, 1875]
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

April 14, '75 William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 14 April [1875]

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 9 July 1871

  • Date: July 9, 1871
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

Rossetti Rossetti July 9 '71 see notes May 10 1888 William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 9 July 1871

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 4 April 1876

  • Date: April 4, 1876
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 4 April 1876

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 31 March [1872]

  • Date: March 31, [1872]
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 31 March [1872]

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 15 June 1877

  • Date: June 15, 1877
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

Rossetti Finished 22 June William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 15 June 1877

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 13 November 1885

  • Date: November 13, 1885
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

Rossetti see notes Sept 16 1888 William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 13 November 1885

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 6 October 1885

  • Date: October 6, 1885
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

Rossetti. from W M Rossetti 6 Oct. '85 | enclosing p o order £37.12 William Michael Rossetti to Walt

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 1 January 1885

  • Date: January 1, 1885
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

respect & regard of Yours always W M Rossetti from Rossetti | Jan 1 '85 see notes July 6 & 8 1888 William

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 17 December 1877

  • Date: December 17, 1877
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

Rossetti William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 17 December 1877

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 5 January 1886

  • Date: January 5, 1886
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

Liverpool to New York. first instalment from W M Rossetti free will offering see notes Sept 7 & 9–1888 William

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 17 May 1886

  • Date: May 17, 1886
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

Most truly yours, WM Rossetti Letter from Rossetti May 17. '86 £29.18.3 fifth instalment installment William

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 17 August [1877]

  • Date: August 17, 1877
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 17 August [1877]

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 11 January 1886

  • Date: January 11, 1886
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

Rossetti recd Jan: 25 '86 £33.16.6 William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 11 January 1886

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 25 August 1885

  • Date: August 25, 1885
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti

Rossetti William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 25 August 1885

Anna Gilchrist: Her Life and Writings

  • Date: 1887
  • Creator(s): Herbert Harlakendend Gilchrist | Anna Gilchrist | William Michael Rossetti

Gilchrist,1884 . .11^ William Blake.


[William] Jan.

William M.

Etty, William, R.

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