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  • 1870 584
Year : 1870

584 results

Matthew F. Pleasants to G. G. Symes, 19 February 1870

  • Date: February 19, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to George S. Derby, 19 January 1870

  • Date: January 19, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to George Van Name, 16 April 1870

  • Date: April 16, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to George W. French, 18 January 1870

  • Date: January 18, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to H. Van Aernam, 22 July 1870

  • Date: July 22, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to Henry Whitall, 25 June 1870

  • Date: June 25, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to Henry Williams, 20 May 1870

  • Date: May 20, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to Isham Reavis, 18 January 1870

  • Date: January 18, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to J. A. Brents, 17 January 1870

  • Date: January 17, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to J. C. Webber, 13 July 1870

  • Date: July 13, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to J. E. Townsend, 18 March 1870

  • Date: March 18, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to J. H. Cole, 8 February 1870

  • Date: February 8, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to J. W. Denver, 15 April 1870

  • Date: April 15, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to James Brooks, 17 June 1870

  • Date: June 17, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to James Schouler, 20 April 1870

  • Date: April 20, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to Jasper Packard, 11 July 1870

  • Date: July 11, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to John A. Wills, 15 April 1870

  • Date: April 15, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to John C. Grisson, 4 April 1870

  • Date: April 4, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to John J. Copp, 28 February 1870

  • Date: February 28, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to John W. McGill, 21 July 1870

  • Date: July 21, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to Little, Brown, & Co., 17 January 1870

  • Date: January 17, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to Little, Brown, & Co., 2 April 1870

  • Date: April 2, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to Little, Brown, & Co., 25 March 1870

  • Date: March 25, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to Little, Brown, & Co., 29 March 1870

  • Date: March 29, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to M. D. Phillips, 4 February 1870

  • Date: February 4, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to Moses Hallett, 24 January 1870

  • Date: January 24, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to N. C. Briggs, 21 March 1870

  • Date: March 21, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to Publisher of the Nation, 22 March 1870

  • Date: March 22, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to R. H. Gillet, 2 November 1870

  • Date: November 2, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to R. S. Tharin, 24 March 1870

  • Date: March 24, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to R. W. Wright, 7 November 1870

  • Date: November 7, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to Reason Roberts, 9 February 1870

  • Date: February 9, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to Roger S. Greene, 18 July 1870

  • Date: July 18, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to Roger S. Greene, 31 October 1870

  • Date: October 31, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to S. F. Keyes, 19 January 1870

  • Date: January 19, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to S. H. Hammond, 16 February 1870

  • Date: February 16, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to S. Harwood, Jr., 6 January 1870

  • Date: January 6, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to S. Weldy, 24 February 1870

  • Date: February 24, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to Samuel Hepburn, Jr., 22 October 1870

  • Date: October 22, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to T. & J. W. Johnson & Co., 1 March 1870

  • Date: March 1, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to T. & J. W. Johnson & Co., 17 January 1870

  • Date: January 17, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to T. & J. W. Johnson & Co., 25 February 1870

  • Date: February 25, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to T. & J. W. Johnson & Co., 25 June 1870

  • Date: June 25, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to T. & J. W. Johnson & Co., 25 March 1870

  • Date: March 25, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to T. & J. W. Johnson & Co., 3 January 1870

  • Date: January 3, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to T. & J. W. Johnson & Co., 5 February 1870

  • Date: February 5, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to T. & J. W. Johnson & Co., 6 January 1870

  • Date: January 6, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to T. W. Tipton, 18 February 1870

  • Date: February 18, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to Thomas J. Durant, 17 February 1870

  • Date: February 17, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman

Matthew F. Pleasants to W. C. Sherrod, 1 July 1870

  • Date: July 1, 1870
  • Creator(s): Matthew F. Pleasants | Walt Whitman
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