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Search : William White

3682 results

William O. McDowell to Walt Whitman, 21 August 1891

  • Date: August 21, 1891
  • Creator(s): William O. McDowell

McDowell The Enclosed letter settles many things ahead of elaborate publicity see notes Dec 14 1891 William

Charles L. Heyde to Walt Whitman, 29 July [1891]

  • Date: July 29, [1891]
  • Creator(s): Charles L. Heyde

How dreadfull she looks— wan and allmost entirely help less her thin gray—allmost white hair.

Walt Whitman to William Sloane Kennedy, 18 July 1891

  • Date: July 18, 1891
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

badly, but getting along better than you w'd think— Love to you & frau — Walt Whitman Walt Whitman to William

Dr. John Johnston to Walt Whitman, 15 July 1891

  • Date: July 15, 1891
  • Creator(s): Dr. John Johnston

This morning I read a short letter from your friend Talcott Williams acknowledging rec t of the facsimile

Walt Whitman to Richard Maurice Bucke, 10 July 1891

  • Date: July 10, 1891
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
Annotations Text:

Congress Hotel in Cape May—a favorite vacation spot for former U.S. presidents—as the first "summer White

House," since the actual White House was undergoing renovations involving the installation of electricity

Richard Maurice Bucke to Walt Whitman, 8 July 1891

  • Date: July 8, 1891
  • Creator(s): Richard Maurice Bucke
Annotations Text:

Bucke was a passenger on the SS Britannic, an ocean liner belonging to the White Star Line, traveling

Walt Whitman to William Sloane Kennedy, 7 July 1891

  • Date: July 7, 1891
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman to William Sloane Kennedy, 7 July 1891

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 4 July 1891

  • Date: July 4, 1891
  • Creator(s): William Sloane Kennedy

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 4 July 1891

Richard Maurice Bucke to Walt Whitman, 1 July 1891

  • Date: July 1, 1891
  • Creator(s): Richard Maurice Bucke

"White Star S.S. Brittanic N. Y.["] I will send you a word the last thing as I sail out to sea.

Walt Whitman to James W. Wallace, 30 June 1891

  • Date: June 30, 1891
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
Annotations Text:

Bucke was a passenger on the SS Britannic, an ocean liner belonging to the White Star Line, traveling

Richard Maurice Bucke to Walt Whitman, 21 June 1891

  • Date: June 21, 1891
  • Creator(s): Richard Maurice Bucke

Shall leave here two weeks today and sail by White Star S. Britannic 7 a.m. wednesday 8 July.

James W. Wallace to Walt Whitman, 19 June 1891

  • Date: June 19, 1891
  • Creator(s): James W. Wallace

It's strong contrasts of black & white (no half tones) & the peculiar disposition of the lights are very

Walt Whitman to William Sloane Kennedy, 18 June 1891

  • Date: June 18, 1891
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

horrible hot spell (sudden change)—am sitting here by window as usual— Walt Whitman Walt Whitman to William

Dr. John Johnston to Walt Whitman, 17 June 1891

  • Date: June 17, 1891
  • Creator(s): Dr. John Johnston

Gilchrist Talcot Williams O'Dowd Sarrazin S. Kennedy Miss Whitman Dr Longaker Capt Howell H. L.

Walt Whitman to Richard Maurice Bucke, 16 June 1891

  • Date: June 16, 1891
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Whitman wrote this letter to Bucke on the back of the final page of a letter he had received from William

William H. Taylor to Walt Whitman, 15 June 1891

  • Date: June 15, 1891
  • Creator(s): William H. Taylor

them. in the meantime I wish you many happy Birth Days , and you may believe me as ever your friend William

William H. Taylor to Walt Whitman, 15 June 1891

Dr. John Johnston to Walt Whitman, 11 June 1891

  • Date: June 11, 1891
  • Creator(s): Dr. John Johnston

Longaker, Horace Traubel & his bride (married in your room, Warry tells us) Talcott Williams, David McKay

