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  • Post Reconstruction (1877-1887) 1677


Era : Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

1677 results

William D. O'Connor to Walt Whitman, 2 October 1884

  • Date: October 2, 1884
  • Creator(s): William D. O'Connor
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to the Commissioner of Pensions, 5 October 1884

  • Date: October 5, 1884
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to Talcott Williams, 9 October 1884

  • Date: October 9, 1884
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to Talcott Williams, 11 October 1884

  • Date: October 11, 1884
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to Talcott Williams, 12 October 1884

  • Date: October 12, 1884
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to Talcott Williams, 13 October 1884

  • Date: October 13, 1884
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Charles L. Heyde to Walt Whitman, 14 October 18[84]

  • Date: October 14, 18[84]
  • Creator(s): Charles L. Heyde
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

William C. Bryant to Walt Whitman, [16 October 1884]

  • Date: October 16, 1884
  • Creator(s): William C. Bryant | William C. Bryant/author>
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to William C. Bryant, [18 October 1884]

  • Date: October 18, 1884
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Hannah Whitman Heyde to Walt Whitman, 20 October 1884

  • Date: October 20, 1884
  • Creator(s): Hannah Heyde | Hannah Whitman Heyde
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Henry M. Alden to Walt Whitman, 22 October 1884

  • Date: October 22, 1884
  • Creator(s): Henry M. Alden | Horace Traubel
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Anne Gilchrist to Walt Whitman, 26 October 1884

  • Date: October 26, 1884
  • Creator(s): Anne Gilchrist
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Frederick York Powell to Walt Whitman, 1 November 1884

  • Date: November 1, 1884
  • Creator(s): Frederick York Powell
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Charles L. Heyde to Walt Whitman, 2 November 1884

  • Date: November 2, 1884
  • Creator(s): Charles L. Heyde
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to Thomas W. H. Rolleston, 3 November 1884

  • Date: November 3, 1884
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to Robert Pearsall Smith, 6 November [1884]

  • Date: November 6, 1884
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to Susan Stafford, 10 November [1884]

  • Date: November 10, 1884
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Mary Whitall Smith to Walt Whitman, 12 November 1884

  • Date: November 12, 1884
  • Creator(s): Mary Whitall Smith
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to Harry and Eva Stafford, 18 November 1884

  • Date: November 18, 1884
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to John H. Johnston, 18 November 1884

  • Date: November 18, 1884
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Charles L. Heyde to Walt Whitman, 25 November 1884

  • Date: November 25, 1884
  • Creator(s): Charles L. Heyde
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

John Addington Symonds to Walt Whitman, 28 November 1884

  • Date: November 28, 1884
  • Creator(s): John Addington Symonds
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to Talcott Williams, 14 December 1884

  • Date: December 14, 1884
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to Unidentified Correspondent, 16 December 1884

  • Date: December 16, 1884
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Anne Gilchrist to Walt Whitman, 17 December 1884

  • Date: December 17, 1884
  • Creator(s): Anne Gilchrist
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Charles L. Heyde to Walt Whitman, [20 December 1884]

  • Date: December 20, 1884
  • Creator(s): Charles L. Heyde
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Martha B. H. Williams to Walt Whitman, 21 December 1884

  • Date: December 21, 1884
  • Creator(s): Martha B. H. Williams
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to Blaine and Mary Donaldson, 25 December [1884]

  • Date: December 25, 1884
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to John H. Johnston, 28 December 1884

  • Date: December 28, 1884
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Edmund Gosse to Walt Whitman, 29 December 1884

  • Date: December 29, 1884
  • Creator(s): Edmund Gosse
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

John B. Robinson to Walt Whitman, 29 December 1884

  • Date: December 29, 1884
  • Creator(s): John B. Robinson
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to Edmund Gosse, 31 December [1884]

  • Date: December 31, 1884
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

William Michael Rossetti to Walt Whitman, 1 January 1885

  • Date: January 1, 1885
  • Creator(s): William Michael Rossetti
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to Ellen M. Abdy-Williams, 7 January 1885

  • Date: January 7, 1885
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to William Sloane Kennedy, 8 January 1885

  • Date: January 8, 1885
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

William Sloane Kennedy to Walt Whitman, 16 January 1885

  • Date: January 16, 1885
  • Creator(s): William Sloane Kennedy
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to Charles M. Skinner, 19 January 1885

  • Date: January 19, 1885
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to William D. O'Connor, [26 January 1885]

  • Date: January 26, 1885
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to William C. Skinner, 7 February 1885

  • Date: February 7, 1885
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to Joseph B. Gilder, 18 February [1885]

  • Date: February 18, 1885
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Charles L. Heyde to Walt Whitman, 19 February 1885

  • Date: February 19, 1885
  • Creator(s): Charles L. Heyde
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

George Herbert Palmer to Walt Whitman, 20 February 1885

  • Date: February 20, 1885
  • Creator(s): George Herbert Palmer
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to Talcott Williams, 20 February [1885]

  • Date: February 20, 1885
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Thomas Jefferson Whitman to Walt Whitman, 23 February 1885

  • Date: February 23, 1885
  • Creator(s): Thomas Jefferson Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Charles L. Heyde to Walt Whitman, 27 February 1885

  • Date: February 27, 1885
  • Creator(s): Charles L. Heyde
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Anne Gilchrist to Walt Whitman, 27 February 1885

  • Date: February 27, 1885
  • Creator(s): Anne Gilchrist
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Walt Whitman to Alma and John H. Johnston, 4 March 1885

  • Date: March 4, 1885
  • Creator(s): Walt Whitman
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

John Boyle O'Reilly to Walt Whitman, 5 March 1885

  • Date: March 5, 1885
  • Creator(s): John Boyle O'Reilly
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

William D. O'Connor to Walt Whitman, 7 March 1885

  • Date: March 7, 1885
  • Creator(s): William D. O'Connor
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)

Gabriel Harrison to Walt Whitman, 10 March 1885

  • Date: March 10, 1885
  • Creator(s): Gabriel Harrison
  • Era: Post Reconstruction (1877-1887)
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