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  • Literary Manuscripts / Manuscript Catalogs 1654

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Sub Section : Literary Manuscripts / Manuscript Catalogs

1654 results

Hicks (1748–1830)

  • Date: about 1888

Occasional Pieces of Poetry

  • Date: about 1887–1888

To Printer

  • Date: 1888

The division took place

  • Date: about 1888

Instructive, recurring back

  • Date: about 1888

Though all the breeds

  • Date: about 1868


  • Date: about 1888

opening of George Fox

  • Date: about 1888

The village of Jericho

  • Date: between 1858 and 1888

an ardent temperament

  • Date: between 1858 and 1888

The Dead of This War

  • Date: 1865-1875

A terrible day & night

  • Date: 1869–1876

My Own Poems

  • Date: undated

To the Soul

  • Date: about 1874

Union Union!

  • Date: undated

Ward K Armory Sq. Hosp

  • Date: about 1864

Death of Gen. Grant

  • Date: ca. 1888

Interpolation Sounds

  • Date: ca. 1888

O Star of France

  • Date: ca. 1871

The new theologies bring forward

  • Date: Before or early in 1855

Why need genius and the

  • Date: About 1855

If you have in you

  • Date: between 1854 and 1870

Not to Dazzle

  • Date: Before or early in 1855

[Breast Sorrel]

  • Date: before 1859

[June 26 '59]

  • Date: about 1859

1848 New Orleans

  • Date: between 1848 and 1887

Rel ? outset

  • Date: between 1855 and 1868

[Poem of the Drum]

  • Date: about 1861

Poem of the Universalities

  • Date: Between 1850 and 1860

Poem of the Sunlight

  • Date: unknown

[His theory is]

  • Date: about 1883

One obligation of great fresh

  • Date: Before or early in 1855

I want no more of

  • Date: Before or early in 1855

[Let others say what they]

  • Date: about 1855

In Future Leaves of Grass

  • Date: 1855–1871

The East

  • Date: about 1882

Jan 12. Walter Whitman

  • Date: January 12, 1842

Walter Whitman, of Suffolk co.

  • Date: September 3, 1841

For example, whisper

  • Date: Before 1855

The test

  • Date: Before or early in 1855


  • Date: Before or early in 1855

Do you ask me

  • Date: Between 1850 and 1870

The regular time

  • Date: Between 1840 and 1860
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