Walt Whitman to Edward Carpenter, 5 June 1891

  • Date: June 5, 1891
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

June 5 '91 Thanks, dear friend—& thanks, friends Bessie & Isabella Ford, R D Roberts of Cambridge, & William

Dr. John Johnston to Walt Whitman, 3 June 1891

  • Date: June 3, 1891
  • Creator(s): Dr. John Johnston

sycamores & mountain ashes, overlooking a wide expanse of pastoral country dotted with old time, grey & white

In the middle distance lay the lake, to purple waters sparkling in the sunshine & rippling in tiny white-crested

At our feet lay the white roadway & the grey stone work of the low-arched bridge at one end of which

Upon the lovely landscape the sun shone with dazzling effulgence from out the white-cloud-flecked empyrean

Walt Whitman to William Sloane Kennedy, 27 May 1891

  • Date: May 27, 1891
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

the invisible wind is mainly the same—all this—Keep all this for your own uses— W W Walt Whitman to William

Walt Whitman to William Sloane Kennedy, 22 May 1891

  • Date: May 22, 1891
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

take medicine—am sitting here at present in my chair by window—warm weather— W W Walt Whitman to William

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 21 May 1891

  • Date: May 21, 1891
  • Creator(s): William Sloane Kennedy

I wrote Idyl of the Lilac other day Tues paper p7 see notes May 22 1891 William Sloane Kennedy to Walt

Edward Carpenter to Walt Whitman, 20 May 1891

  • Date: May 20, 1891
  • Creator(s): Edward Carpenter

Roberts of Cambridge; William, Arthur & Ethel Thompson; and myself) are sending on to you our usual birthday

William Thompson is lately married & is working a little at bookbinding for a trade.

Calvin H. Greene to Walt Whitman, 18 May 1891

  • Date: May 18, 1891
  • Creator(s): Calvin H. Greene

My children and grand-children—my white hair and beard, My largeness, calmness, majesty, out of the long

Dr. John Johnston to Walt Whitman, 16 May 1891

  • Date: May 16, 1891
  • Creator(s): Dr. John Johnston

We send you the Review of Reviews & Black & White P.P.S.

Annotations Text:

The Black & White: A Weekly Illustrated Record and Review was an illustrated British weekly periodical

In 1912, the Black & White was incorporated with another periodical, The Sphere.

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 12 May 1891

  • Date: May 12, 1891
  • Creator(s): William Sloane Kennedy

May 12 '91 see notes May 18 1891 William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 12 May 1891

Dr. John Johnston to Walt Whitman, 6 May 1891

  • Date: May 6, 1891
  • Creator(s): Dr. John Johnston

morning & especially the drive in the Country where the gardens are now all radiant with blossom—the white

the cherry & the plum (—the plum blossom appears before the leaves) & the sweetly delicate pink & white

Raymond Blathwayt to Walt Whitman, 6 May 1891

  • Date: May 6, 1891
  • Creator(s): Raymond Blathwayt
Annotations Text:

Rechel-White, "Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1809–1894)," (Walt Whitman: An Encyclopedia, eds. J.R.

Walt Whitman to William Sloane Kennedy, 5 May 1891

  • Date: May 5, 1891
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman to William Sloane Kennedy, 5 May 1891

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 1 May 1891

  • Date: May 1, 1891
  • Creator(s): William Sloane Kennedy

W.S.K Frau & I have bad colds. see notes May 2d 1891 William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 1 May 1891

Walt Whitman to William Sloane Kennedy, 30 April 1891

  • Date: April 30, 1891
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman to William Sloane Kennedy, 30 April 1891

Walt Whitman to Richard Maurice Bucke, 18 April 1891

  • Date: April 18, 1891
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
Annotations Text:

John White Alexander (1856–1915) was an American painter and illustrator, well known for his portraits

Raymond Blathwayt to Walt Whitman, 17 April 1891

  • Date: April 17, 1891
  • Creator(s): Raymond Blathwayt
Annotations Text:

Rechel-White, "Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1809–1894)," (Walt Whitman: An Encyclopedia, eds. J.R.

