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17778 items

Reform In Congress

  • Date: 23 April 1842
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

The Child-Ghost; A Story of the Last Loyalist

  • Date: May 1842
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Reuben's Last Wish

  • Date: May 21, 1842
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman to Nathan Hale, Jr., 1 June 1842

  • Date: June 1, 1842
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman to Nathan Hale, Jr., 14 June 1842

  • Date: June 14, 1842
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

A Legend of Life and Love

  • Date: July 1842
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

To Bryant, the Poet of Nature

  • Date: 26 July 1842
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

No Turning Back

  • Date: 14 August 1842
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

The Angel of Tears

  • Date: September 1842
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

The Reformed

  • Date: November 17, 1842
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Franklin Evans; Or, the Inebriate. A Tale of the Times

  • Date: November 23, 1842
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Review of Franklin Evans

  • Date: 23 November 1842
  • Creator(s): Anonymous

Lingave's Temptation

  • Date: November 26, 1842
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

The Madman

  • Date: January 28, 1843
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Death of the Nature-Lover

  • Date: 4 (11 March 1843
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Lesson of the Two Symbols

  • Date: 15 July 1843
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

The Love of the Four Students

  • Date: December 9, 1843
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

The History of Long Island

  • Date: After 1842; 1843
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman | Benjamin F. Thompson

far. Amongst this

  • Date: Between 1844 and 1846

Eris; A Spirit Record

  • Date: March 1844
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Tale of a Shirt: A Very Pathetic Ballad

  • Date: 31 March 1844
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

The Fireman's Dream

  • Date: March 31, 1844
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

Dumb Kate.—an Early Death

  • Date: May 1844
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

The Little Sleighers. A Sketch of a Winter Morning on the Battery

  • Date: September 1844
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

The Child and the Profligate

  • Date: October 1844
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman

whale—the sperm

  • Date: about 1860

[Poem of the Drum]

  • Date: about 1861

Poem of the Sunlight

  • Date: unknown

One obligation of great fresh

  • Date: Before or early in 1855

For example, whisper

  • Date: Before 1855

content to the ground

  • Date: between 1845 and 1860

is wider than the west

  • Date: Before or early in 1855

Mocking all the textbooks and

  • Date: Before or early in 1855

The most perfect wonders of

  • Date: Before or early in 1855

Nehemiah Whitman

  • Date: Between 1845 and 1861

American literature must become distinct

  • Date: Between 1845 and 1855

The only way in which

  • Date: Between 1845 and 1860

And to me each minute

  • Date: Between 1850 and 1855

A Soul Duet

  • Date: probably before 1855

left with Andrew

  • Date: 1854 or 1855

'The Scout'

  • Date: about 1855 or later

A poem which more

  • Date: 1845–1892

Banjo Poem

  • Date: 1845–1892

of Death—the song

  • Date: 1845–1892

poet of Materialism

  • Date: 1855 or earlier


  • Date: 1845–1892
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