Will Carleton to Walt Whitman, 10 April 1891

  • Date: April 10, 1891
  • Creator(s): Will Carleton

William Smith, of Yorkshire, England. Author of "Old Yorkshire," and other interesting works.

Walt Whitman to Ellen M. O'Connor, [8 April 1891]

  • Date: [April 8, 1891]
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Nelly the magazine came all straight —We all like the story—so much in the turn of it reminds me of William

Dr. John Johnston to Walt Whitman, 4 April 1891

  • Date: April 4, 1891
  • Creator(s): Dr. John Johnston

I also send you this week's Black & White wh: contains a portrait of and article on Bismarck —one of

Annotations Text:

The Black & White: A Weekly Illustrated Record and Review was an illustrated British weekly periodical

In 1912, the Black & White was incorporated with another periodical, The Sphere.

Talcott Williams to Walt Whitman, 4 April 1891

  • Date: April 4, 1891
  • Creator(s): Talcott Williams

As ever devotedly yours Talcott Williams Please send answer in this envelope.

Talcott Williams to Walt Whitman, 4 April 1891

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, [3] April 1891

  • Date: April [3], 1891
  • Creator(s): William Sloane Kennedy

WS Kennedy William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, [3] April 1891

Sail out for good? for aye, O mystic yacht!

  • Date: 1890 or 1891
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

of me Heave the anchor short, Raise main-sail and jib—steer forth, for aye O little white-hull'd sloop

Walt Whitman to Richard Maurice Bucke, 30–31 March 1891

  • Date: March 30–31, 1891; March 30, 1891
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman | Unknown author

"The Brazen Andriod" is the curious title of a story by the late William D.

Annotations Text:

Harry's parents, George and Susan Stafford, were tenant farmers at White Horse Farm near Kirkwood, New

Walt Whitman to William Sloane Kennedy, 25 March 1891

  • Date: March 25, 1891
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

printed "Ship Ahoy" & have not rec'd any answer — best respects to frau Walt Whitman Walt Whitman to William

Walt Whitman to William Sloane Kennedy, 16 March 1891

  • Date: March 16, 1891
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman to William Sloane Kennedy, 16 March 1891

Marion Harry Spielmann to Walt Whitman, 16 March 1891

  • Date: March 16, 1891
  • Creator(s): Marion Harry Spielmann

"Black & White" 33, Bouverie Street, London, E.C. 16th March 189 1. Sir/.

Dr. John Johnston to Walt Whitman, 11 March 1891

  • Date: March 11, 1891
  • Creator(s): Dr. John Johnston

truly glorious day here—an easterly wind with bright sunshine, a beautiful blue sky with great snow-white

Walt Whitman to Herbert Gilchrist, 11 March 1891

  • Date: March 11, 1891
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
Annotations Text:

Harry's parents, George and Susan Stafford, were tenant farmers at White Horse Farm near Kirkwood, New

Henry S. Tuke to Walt Whitman, 9 March 1891

  • Date: March 9, 1891
  • Creator(s): Henry S. Tuke

book sent March 24 Swanpool Falmouth Cornwall England— March•9•1891• Dear Sir My friend Mr Gleeson White

Annotations Text:

Gleeson White, an Englishman Whitman described as a "middle-aged man very gentlemanly & pleasant," visited

William White (New York: New York University Press, 1978), 2:575.

Ellen M. O'Connor to Walt Whitman, 5 March 1891

  • Date: March 5, 1891
  • Creator(s): Ellen M. O'Connor

Kimball for the Life Saving Report of the year that William died.

Walt Whitman to Wallace Wood, 3 March 1891

  • Date: March 3, 1891
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
Annotations Text:

See William White's article in The American Book Collector, XI (May, 1961), 30–31, where Wood's second

William H. Riley to Walt Whitman, 28 February 1891

  • Date: February 28, 1891
  • Creator(s): William H. Riley

Wm Harrison Riley William H. Riley to Walt Whitman, 28 February 1891

Walt Whitman to William Sloane Kennedy, 26 February [1891]

  • Date: February 26, [1891]
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman to William Sloane Kennedy, 26 February [1891]

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